Valve Planning Some Kind of Hardware Production For Early 2013

Tidbits fed to Engadget reveal a bit more about what the company might have in mind.


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Valve is usually a company known for making quality games, such as the unforgettable Portal 2 and the awesome Left 4 Dead series.  But pretty soon, they might become known for more than that.

After kicking off a way to stream Steam games to TV a few days ago, the company is now planning some kind of hardware manufacturing, though it could be anyone’s guess what it is.  A Steam console, perhaps?

Valve’s Jeri Ellsworth spoke a bit with Engadget about the company’s hardware division, stating that their main priority is hiring the right kind of people.  However, she also unveiled that a production line is in place for a run of products of some kind, with betas that could be announced as soon as within a few days’ time.  Again, nothing confirmed, but the company’s definitely up to something.

We’ll find out more as we learn what Valve is up to.  Meanwhile, anyone want to join us for a round of Portal 2?  We miss co-op.


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Prima Games Staff

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