Things We Can’t Wait To Do At PAX Prime

It's time to have some fun in Seattle.

Consider this your, ahem, PAX Prime-r. In just a couple of days, one of the biggest gamer-oriented expos will take place in Seattle with thousands of nerds and geeks checking out the latest games, attending live panels and performances, and partying like they just don’t care.

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PAX Prime is a celebration of all things gaming, both mainstream and independent, paying tribute to hardcore Halo players and those who prefer traditional battle board games alike. It brings out a number of great events and showcases for everyone to check out and there are even a few parties to go to if you’re feeling like getting insane with your peers over some drinks. (21 and over, of course.)


With that, we’ve put together a list of stuff that we can’t wait to do once we get to the big event. We’ll be covering it for you here at Prima Games, letting you know all the cool news and previews of stuff you need to see in the months ahead. If you’re going in person (and if you’re smart, you are) we suggest taking the following actions to get the most out of the event. No need to thank us, we’re just helping our fellow geeks out…


Attend the Gearbox Panel


PAX Prime has a number of panels that you shouldn’t miss, including Mega 64’s wild hour of shenanigans and an awesome Twisted Tales event featuring a number of likable characters (and Max Scoville — ha!). But if there’s one panel that’s an absolute party in itself, it’s Gearbox’s panel.


Taking place on Sunday afternoon at 4 PM in the Pegasus Theater, this panel will fill up rather quickly. The popularity is not only because of the promise of free pizza (Gearbox fronts the cost themselves) but also because last year everyone who attended got a free copy of Borderlands 2. We can only guess what they’ll give away this year.


But seriously, Randy Pitchford and his crew will have plenty to talk about during the showcase, including new exclusive items for both Borderlands 2 and Aliens: Colonial Marines and a few other surprises.  David Eddings, the voice of Claptrap, will probably say, “Look, I’m DANCIN’!” somewhere over the course of the show – that’s almost worth being there in and of itself!


The Metal Gear Surprise


On Saturday around 1:00 PM at the Paramount Theater (which is a close walk from the Convention Center where PAX is being held) Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima will take the stage to discuss the past and present of the series. But what’s really interesting about this panel is that there’s promise of an announcement that will “shock” the industry and may even change the face of the Metal Gear brand as we see it. And no, it’s got nothing to do with Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.


We have a few guesses as to what Kojima is planning. An online MMO? A new version of the classic 8-bit game? Metal Gear Solid 5? Perhaps even a kart racing game? Whatever it is, you don’t want to miss this legendary get-together. Not only will you be in the presence of a gaming icon, but you may even get your question answered as well. Such as, “Why is Raiden running around naked, anyway?”


Um, How About Some Games?


Everyone who’s anyone in the AAA gaming industry will be attending PAX Prime this year while bringing their games in tow. Nintendo will be unveiling Wii U games for the first time in a public expo (not a private show like E3) so that everyone can try out Pikmin 3 and New Super Mario Bros. U. Sega will have several games at their booth, including Sonic Adventure 2 HD and NiGHTS Into Dreams HD for the first time. Sony will bring PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time among other hits. Microsoft will unveil a few surprising Xbox Live Arcade titles and the anticipated Halo 4, along with Tomb Raider and some Gears of War: Judgment goodies.


Along with the top-of-the-line console titles, there will also be a huge focus on independent games. Many independent developers will be on hand to show off their new stuff and favorites like The Behemoth and Twisted Pixel will also make a return. You can bet you’ll find Retro City Rampage somewhere on the show floor as well, maybe even with that rumored Donkey Kong homage character.


Then there is the PAX 10, an elite group of independent games that are getting the official nod from the show organizers. These include such wonders as Cannon Brawl, Puzzlejuice, The Bridge and many more that you’ll be able to try out for the first time and talk with the developers. Who would want to miss an opportunity like that?!


Don’t Be a Jerk — Make Friends!


One huge aspect of PAX Prime is the outpouring from the community. It’s not just the industry bigwigs who hustle their way down the halls but thousands of folks who run small podcasts and websites or make a name for themselves on Facebook and Twitter. These are events where you can rub elbows with these folks and talk nerdy with them. We’ve seen new business ventures come out of these shows, with people working together in unlikely partnerships. Heck, we’ve even seen couples hook up. (That’s more of a long-shot, but you get the idea.) This is really the place to let your personality shine, so don’t be a jerk. Be outgoing, have fun, and remember everyone’s here to party for the same nerdy reasons you are.


Oh, and if you see me there, don’t be afraid to say hi. I’m a big, handsome dude that’s pretty easy to spot in a crowd. I’ll gladly take a high five.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.