Steam Will Expand Its Services On September 5

The big question is what will they expand into?


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When it comes to online games, Valve’s Steam service has become a reliable choice, with a number of great titles to choose from and some unbeatable sales.  We took quite a beating during their recent summer sales, we’ll tell you what.

But could we be seeing more from the service?  The company has announced that, on September 5, it will be selling a number of new software titles.  And while a list of these titles weren’t given, Valve has stated that they range from “creativity to productivity”.

“The 40 million gamers frequenting Steam are interested in more than playing games,” said Valve’s Mark Richardson.  “They have told us they would like to have more of their software on Steam, so this expansion is in response to those customer requests.”

We’ll let you know what lands on the service in the weeks ahead, but don’t be surprised to see a few development tools pop up.  What, you expected Math Blaster?  (Though, let’s be honest, it’d be great if that game came back…)


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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.