Soul Sacrifice: The Sorcerer’s Ordeal – Community Guides

Freshly-submitted guides by Prima community contributor, JDMitch

Would you give your right arm for some amazing strategies for Soul Sacrifice: The Sorcerer’s Ordeal? Check out these guides by Prima community contributor, JDMitch:

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Sorcerer’s Handbook

A list of some tips and tricks you may not have caught the first time around

Soul Sacrifice: The Sorcerer’s Ordeal

A quick summary of chapters 1 – 6

Soul Sacrifice: Several Years Later

The second act of Soul Sacrifice is where things really start to get interesting . . .

Soul Sacrifice: Destinies Past

See what’s worth grinding when you find yourself stuck

Soul Sacrifice: Avalon Pacts Pt. 1

A quick reference of the Avalon Pacts in the first three acts

Soul Sacrifice: Fading Humanity

Use this as a quick reference as you journey further into the Mad Chronicle

Soul Sacrifice: The Beginning of the End

Use this as a reference and tip sheet to toughen yourself up as you near the end

Soul Sacrifice: Only Memories Remain

This is it, the final act of the story

About the Author

Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.