Reminder: Sony’s Big Reveal Happens Today

You know, just in case you missed it or something.

In case you needed a reminder – or you didn’t see the flood of PlayStation-related tweets and Facebook posts – Sony is announcing something big today at 6 PM EDT, live from a press conference in New York City.  It’s expected that the company will formally announce its new PlayStation 4 console, though we’re not sure to what extent as of yet.

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You can watch the announcement over at the official Sony PlayStation page link to catch all the details. is also broadcasting the event here if you feel like chatting with your friends.

Of course, we here at Prima Games will be taking part in the action, as I’ll be live tweeting about the event throughout its reveal.  Simply follow me over on Twitter at @thedcd to catch all the action, as well as occasional smarminess.  (I keep saying, “Please don’t say Ridge Racer” over and over again in my head.)

We’ll have a full report from the reveal event posted online as well, so watch out for that.

Oh, and the future?  Welcome to it.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.