Shigeru Miyamoto: The Wii U Will Improve

The masterful game maker speaks with Time, while Nintendo's stock goes on a small rise.

A lot of Wii U owners aren’t too fond of the system’s performance right now, as a lot of games aren’t exactly operating up to par.  But don’t worry, according to Nintendo, that performance will improved.

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Producer Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of a number of the company’s greatest hits, spoke with Time recently, stating, “We think that by this summer, the system is going to be very much improved over how it’s performing currently.”  He states various applications are undergoing through testing “to understand how they’re using those features and what they’re doing as they’re switching between them.”

He continued, “What we want to do is make sure that when we release it (the update), that we address as many of the different options about how people would like to see the system improve as we can at once.  We hope to cover a wide range of requests while simultaneously ensuring it’s a very stable update to the system.”

Meanwhile, the company has seen a minor stock rise in Japan, going up 7.38 percent on the market closing today, up to 10,330 yen ($110).  It’s slight good news, but good news nonetheless.

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