Sam Raimi No Longer Directing World of Warcraft Film

Raimi has ditched Azeroth for Oz.

Were you expecting the director of the Evil Dead franchise and the Spider-Man films to provide his take on the world of Orcs and men for his next film? Um, you might want to have a seat and not try to cry all over your keyboard.

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Sam Raimi, the man who helped put together the above films among several others, has confirmed that he’s no longer in charge of bringing the World of Warcraft film to life, due to his obligations to Walt Disney Pictures’ reboot of the Wizard of Oz franchise, titled “Oz: The Great and Powerful”.


In an interview with Crave Online, Raimi stated, “Actually, they don’t have me directing World of Warcraft anymore because when I took the Oz job, they had to move on to another director. They had to start making it.”


We’ve seen a trailer for Raimi’s new Oz film, and it does look interesting, but it still would’ve been tempting to see what his take on the Warcraft legacy might’ve been. Ah, well, another life perhaps…

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