Rumor: Sony Doing Away With Dual Shock Design For Next System?

Hope you like touch screens.

Over the years, players have gotten used to the design of Sony’s Dual Shock controller, which it kind of integrated with the PS One before making full-fledged on the PS2, and eventually bringing back to the PlayStation 3.  But you shouldn’t get too used to it, because rumor has it that they’re doing something completely different for their next console.

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CVG is reporting that two different game developers that are involved with Sony’s next machine have stated that the controller has gone through a number of iterations, none of which resemble the Dual Shock 3.  Sony’s trying out different things that incorporate a number of features, from biometric scanning to touch screens, and that the Vita could very well be pointing the direction towards their new development.

Sony is planning on revealing some new hardware this year, though we’re not sure what…or for that matter, even when.  So we’ll have to accept this as rumor for now, and see what happens over the next few months.  One thing’s for sure…things won’t be the same without the ol’ Dual Shock around.  Here’s hoping they consider it on at least some level.

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