PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Character Guide: Jak and Daxter – Basic Attacks

How to kick ass and chew bubblegum (okay maybe not the bubblegum but you get the drift)

Below you’ll find a guide to Jak and Daxter’s basic moves, though don’t let the “basic” fool you; there’s a lot to be learned here.

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AP Level AP REQ Name Duration Unique Commands Notes
1 150 Precursor Legacy

Precursor Legacy: Upon activation, a Blue Eco vent appears below Jak’s feet and sends a narrow blast of energy skyward. Any enemy that’s caught within this blast is killed. Precursor Legacy has a relatively brief start-up period, and it can easily be used to counter Attacks. It is especially effective when jumping in on a group of adversaries for a surprise triple kill. The narrow focus of the vent is a problem, however. If Jak is not directly next to an opponent, Precursor Legacy may miss.

AP Level AP REQ Name Duration Unique Commands Notes
2 320 Dark Jak’s Dark Bomb Press or to change direction of leap after activation. Kills enemies caught in impact explosion

Dark Jak’s Dark Bomb: Jak transforms into Dark Jak, leaps into the air, and comes down with enough force to create a shockwave that kills any enemy it strikes. This move is great at scoring multiple kills, but it leaves something to be desired in terms of start-up time. Jak has to leap forward before the Super attack kills anyone, which gives opponents a chance to leap out of the way. Luckily, you can change Dark Jak’s direction before the leap by pressing or in order to catch fleeing opponents. This flashy move is good for scoring a few quick kills, but use it carefully so that your challengers don’t get a chance to dodge and counterattack.

AP Level AP REQ Name Duration Unique Commands Notes
3 750 Light Jak 12 seconds Use left stick to fly, // to attack, to dash causes butt-drop and slow

Light Jak: Jak becomes infused with power and becomes Light Jak. As Light Jak, Jak can fly, fire beams of energy, stun enemies, and dash across the stage at high speed. Jak can also cover himself in a force field, and any foe that touches the shield is killed. Jak moves faster than normal as Light Jak, and dashing with is a great way to quickly catch up to escaping adversaries. Jak dominates the match while transformed into Light Jak, but building up the 750AP to perform the Super attack prevents you from scoring any kills in the interim.



Name Command AP Penalty Properties Hit Effect Notes
Jet Board Flip Right stick 15% Unblockable; 30AP of super armor Launch

Jet Board Flip: Jak uses his Jet Board to backflip and knock his enemy into the air. This throw’s Heavy AP Penalty is very rewarding, and since it launches an attacker into the air, it is a simple matter to follow up with an air combo.

Name Command AP Penalty Properties Hit Effect Notes
Daxter Pummel Right stick or 15% Unblockable; 30AP of super armor Eject roll

Daxter Pummel: Jak doesn’t go into battle alone. Daxter, his ottsel (half-otter, half-weasel) sidekick, is an accomplished warrior in his own right. During this throw, Daxter smashes the enemy with a lot of Attacks while Jak winds up a big punch.

Name Command AP Penalty Properties Hit Effect Notes
Jet Board Spin Right stick 15% Unblockable; 30AP of super armor Eject tornado Pushes away opponents struck during spin

Jet Board Spin: Jak grabs hold of his opponent and performs a giant swing before throwing them far away in an eject tornado. This move is tough to follow up on, but considering that it leaves Jak in safety and with a bounty of AP, it is very worthwhile.



# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Daxter Spin Kick 4~30 Attacks either side of Jak Eject tornado (final hit) Hold or to move during attack
2 Dashing Forward Punch 5 Kneel (on hit) cancels into Uppercut
3 Uppercut 20 Counts as single jump Lift Action OK at top of jump
4 Super Dive Attack 20 Full launch Press after first impact to repeat

Jak’s grounded attacks come in two flavors. Some can hit several enemies at once by way of an area of effect, like Super Dive Attack () and Daxter Spin Kick (), while others are better used against one opponent at a time, such as Uppercut () and Dashing Forward Punch (). Two of the Attacks link well, such as Dashing Forward Punch and Uppercut, but Super Dive Attack and Daxter Spin Kick provide an interesting conundrum. How do you fit these Attacks into a reasonable gameplan for Jak?

Daxter Spin Kick is a seven-hit combo that earns 30AP. It ends in an eject tornado, which leaves the enemy far from Jak, assuming they have a clear flight path. Jak lacks moves that allow him to travel over a significant amount of ground quickly, and so you must dedicate a few seconds to having him catch up to his enemy.

Jak leaps into the air, flips, and then slams to the ground during his Super Dive Attack. This move has a long start-up time, Jak is vulnerable during his leap, and it is difficult to follow up with anything but an airborne or an airborne , an attack that only connects with the finest of timing.

Figuring out how to properly utilize these Attacks is key to figuring out how to play as Jak. It’s clear that Jak is not a character that revolves around combos, so another solution must be found to maximize AP gain. Jak has several area of effect Attacks, and those should be used as Jak’s best route toward rapidly gaining AP.


# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Air Daxter Spin Kick Air 4~30 Attacks either side of Jak Eject tornado (second hit, grounded foe) Hold or to move during attack
2 Jet Board Dash Air 5 Dashes forward (on hit)
Jet Board Dash 2nd Hit Air (on hit) 30 Eject tornado
3 Air Uppercut Air 20 Lift
4 Air Super Dive Attack Air 20 Full launch Press after first impact to repeat

Several of Jak’s airborne Attacks double as mobile options. Jet Board Dash () can be used once after jumping and provides Jak with a brief forward dash in addition to an attack. The dash doesn’t go very far, but it is definitely useful when trying to chase enemies down with Jak’s limited movement speed. The second hit of Jet Board Dash ( on hit) knocks an adversary into an eject tornado. If you perform a Jet Board Dash near a wall to force a foe into a wallbounce, the odds of being able to follow up on the attack are much better.

Considering that pressing after a Jet Board Dash results in a second hit, you can’t mix and match a Jet Board Dash and Air Daxter Spin Kick () as easily as you may think. Air Daxter Spin Kick is a pure attack with no particular mobile applications, but it remains a great asset in the air and a good source of AP.

Air Uppercut () and Air Super Dive Attack () are the other maneuvers that serve as mobile options. Instead of giving Jak a chance to move horizontally and chase down enemies, however, these moves are most useful when they’re used to evade Attacks. Both Attacks send Jak flying directly up into the air or slamming down to the ground. Using Air Uppercut after a double jump gives Jak the greatest upward mobility in the game. Air Super Dive Attack is remarkably useful when used to drop out of the air before an enemy has a chance to chase Jak down with an air combo, or to surprise characters below Jak. However, Air Super Dive Attack isn’t effective as an anti-air, since it only earns AP when it impacts with the ground.



# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Arc Wielder (hold) 4~16 Three-second beam; slowly raises foe off ground Press or to aim
2 Blaster 10~30 Eject roll (third hit) Hold for two extra shots
3 Peace Maker 5 Fires 45 degrees upward Shock
4 Beam Reflexor 5 per shot Bullets ricochet Hold for two extra shots

Using Jak’s Beam Reflexor () in concert with his Uppercut () gives you two powerful anti-air options. Beam Reflexor comes out quickly and at an angle that makes it perfect as an early anti-air attack, in comparison to Uppercut’s status as a standard anti-air. Beam Reflexor can hit enemies at the peak of their jump, before they reach Jak, and that early counterattack gives you time to mount a proper offensive rush when they eventually land.

Jak’s other air-based maneuvers have start times that make using them on the fly fairly difficult. Arc Wielder () can be charged for 16AP, but you have to wait for the weapon to spin up before it can be fired. The start-up lag is short—less than a second—but that brief delay can mean the difference between a successful attack and combo-opener and a whiffed attack that is quickly punished by your enemy.

Blaster () is a great medium-range option for Jak. It’s best used to control an adversary’s position. Hold after inputting the command to fire two more shots in addition to the first. The last shot, assuming all three shots hit, results in your opponent eject rolling away, putting a comfortable amount of distance between the foe and Jak.

Use Peace Maker () to pin down your opponents when they’re otherwise occupied with performing an air combo or maneuvering around the level. Jak fires a bolt of purple energy into the sky at a 45-degree angle. Enemies struck by the blast are suspended in mid-air in a shock state. Foes recover quickly from being shocked, so press the attack as soon as possible.


# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Air Arc Welder Air (hold) 4~16 Three-second beam; slowly raises foe off ground Press or to aim; continues firing when grounded
2 Air Blaster Air 10~30 Hold for two extra shots; continues firing if grounded before three shots fired
3 Air Peace Maker Air 5 Fires 45 degrees upward Shock
4 Air Beam Reflexor Air 5 Bullets ricochet Hold for two extra shots; continues firing if grounded before three shots fired

Jak’s airborne Peace Maker () attack functions identically to his grounded version, even down to the 45-degree angle of the attack. Take advantage of the large spark that Peace Maker creates to capture unsuspecting enemies who think they’re out of Jak’s range. Another great tactic is to trap an adversary in mid-air and then have Jak run away or change his focus to another foe, rather than trying to press the attack. As Jak falls out of the sky after using Peace Maker, the enemy has time to recover from the shock and then perform an air recovery to get to safety.

Using Blaster () in mid-air results in a difficult situation. The hit state causes the opponent to fall slower than Jak as they react to the strike, making it impossible to use as the introduction to an air combo or as anything but a delaying tactic or interruption. Arc Wielder (hold ) features a similar situation. Jak simply falls too fast to properly trap an enemy with this attack, which means that it’s of limited use if you’re a combo-heavy player.

Beam Reflexor (), however, is great from the air. Firing it before getting within striking range means that the reflected beam should hit the ground, bounce up, and hit the enemy, rather than hitting the opponent without the ricochet. Players who see the beam strike the ground should assume that you whiffed the attack and drop their guard just in time for their characters to be hit by the ricocheting beam.



# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Gyro Buster 5 per shot Drone lasts four seconds or until hit by attack or wall Twitch Drone travels forward automatically
2 Needle Lazer 2~10 Homing projectiles Lift
3 Mass Inverter 5 Float Long startup
4 Wave Concussor 20 Hold to increase radius Butt-drop , , Cancel OK only during charge
Wave Concussor Strong (hold) 20 Leaves Jak airborne Full launch or guard break , ,

Jak’s Attacks are strong, but all of them have start-up periods that leave him vulnerable. The toughest move to master is his Wave Concussor (). Tapping results in a fairly small energy field that’s localized to Jak and makes nearby enemies butt-drop. The longer you charge , however, the larger the field, and the more powerful the explosion becomes. Jak is knocked back upon completion of this move, which means that it’s a difficult move to work into a combo or use as the beginning of a combo. It’s best used for crowd control and to push your opponents away, rather than as a part of your standard offensive plan.

Gyro Buster () is another good crowd control tool. It doesn’t do much damage, earning you just 5AP per successful hit, but the psychological effect is useful. Characters that are unfamiliar with Jak’s moveset are going to go into a defensive position rather than attacking, halting their AP gain momentarily, while other characters are going to instinctually block just to prevent you from gaining the minor amount of AP the attack generates. Use this situation to begin charging a Wave Concussor to disrupt everyone’s attack plan.

Needle Lazer () is another move with relatively low AP but great crowd control capabilities. These homing lasers travel a short distance and track nearby enemies, and the lasers travel just a short distance before dissipating. Jak needs to be close to make this move work for him.

Mass Inverter () forces opponents to float when struck. This move’s start-up time means that you need to have Jak safe before activating it, but its limited range requires Jak to stay in close. Go for the Mass Inverter after softening your enemies up with a short ground combo or butt-drop.


# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Air Gyro Burster Air 5 per shot Drone lasts four seconds or until hit Drone travels forward automatically
2 Air Needle Lazer Air 4~10 Homing projectiles Lift
3 Air Mass Inverter Air 5 Float
4 Air Wave Concussor Air 20 Chargeable Butt-drop (tap); Full launch or guard break (charged) , , Can continue charging once grounded; cancel only OK once grounded and during charge

Jak’s Wave Concussor () is remarkably effective in mid-air. The act of charging it makes Jak fall slightly slower than he normally does, and beginning the charging process at the top of a double jump gives you a full charge by the time Jak hits the ground. Jak is going to be vulnerable while charging, of course, but being able to strike several opponents at once immediately after landing is valuable. Any player who was waiting for Jak to become grounded so they could pummel him with their character is in for a rude surprise.

Mass Inverter () requires expert timing to fully utilize in mid-air. After pressing , Jak takes a moment to aim and prep the attack before it fires. This means that you need to learn to predict your enemy’s actions before firing the Mass Inverter. Try to catch falling opponents with the attack for the best results.

Needle Lazer () and Gyro Buster () are airborne Attacks that are good to use against grounded foes. Gyro Buster allows you to create a temporary ceiling of sorts that prevents enemies from jumping in on Jak, or jumping period. Players are going to want to have their characters avoid the Gyro Buster’s blasts, so as long as the Gyro Buster is out, expect them to play it safe. Needle Lazer lets you keep your foes contained, as well. If you notice that your enemy tends to jump in on Jak with an attack to begin their combos, then react with a Needle Lazer the next time you see them jump. Even if just one of the three beams strikes its target, you should have interrupted their attack and placed Jak into an advantageous position.



AP Level AP REQ Name Duration Unique Commands Notes
1 150 Precursor Legacy

Precursor Legacy: Upon activation, a Blue Eco vent appears below Jak’s feet and sends a narrow blast of energy skyward. Any enemy that’s caught within this blast is killed. Precursor Legacy has a relatively brief start-up period, and it can easily be used to counter Attacks. It is especially effective when jumping in on a group of adversaries for a surprise triple kill. The narrow focus of the vent is a problem, however. If Jak is not directly next to an opponent, Precursor Legacy may miss.

AP Level AP REQ Name Duration Unique Commands Notes
2 320 Dark Jak’s Dark Bomb Press or to change direction of leap after activation. Kills enemies caught in impact explosion

Dark Jak’s Dark Bomb: Jak transforms into Dark Jak, leaps into the air, and comes down with enough force to create a shockwave that kills any enemy it strikes. This move is great at scoring multiple kills, but it leaves something to be desired in terms of start-up time. Jak has to leap forward before the Super attack kills anyone, which gives opponents a chance to leap out of the way. Luckily, you can change Dark Jak’s direction before the leap by pressing or in order to catch fleeing opponents. This flashy move is good for scoring a few quick kills, but use it carefully so that your challengers don’t get a chance to dodge and counterattack.

AP Level AP REQ Name Duration Unique Commands Notes
3 750 Light Jak 12 seconds Use left stick to fly, // to attack, to dash causes butt-drop and slow

Light Jak: Jak becomes infused with power and becomes Light Jak. As Light Jak, Jak can fly, fire beams of energy, stun enemies, and dash across the stage at high speed. Jak can also cover himself in a force field, and any foe that touches the shield is killed. Jak moves faster than normal as Light Jak, and dashing with is a great way to quickly catch up to escaping adversaries. Jak dominates the match while transformed into Light Jak, but building up the 750AP to perform the Super attack prevents you from scoring any kills in the interim.



Name Command AP Penalty Properties Hit Effect Notes
Jet Board Flip Right stick 15% Unblockable; 30AP of super armor Launch

Jet Board Flip: Jak uses his Jet Board to backflip and knock his enemy into the air. This throw’s Heavy AP Penalty is very rewarding, and since it launches an attacker into the air, it is a simple matter to follow up with an air combo.

Name Command AP Penalty Properties Hit Effect Notes
Daxter Pummel Right stick or 15% Unblockable; 30AP of super armor Eject roll

Daxter Pummel: Jak doesn’t go into battle alone. Daxter, his ottsel (half-otter, half-weasel) sidekick, is an accomplished warrior in his own right. During this throw, Daxter smashes the enemy with a lot of Attacks while Jak winds up a big punch.

Name Command AP Penalty Properties Hit Effect Notes
Jet Board Spin Right stick 15% Unblockable; 30AP of super armor Eject tornado Pushes away opponents struck during spin

Jet Board Spin: Jak grabs hold of his opponent and performs a giant swing before throwing them far away in an eject tornado. This move is tough to follow up on, but considering that it leaves Jak in safety and with a bounty of AP, it is very worthwhile.



# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Daxter Spin Kick 4~30 Attacks either side of Jak Eject tornado (final hit) Hold or to move during attack
2 Dashing Forward Punch 5 Kneel (on hit) cancels into Uppercut
3 Uppercut 20 Counts as single jump Lift Action OK at top of jump
4 Super Dive Attack 20 Full launch Press after first impact to repeat

Jak’s grounded attacks come in two flavors. Some can hit several enemies at once by way of an area of effect, like Super Dive Attack () and Daxter Spin Kick (), while others are better used against one opponent at a time, such as Uppercut () and Dashing Forward Punch (). Two of the Attacks link well, such as Dashing Forward Punch and Uppercut, but Super Dive Attack and Daxter Spin Kick provide an interesting conundrum. How do you fit these Attacks into a reasonable gameplan for Jak?

Daxter Spin Kick is a seven-hit combo that earns 30AP. It ends in an eject tornado, which leaves the enemy far from Jak, assuming they have a clear flight path. Jak lacks moves that allow him to travel over a significant amount of ground quickly, and so you must dedicate a few seconds to having him catch up to his enemy.

Jak leaps into the air, flips, and then slams to the ground during his Super Dive Attack. This move has a long start-up time, Jak is vulnerable during his leap, and it is difficult to follow up with anything but an airborne or an airborne , an attack that only connects with the finest of timing.

Figuring out how to properly utilize these Attacks is key to figuring out how to play as Jak. It’s clear that Jak is not a character that revolves around combos, so another solution must be found to maximize AP gain. Jak has several area of effect Attacks, and those should be used as Jak’s best route toward rapidly gaining AP.


# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Air Daxter Spin Kick Air 4~30 Attacks either side of Jak Eject tornado (second hit, grounded foe) Hold or to move during attack
2 Jet Board Dash Air 5 Dashes forward (on hit)
Jet Board Dash 2nd Hit Air (on hit) 30 Eject tornado
3 Air Uppercut Air 20 Lift
4 Air Super Dive Attack Air 20 Full launch Press after first impact to repeat

Several of Jak’s airborne Attacks double as mobile options. Jet Board Dash () can be used once after jumping and provides Jak with a brief forward dash in addition to an attack. The dash doesn’t go very far, but it is definitely useful when trying to chase enemies down with Jak’s limited movement speed. The second hit of Jet Board Dash ( on hit) knocks an adversary into an eject tornado. If you perform a Jet Board Dash near a wall to force a foe into a wallbounce, the odds of being able to follow up on the attack are much better.

Considering that pressing after a Jet Board Dash results in a second hit, you can’t mix and match a Jet Board Dash and Air Daxter Spin Kick () as easily as you may think. Air Daxter Spin Kick is a pure attack with no particular mobile applications, but it remains a great asset in the air and a good source of AP.

Air Uppercut () and Air Super Dive Attack () are the other maneuvers that serve as mobile options. Instead of giving Jak a chance to move horizontally and chase down enemies, however, these moves are most useful when they’re used to evade Attacks. Both Attacks send Jak flying directly up into the air or slamming down to the ground. Using Air Uppercut after a double jump gives Jak the greatest upward mobility in the game. Air Super Dive Attack is remarkably useful when used to drop out of the air before an enemy has a chance to chase Jak down with an air combo, or to surprise characters below Jak. However, Air Super Dive Attack isn’t effective as an anti-air, since it only earns AP when it impacts with the ground.



# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Arc Wielder (hold) 4~16 Three-second beam; slowly raises foe off ground Press or to aim
2 Blaster 10~30 Eject roll (third hit) Hold for two extra shots
3 Peace Maker 5 Fires 45 degrees upward Shock
4 Beam Reflexor 5 per shot Bullets ricochet Hold for two extra shots

Using Jak’s Beam Reflexor () in concert with his Uppercut () gives you two powerful anti-air options. Beam Reflexor comes out quickly and at an angle that makes it perfect as an early anti-air attack, in comparison to Uppercut’s status as a standard anti-air. Beam Reflexor can hit enemies at the peak of their jump, before they reach Jak, and that early counterattack gives you time to mount a proper offensive rush when they eventually land.

Jak’s other air-based maneuvers have start times that make using them on the fly fairly difficult. Arc Wielder () can be charged for 16AP, but you have to wait for the weapon to spin up before it can be fired. The start-up lag is short—less than a second—but that brief delay can mean the difference between a successful attack and combo-opener and a whiffed attack that is quickly punished by your enemy.

Blaster () is a great medium-range option for Jak. It’s best used to control an adversary’s position. Hold after inputting the command to fire two more shots in addition to the first. The last shot, assuming all three shots hit, results in your opponent eject rolling away, putting a comfortable amount of distance between the foe and Jak.

Use Peace Maker () to pin down your opponents when they’re otherwise occupied with performing an air combo or maneuvering around the level. Jak fires a bolt of purple energy into the sky at a 45-degree angle. Enemies struck by the blast are suspended in mid-air in a shock state. Foes recover quickly from being shocked, so press the attack as soon as possible.


# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Air Arc Welder Air (hold) 4~16 Three-second beam; slowly raises foe off ground Press or to aim; continues firing when grounded
2 Air Blaster Air 10~30 Hold for two extra shots; continues firing if grounded before three shots fired
3 Air Peace Maker Air 5 Fires 45 degrees upward Shock
4 Air Beam Reflexor Air 5 Bullets ricochet Hold for two extra shots; continues firing if grounded before three shots fired

Jak’s airborne Peace Maker () attack functions identically to his grounded version, even down to the 45-degree angle of the attack. Take advantage of the large spark that Peace Maker creates to capture unsuspecting enemies who think they’re out of Jak’s range. Another great tactic is to trap an adversary in mid-air and then have Jak run away or change his focus to another foe, rather than trying to press the attack. As Jak falls out of the sky after using Peace Maker, the enemy has time to recover from the shock and then perform an air recovery to get to safety.

Using Blaster () in mid-air results in a difficult situation. The hit state causes the opponent to fall slower than Jak as they react to the strike, making it impossible to use as the introduction to an air combo or as anything but a delaying tactic or interruption. Arc Wielder (hold ) features a similar situation. Jak simply falls too fast to properly trap an enemy with this attack, which means that it’s of limited use if you’re a combo-heavy player.

Beam Reflexor (), however, is great from the air. Firing it before getting within striking range means that the reflected beam should hit the ground, bounce up, and hit the enemy, rather than hitting the opponent without the ricochet. Players who see the beam strike the ground should assume that you whiffed the attack and drop their guard just in time for their characters to be hit by the ricocheting beam.



# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Gyro Buster 5 per shot Drone lasts four seconds or until hit by attack or wall Twitch Drone travels forward automatically
2 Needle Lazer 2~10 Homing projectiles Lift
3 Mass Inverter 5 Float Long startup
4 Wave Concussor 20 Hold to increase radius Butt-drop , , Cancel OK only during charge
Wave Concussor Strong (hold) 20 Leaves Jak airborne Full launch or guard break , ,

Jak’s Attacks are strong, but all of them have start-up periods that leave him vulnerable. The toughest move to master is his Wave Concussor (). Tapping results in a fairly small energy field that’s localized to Jak and makes nearby enemies butt-drop. The longer you charge , however, the larger the field, and the more powerful the explosion becomes. Jak is knocked back upon completion of this move, which means that it’s a difficult move to work into a combo or use as the beginning of a combo. It’s best used for crowd control and to push your opponents away, rather than as a part of your standard offensive plan.

Gyro Buster () is another good crowd control tool. It doesn’t do much damage, earning you just 5AP per successful hit, but the psychological effect is useful. Characters that are unfamiliar with Jak’s moveset are going to go into a defensive position rather than attacking, halting their AP gain momentarily, while other characters are going to instinctually block just to prevent you from gaining the minor amount of AP the attack generates. Use this situation to begin charging a Wave Concussor to disrupt everyone’s attack plan.

Needle Lazer () is another move with relatively low AP but great crowd control capabilities. These homing lasers travel a short distance and track nearby enemies, and the lasers travel just a short distance before dissipating. Jak needs to be close to make this move work for him.

Mass Inverter () forces opponents to float when struck. This move’s start-up time means that you need to have Jak safe before activating it, but its limited range requires Jak to stay in close. Go for the Mass Inverter after softening your enemies up with a short ground combo or butt-drop.


# Name Command AP Gain Properties Hit Effects CI Notes
1 Air Gyro Burster Air 5 per shot Drone lasts four seconds or until hit Drone travels forward automatically
2 Air Needle Lazer Air 4~10 Homing projectiles Lift
3 Air Mass Inverter Air 5 Float
4 Air Wave Concussor Air 20 Chargeable Butt-drop (tap); Full launch or guard break (charged) , , Can continue charging once grounded; cancel only OK once grounded and during charge

Jak’s Wave Concussor () is remarkably effective in mid-air. The act of charging it makes Jak fall slightly slower than he normally does, and beginning the charging process at the top of a double jump gives you a full charge by the time Jak hits the ground. Jak is going to be vulnerable while charging, of course, but being able to strike several opponents at once immediately after landing is valuable. Any player who was waiting for Jak to become grounded so they could pummel him with their character is in for a rude surprise.

Mass Inverter () requires expert timing to fully utilize in mid-air. After pressing , Jak takes a moment to aim and prep the attack before it fires. This means that you need to learn to predict your enemy’s actions before firing the Mass Inverter. Try to catch falling opponents with the attack for the best results.

Needle Lazer () and Gyro Buster () are airborne Attacks that are good to use against grounded foes. Gyro Buster allows you to create a temporary ceiling of sorts that prevents enemies from jumping in on Jak, or jumping period. Players are going to want to have their characters avoid the Gyro Buster’s blasts, so as long as the Gyro Buster is out, expect them to play it safe. Needle Lazer lets you keep your foes contained, as well. If you notice that your enemy tends to jump in on Jak with an attack to begin their combos, then react with a Needle Lazer the next time you see them jump. Even if just one of the three beams strikes its target, you should have interrupted their attack and placed Jak into an advantageous position.



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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.