PlayStation 4 Supports Huge Friend List, Party Chat

A new PlayStation Access video reveals new info about Sony's upcoming console.

The PlayStation 4 is on its way to becoming the ultimate next-generation video game console. Today, Sony clarified things further with the release of a new PlayStation Access video, which answered a few heated questions about the system. You’ll find the video below.

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Many topics come up, including the ability to join others in party chat – free of charge – and the capacity of the friend list. Sony’s doubling up on count in this department, enabling users to add up to 2,000 friends to their lists.

In addition, the company stated that the PlayStation 4 won’t have as big a focus on 3D gaming as the PS3, though it will be present. Details about this will be unveiled at a later time.

Also confirmed is the news that a PlayStation Plus subscription is required for premium online play with games, and that the PlayStation Move controller is supported, though the PlayStation 3 Dual Shock controller is not.

Finally, current subscribers to PlayStation Network will be able to port their current account information, including Avatar character, to the PlayStation 4 with no problems.

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Prima Games Staff

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