Nintendo Switch – Best Buy Pre-Orders, US and Canada

We’ve got information on how to pre-order the Nintendo Switch and some games at Best Buy.

The Nintendo Switch will be hard to get when it initially releases on March 3, 2017. Most Best Buy pre-orders are already sold out, but there are a few ways you can secure a Nintendo Switch Best Buy pre-order if you’re willing to work for it and Best Buy is also allowing consumers to pre-order Nintendo Switch games. If you live in Canada you’re in luck because at the moment Nintendo Switch pre-orders at Best Buy in Canada seem to be the best way to pick up the console with the least amount of effort. Hopeful Nintendo Switch owners in the US can still potentially pre-order at Best Buy, but stock is limited. Some US residents may find it easier to wait in line at Best Buy and we’ll tell you how to find out which Best Buy stores are offering a midnight launch for the Nintendo Switch.

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You probably already know that all stores are sold out of the Nintendo Switch. As Nintendo updates retailers on the exact quantities of their shipments, each retailer will be make any additional stock available for pre-orders. You can also find a variety of software applications for your PC (Chrome extensions) or mobile device that will automatically let you know when the Nintendo Switch is available for pre-order.

When it comes to Best Buy the pre-order pages can be found here for the US (grey or neon Joy-Cons) and Canada. While you can pre-order the Nintendo Switch with the grey or neon Joy-Con controllers in the US, only the grey Joy-Cons are available in Canada at the moment. However, you can also pre-order games in the US, which most retailers are not allowing at the moment. In addition, you can check this Nintendo Switch page to find a drop-down menu that will tell you if your local Best Buy is offering a midnight release.

Best Buy Nintendo Switch Game Pre-Orders

Get your eyes on Prima Games as we continue to pay close attention to Nintendo Switch pre-orders.

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.