New Mass Effect 3 Screenshots Provide First Glance of Upcoming DLC

BioWare staff tease new content on Twitter

Michael Gamble and Casey Hudson, producer and executive producer of the Mass Effect series, respectively, have tweeted a couple of from the upcoming Mass Effect 3 DLC.

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“Does not look like a guy you’d want to mess with,” came Gamble with the following grab of a new Krogan class (we’d guess?) with a massive hammer in the Firebase Jade map. We’d say that means there’s some multiplayer content coming.

“Looks like a nice place for some R&R,” Hudson tweeted with a wickedly cyberpunk-esque pic of a Citadel casino. Take a close look and you’ll spot what looks like Shepard and Wrex yakking at the bar. We’d hazard a guess they’re not talking slots and that something serious is going down but we could be wrong. Perhaps it’s a mini-game special?

It’s highly unlikely the add-on is set to involve a situation anything less than explosive as eight writers have been drafted along. We’ve also heard that actors Seth Green, Raphael Sbarge and likely a whole host of the usual crew are back on board.

Could this be the explosive finale? Expect something big. Very big.

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Prima Games Staff

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