NCAA Football 14 Official Cover Art Revealed, Features Listed

Find out what this latest game of college football will bring this Summer.

It’s almost that time to embrace the glory of college football, where rivalries are born and fans go nuts for each great score.  You can enjoy all this without leaving your house, thanks to NCAA Football 14.

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The latest football game from EA Sports has been unveiled, with University of Michigan quarterback Denard Robinson gracing the cover. Aside from new cover art, this year’s game has a number of outstanding new features, like the Infinity engine tech that made Madden NFL 13 look so realistic, as well as the return of Dynasty Mode and the debut of Ultimate Team for the franchise.  If you’re playing on the Xbox 360, you can also take advantage of Kinect features as well.

We’ll have an in-depth preview of NCAA Football 14 for you soon.  Best get your pre-order in soon, because the game will arrive in stores for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on July 9th.

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Prima Games Staff

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