Navy SEALs Facing Disciplinary Actions and Fines For Consulting on Medal of Honor: Warfighter

Guess they should've checked with their boss first…

When someone works on a military first-person shooter, such as EA or Activision, usually they turn to consultants in the field to make absolutely sure that everything is accurate, right down to the feeling of being like a soldier.  Most of the time, they go to retired specialists, but for Medal of Honor: Warfighter, EA actually turned to active Navy SEALs.  But maybe that should’ve been cleared with certain people…

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According to a report from CBS news, members of SEAL Team Six – the ones who managed to kill Osama bin Laden several months back – are facing disciplinary action for revealing confidential information during their consultation with the team at Danger Close.  EA paid them for the work, and are even releasing a Zero Dark Thirty DLC pack that gives you the opportunity to tag along with them for the infamous mission.

This report indicates that these seven members were given “letters of reprimand” and had half of their pay docked for two months, and their chances of promotion in the military could very well be in jeopardy.  Four of those members are still under investigation.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter is in stores now for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

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