Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Officially Announced, Coming Next Week

First paid DLC content is coming soon.

After rumors were circulating about EA’s upcoming multiplayer pack for BioWare’s Mass Effect 3, it’s nice to finally see confirmation. After all, the game is awesome and we want MORE.

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Today, EA and BioWare announced that the Rebellion Pack is officially coming, and it is set for release on May 29 on PlayStation Network, and a day later on Xbox Live Arcade.

It includes the following…

Two New Action-Packed Maps – Land on Firebase Jade, located in a Salarian STG base on Sur’Kesh and fight to control Firebase Goddess on the Asari homeworld of Thessia.

Six Powerful New Unlockable Characters – Level and promote six new unlockable characters, including the ex-Cerberus Adept and Vanguard, the Vorcha Soldier and Sentinel or the Male Quarian Engineer and Infiltrator.  

New In-Mission Objective – Randomly occurring during waves 3, 6 and 10, this new objective will demand that teams retrieve a high priority package and securely escort it to a designated extraction zone on each map.

New Gear Slot – A new slot will be available on the equipment screen, offering players a persistent gameplay bonus that will not expire after the end of a match. These new items will vary from weapon upgrades to character enhancements and will be available through reinforcement packs.

Lethal New Weapons – Eliminate the enemy with deadly new weapons, including the Cerberus Harrier, Krysae Sniper Rifle, and Reegar Carbine.

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