The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD – How to Get the Swift Sail

Get it and double your boat’s speed and control the wind so that it is always at your back

Where to find it:

Won from the auction house on Windfall Island

Where it’s stored:

Quest Status subscreen

What to do with it:

The Swift Sail works just like the Boat’s Sail, except that it lets Link sail twice as fast as the Boat’s Sail. In addition, while using the Swift Sail, Link never needs to worry about changing the direction of the wind—he always sails at top speed. Pick up the Swift Sail as soon as possible to hasten your explorations of the Great Sea!

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Swift Sail

The Swift Sail is one of the new features in Wind Waker HD and something every adventurer should have. It’s a sail that will double your boat’s speed and change the direction of the wind automatically so that it is always at your back. You can activate the Swift Sail by hitting the A button twice while at sea.

The Swift Sail works just like the Boat’s Sail, except that it lets Link sail at least twice as fast as the standard sail. In addition, while using the Swift Sail, Link never needs to worry about changing the direction of the wind—he always sails at top speed. Pick up the Swift Sail as soon as possible to hasten your explorations of the Great Sea!

To get your hands on the Swift Sail, you’ll need to help Zunari on your first visit to Windfall Island by freeing Tingle from Windall’s jail and by buying the Boat’s Sail from Zunari’s stall.  Once you’ve accomplished this, the Auction House will be open to you at nighttime.

To bid during an auction, hit A until the meter on the bottom of the screen fills up. When that happens, you can see how much time is remaining and make your bid accordingly. To win any item, you just need to be the highest bidder when time runs out, so you can wait until the last second and place your bid to win, but we don’t recommend that. Instead, bid often but try and bet about 20 percent of the current bid and you’ll stun all of your opponents for 10 seconds, which will stop them from bidding until the 10 seconds is up. This is an effective method for preventing the rest of the patrons from continuing to raise the total bid; use this method to get items at a lower price.

The Auction House offers Piece of Heart #13, Treasure Chart #18, Treasure Chart #38, a Joy Pendant, and most importantly,  the Swift Sail. If the Auction House doesn’t offer what you’re looking for, press the B button to back out of the auction and then exit the Auction House before reentering in order for a new item to be put up.

The Wind Waker HD guide is available as a stand-alone book, and is included with several other excellent Zelda guides in the limited edition box set. If you are interested, you should pick one up now before they’re all sold out!  The Zelda Box Set is available at these retailers:


Barnes & Noble




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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.