Inside Game Walkthrough – The Mines

Collect a mob of humanoids so you can make it through the intricate Mines area.

When you slide down into the mines area, there’s gate to the left with a man behind it. You can’t lift the gate just yet, so head all the way to the right, past the first switch. When you reach the second switch, flip the lever to activate power for the first switch you just passed. Now go back to the first switch and move it down to lower the lift to the floor below.

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Head all the way to the right and climb down the ladder, then continue to the right when you reach the lower floor. Jump into the water and move to the far right, then dive underwater and quickly move to the opening on the right, then back up to the surface for air as soon as you’re able to. Move to the right and dive down again to move under the next obstacle, then head back up to the surface again.

Get out of the water and make your way to the right. Climb up the rock wall then turn to the left and jump over to the hanging rope. Move left and right to gain enough momentum to jump across to the adjacent rope on the left, then repeat this process to reach the ledge to the left.

Continue to head left until you see a light fixture ahead. When you jump over to attach yourself to the light fixture, it breaks and you fall to the ground below. Luckily the humanoids catch you so you don’t fall to your death.

At this point you’re in control of a group of humanoids, but unlike most other times, you move along with the humanoids as you control them. Head to the left until you reach the ladder, then press Up for the humanoids to lift you and jump up to the rope.

Climb up and head to the wheel on the lift to the left. Rotate the wheel to lower the lift until the humanoids gather around you on the lift. Go back to the level above and head all the way to the left to find a large mine car. With all of the humanoids helping you, grab the mine car and move it right until it’s under the hole in the ceiling.

Now head to the hanging rope just to the right and have the humanoids help you jump up to the rope. Climb to the floor above and head left until you reach the hole in the floor with the mine car parked directly under it. As soon as you drop down on top of the mine car, the humanoids will push you to the far left.

Move off of the mine car and into the area to the left. Climb up the side of the wooden planks (make note of this area because you’ll be coming back to it shortly), and continue to the far left. When you reach the red box, move it left to reveal a switch under it. You need to pull the lever on top of the yellow switch box, then wait for it to move into the air and push the red box under it so the yellow switch box lands on the red box.

Once this is done, stand on top of the yellow switch box and activate it again to get much better lift. At the peak of the lift you can jump to the circular cage hanging to the right. You won’t hang on for long before falling back to the ground, but it’s long enough to free the humanoids inside. Now head back to the ladder on the side of the wooden planks you just climbed up. Go down the ladder and with the help of the humanoids you can pull off one of the wooden planks at the base so you can crawl inside.

Climb down the next ladder and head through the water to the left. Break off the torch just beyond the water and continue to the left. There are multiple dogs ahead that will attack from either side, but as long as you have the torch pointed toward them, the dogs will be too afraid to attack. As you move to the left, you need to move the torch left and right as the dogs approach from either side. When you reach the secret orb and pull out the rod, then dogs will flee.

Head back the way you came until you meet up with the first group of humanoids. Go back to the first lift you came down and move up to the very top floor (no need stop in the middle). With all of your humanoids helping out, head to the far left and push the cage off the edge. Now head all the way to the far right side of the upper floor and have the humanoids boost you across the gap to the far side (hold A just like you boosted in the submarine).

Run inside the room to the right and drag the dead body back to the left. When you get close to the edge you automatically drop the dead body down to the floor below. Now go back down the lift to the middle floor and head left. With the help of the humanoids you can now lift the gate here and continue to the left (acquiring even more humanoids in the process). When you reach the lever on the platform to the far left, use the humanoids to boost you over to it.

When you reach the lever pull it to lower the seesaw-like platform in the background. This causes the mine car to the left to move down the lowered platform. Once it picks up speed about halfway down the ramp, move the lever back to the original position so that the mine car elevates to the platform on the right and drops to the ground, giving you even more humanoids to control.

You’ve now collected all of the humanoids you need to continue. While still on the middle floor head all the way to the far right. Once you pass the scale on the ground you’ll see the dead body from before to the right. Drag it onto the scale to see the number in the upper right corner drop down to 00, allowing you passage into the next room to the right which is the Bridge area.

Continue through the newly opened doorway to reach the Bridge area or head back to our Inside walkthrough and guide.

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.