Injustice: Gods Among Us Guide Preview – Wonder Woman – Best Special Moves

Wonder Woman's most effective special moves hand-picked by Prima pros!

The master strategist himself would tell you that basic attacks and combos are good and all, but special moves are going to be key in any victory. Here are Wonder Woman’s special attacks to get you a head start against others in Injustice: Gods Among Us.

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Best Lasso Special Moves

Straight Tiara

Command: Back, Forward + Medium

Hit Level: High

Range: 1/2 Screen

Description: Wonder Woman throws her tiara straight towards her opponent.

This attack is safe from a distance, but full combo punished if blocked up close.

Meter Burn Straight Tiara

Description: Pressing the Meter Burn button during Straight Tiara will cause the tiara to hit the opponent on its return to Wonder Woman, doing additional damage.

This attack is safe when blocked.

Amazonian Uppercut

Command: Down, Forward + Hard

Hit Level: Mid

Range: Sweep

Description: Wonder Woman unloads on her opponent with a jumping uppercut.

This attack is full combo punished when blocked.

Meter Burn Amazonian Uppercut

Description: Pressing the Meter Burn button during a successful Amazonian Uppercut will cause Wonder Woman follow through with her Demi-Goddess’ Might flying punch attack, doing additional damage.

Air Amazonian Smash

Command: Down, Back + Hard while in air

Hit Level: Overhead

Range: 1/4 Screen

Description: Wonder Woman plunges down onto her opponent with a diving punch.

This attack is an overhead so it must be blocked from the standing block position.

This attack is punished only by the faster Super Moves of the game when blocked.

Meter Burn Air Amazonian Smash

Description: Pressing the Meter Burn button during Air Amazonian Smash will cause Wonder Woman follow through with her Amazonian Uppercut for additional damage.

This attack is an overhead so it must be blocked from the standing block position.

This attack is only punished by Superman’s Super Move when blocked.

Lasso Grab

Command: Down, Forward + Light

Hit Level: High

Range: 1/4 Screen

Description: Wonder Woman grabs her opponent with her lasso and then pulls him or her toward her before punching the opponent away.

This attack leaves Wonder Woman at advantage when blocked, allowing her to follow up with additional attacks.

Opponents can crouch this attack and full combo punish Wonder Woman.

Meter Burn Lasso Grab

Description: Pressing the Meter Burn button during Lasso Grab does additional damage and, for a short period of time, will increase Wonder Woman’s damage output while decreasing her opponent’s damage output.

Lasso Spin

Command: Down, Back + Hard

Hit Level: Mid

Range: Close

Description: Wonder Woman performs a spin attack, using her lasso to launch her opponent.

This attack is punished by fast normal attacks and fast Specials.

Bracelets Of Submission

Command: Down, Back + Light

Description: Wonder Woman will parry any high or mid normal attack as well as any projectile.

After a successful parry, Wonder Woman’s damage output is increased for a short period of time.

Up Tiara

Command: Down, Back + Medium

Hit Level: High

Range: 1/4 Screen

Description: Wonder Woman throws her tiara upwards at an angle.

This attack can be combo punished by most characters when blocked.

Air Down Tiara

Command: Down, Back + Medium while in air

Hit Level:
High or Overhead based on the height you execute the attack

Range: 1/2 Screen

Description: While in mid-air, Wonder Woman throws her tiara downward at her opponent.

This attack will hit overhead when done at lower heights where it must be blocked from the standing block position.

This attack is only safe if done from a distance.

Air Straight Tiara

Command: Back, Forward + Medium while in air

Range: 1/2 Screen

Description: While in mid-air Wonder Woman throws her tiara straight in front of her.

Air Demi-Goddess’ Might

Command: Down, Forward + Hard while in air

Range: 3/4 Screen

Description: Wonder Woman performs a fast air flying punch.

Sword Stance Special Moves

Shield Toss

Command: Back, Forward + Medium

Hit Level: High

Range: 1/2 Screen

Description: Wonder Woman throws her shield straight towards her opponent.

This attack is safe when blocked.

Meter Burn Shield Toss

Description: Pressing the Meter Burn button during Shield Toss will cause the shield to hit the opponent on its return to Wonder Woman, doing additional damage.

This attack is safe when blocked.

Amalthea Bash

Command: Back, Forward + Hard

Hit Level: Mid

Range: 1/3 Screen

Description: Wonder Woman charges at her opponent, bashing him or her with her shield.

This attack is full combo punished when blocked.

Meter Burn Amalthea Bash

Description: Pressing the Meter Burn button during Amalthea Bash will follow up with another bashing shield charge that knocks the opponent down, doing additional damage.

This attack leaves Wonder Woman at advantage when blocked, allowing her to follow up with additional attacks.

Shield Strike

Command: Down, Back + Light

Range: Close

Description: Shield Strike is a fast attack that will also parry high and mid strikes.

When Shield Strike parries an attack, Wonder Woman will automatically follow up with a sword strike attack.

Pressing Medium, Hard after the sword strike will have Wonder Woman follow up with two additional sword strikes.

This attack is only punished by Superman’s Super Move.

Up Shield

Command: Down, Back + Medium

Hit Level: High

Range: 1/4 Screen

Description: Wonder Woman throws her shield upwards at an angle.

This attack is only punished by Superman’s Super Move when blocked.

This attack is full combo punished if crouched at close range.

Air Down Shield

Command: Down, Back + Medium

Hit Level: Overhead

Range: 1/2 Screen

Description: While in mid-air, Wonder Woman throws her shield downward at her opponent.

This attack hits overhead, so it must be blocked from the standing block position.

The safety of this attack varies based on the height it is thrown from; the lower it is thrown, the safer it is.

More Wonder Woman tips from Prima (or why not try Batman?)

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All the combos revealed, Open Space Lasso Stance or Corner Lasso Stance, we’ve got you covered

Get it all with the official guide to Injustice: Gods Among Us



INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. (s13)

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.