Halo 3 Spartan Laser discussed

Fictional soldiers give their two cents

The time has come for another Halo 3 equipment update, this time, Bungie have released some info on the Spartan Laser.

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The gun is professionally known as the M6 G/GNR, apparently. It’s supposedly pretty heavy and expensive.

In terms of more relevant information, the gun is slow to fire but heavy and whacks a fair bit of oomph. It’s best used against vehicles, needing three seconds to recharge before each massive beam is fired from the gun.

Once again, we’re treated to a review from soldiers on the equipment.

“I engaged an enemy chopper at a range of [blanked out] meters,” one trooper said. “The target immediately erupted into flames. Both vehicle and rider were eliminated.”

Another said: “the M6 is one of those rare systems that simultaneously boosts morale, degrades the fighting spirit of the enemy and actually performs admirably as a weapon.”

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Prima Games Staff

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