Grid 2 Walkthrough – Part 4

Grid 2 Walkthrough - Part 4

You have conquered America. You have dominated Europe. Now, the WSR has a primetime spot on ESPN and is becoming one of the most respected racing leagues out there. Now, its time for Season 4.

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WSR Season 4

You must select a car to for these series of races. You can choose between the Chevrolet Corvette Z06 or the SRT Viper GTS. The GTS is amazing in top speed, acceleration, and power. The Corvette has slightly less power. Make your choice and continue. You can win the other in a vehicle challenge. Then pick another sponsor and continue.

Rockstar Energy Race Series
Chicago, Underpass Ring & Miami, Downtown Speedway & California, Pebble Beach Drive
3 Rounds

No more courting clubs to be a member of the WSR. Now, it is all about the racing. You will now jump into Season 4 by competing in sponsored race events. Its time to race! Choose the car you want and head to the starting line.

These races are tough and it will tae all the skill you have to complete them. The last race is a one lap race to the finish up and down a mountain side. This is the hardest track in the game form our point of view so stay sharp.

Once the series is over you can choose between the KTM X-Bow R or the Ariel Atom 3. Make your choice and then continue.

Freestyle Xtreme Faceoff Series
Cote D’Azur, Route D’Azur
3 Rounds

Remember, in faceoff you go one on one with another racer. There are three rounds and you must come in first to advance.

Cote D’Azur is a difficult course. The turns come out of know where and the spaces are vary from tight to open. Focus on taking the lead early on in the series. Use speed to increase the lead in open spaces. Continue with this strategy and you should come out on top.

Alpine Stars Time Attack Series
Brands Hatch Indy Circuit Reversed, Red Bull Ring, GP Circuit Reversed & Algarve, Club Circuit
3 Rounds
3 Laps

This is a time attack series. This is not a race against the other cars, but a race against time. After you set the time once you cross the finish line first, continue to attempt to better your time while driving.

This course is wide open, giving your opponents a chance to pass you at every turn. Focus on getting out in the lead and staying there. On the Indy Circuit, your position is never safe, so watch your rear and block out your opponents. Keep this strategy and you should take first place. The same strategy can be used for the other courses. Focus on winning the series and move on to the next series.

Motor Mavens Eliminator Series
Miami, Collins Park Ring & Paris, Pont De L’Alma & Dubai, Jumeirah Beach
3 Rounds

The Eliminator game mode is one of our favorites. You must constantly race against the clock as it counts down. The car in last place at the end of the countdown is eliminated.

The clock is not the only thing you have to worry about in this race. Retired cars will litter the streets, creating a major obstacle. Avoid these cars at all times to avoid a spinout or a collision. You only have to be as fast as the last car in position, but be sure to focus on gaining first place. After you when the series, move on to the next invitation.

Evo Faceoff Series
Okutama, Mizu Mountain
3 Rounds

You now must deal with another faceoff series. This series is takes place at the dangerous Okutama at Mizu Mountain.

This series is the same as the last Faceoff series. Make sure you stay in the lead and pace yourself. You have 3 Faceoff races to deal with. Cross the finish line first everytime. There is no other option.

Emaar Race Series
Brands Hatch Indy Circuit & Red Bull Ring Circuit, GP Circuit & Yas Marina, Championship Circuit
Race Series
3 Rounds

This series takes us back to what the WSR is known for, and that is racing. There are no gimmicks here, just cross the finish line first.

The level of competition is becoming tougher and tougher. While these tracks may seem familiar, the stakes are higher than ever. You are close to the 4th WSR Championship Series and you can not afford to come up short. First place is your priority, but top three will suffice.

Intel Checkpoint Series
Chicago, Riverside & Cotte D’Azur, Saint-Laurent & Hong Kong, Kowloon Climb
3 Rounds

The Checkpoint series focuses on how much ground you can cover. Focus on the clock, as it holds your key to crossing the finish line.

Remember, this is a race against the clock. Focus on covering ground and hitting as many checkpoints as possible. Hitting these checkpoints adds valuable time to the clock. This time is imperative to allow you co over more ground. Do not focus on your position in the race, just focus on hitting as many checkpoints as you can.

The Hong Kong course may be the most challenging. This course has a high quarter frequency, so be careful when drifting.

Skullcandy Drift Series
California, Pebble Beach & Cotte D’Azur, Saint-Laurent & Hong Kong, Kowloon Climb
3 Rounds

This series focuses on drifting. This should be familiar to you so pick the appropriate car and begin.

During the Drift series, you must gain the most points to win the series. This is not race against other drivers for first place. This is a race to determine who is the best drifter in the WSR. Focus on drifting around corners to rack up points. Remember, if you have a collision while drifting, the points will not count. Collect all the points you can and move on to the next series.

WSR Season 4 Championship Series
Barcelona & Barcelona, Marine Gate & California, Big Sur & Chicago, Wabash Run & Paris, Avenue De New York
5 Rounds

Finally, we leave the gimmicks behind and focus on what is important, racing. The WSR has reached its 4th Championship Series and you are going to take it home.

This is a long series, 5 rounds and multiple laps. Pace yourself as endurance is the key to victory here. You must place in the top three in the first couple of races to ensure victory. Aim for first and cross the finish line to achieve another WSR Championship.


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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.