Grid 2 Walkthrough – Part 2

Rev up your engine for pat 2 of this surprisingly deep game.

You dominated Season 1 of the WRC. You did every promo, beat every vehicle challenge, and now you are ready for the next step in WRC Domination. This season takes you to Europe to battle on the European driving scene. WRC is on the map, now its time to cement its place in the racing world for good.

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WRC Season 2

After you have completed the last race in the WSR, and you have won the series, a cutscene will begin. Guess who made Sportscenter?!

After the cutscene ends, you have been granted a new garage. The new goal is to tackle the European driving scene. You will need to pick between two vehicles once again. This type, you will choose between the Hyundai Genesis Coupe and the Subaru BRZ. No matter which you pick, you will have the opportunity to win the other in a Vehicle Challenge so don’t stress too much. The Hyundai weighs more and is a bit more balanced. The Subaru is more for drifting and as a better acceleration speed. Make your pick and continue.

You now have one more slot for a new sponsor. You can also use this time to change the sponsors you already have. Take a look at the objectives at the bottom of the screen to determine which sponsors you will choose. Go for the sponsors with the easiest objectives for your driving skills. Once you make you pick, select the first race invitation from the first European club.

Divizéro Club

This club focuses on Time Attack challenges. Drivers compete to set the fastest time on a given lap. Select the first race.

Paris Time Attack
Le Trocadero
1 Race
3 Laps

With this race you want to focus on placing in the top three. Number one is preferred, but the top three will get you through to the next race. The race begins with your car already in motion. Press the throttle and get started!

This is not a race against the other cars, but a race against time. After you set the time once you cross the finish line first, continue to attempt to better your time while driving. This course has a lot of tight turns so be liberal with your break. Take your time and you will be at the finish line in no time.

At the end of this race you will have to pick another car. You will chose between the Ford Focus ST and the Volkswagen Golf R. Both cars have strong grip but the Ford is a FWD while the VW is a 4WD. On paper, the VW seems to be the better choice. No matter what you choose, you will have a chance to win the other car in a vehicle challenge. Pick the car you want and continue.

You now have the choice to move on to a different club, or finish the races out with the current club. We choose to finish the races with the current club before moving on.

Barcelona Time Attack
Fountain Loop
1 Round
3 Laps

Before beginning this race, you can choose between a few car selections. Make your pick and then continue. Once again you will begin with your car in motion, so get ready to hit the throttle.

Fountain Loop contains a few uneven surfaces, so watch out for those. This course is short and a lot of fun. About half way through the race, there is a very wide turn that is perfect for drifting. Take this turn wide, hit the brake when you begin, and you will gain momentum and speed.

This is not a race against the other cars, but a race against time. After you set the time once you cross the finish line first, continue to attempt to better your time while driving. Take 1st Place and gain new fans in the process.

Cote D’Azur Race
Route De Corniche
1 Round
1 Lap

This is an old fashioned race to the finish. The time trials are over and it is time to show that you are the best racer in Europe. Choose your car and prepare to race.

The Route De Corniche is a beautiful way to see the Cote D’Azur, but you are not here for scenery, you are here to win! This track boasts come very tight areas that do not provide a lot of breathing room. There are many areas that can cause you to crash or spin out.

Pass carefully in this race. Do not attempt to take close calls as you will surely end up with bouncing between the railings. Once you are at the lead, it is easy to box others out to stay there. The course is a little longer than the last one so stay focused and come in first.

Barcelona Time Attack
Columbus Bay
1 Round
3 Laps

We are back for our next time attack race. The race will begin with your car already in motion. Choose your car and then continue. Hit the throttle and prepare to gain the best time.

This course is a little wider and affords some breathing room for you. Don’t take it light though as the turns can be surprisingly sharp and tight. Keep your foot on the throttle and push through the obstacles to gain the best time on the track.

This is not a race against the other cars, but a race against time. After you set the time once you cross the finish line first, continue to attempt to better your time while driving. Complete this race and move on to the next club.

Eliminación Club

This club focuses on the Eliminator mode of racing. You have to stay out of last place. When the counter hits 0, the driver in the back is eliminated form the race. If you are able to last the longest, you win the race. Are you ready?

Barcelona Eliminator
Fountain Loop

For this race you can only choose between two cars. Make your choice and then continue to the race. Remember, the last car in the race will be eliminated so focus on staying ahead of the pack.

Once the race begin, you will have a 18 second start to get into position before eliminations begin. Once the clock reaches zero, a separate clock will appear that counts down to eliminations.

Remember, you have to constantly be faster than the last car in the race. Continue to advance and watch the other cars be eliminated. The clock is only 18 seconds long so be quick. You only need to place in the top three, but go ahead for first place.

After the race is over you will be able to select between two cars. There is the Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.5-16 Evolution II and the BMW E30 Sport Evo. Both vehicles are balanced and boast similar stats. Make your choice and continue. You can gain the other in a vehicle challenge.

You will gain an invitation to the Euro Rand Club. You can choose to finish out Eliminación or move on to Euro Rand. We will stick with the current club.

Paris Eliminator
Champs Élysées

This is another elimination race. You are now in Paris. Prepare to remain in the lead so you do not get eliminated. Choose your car and continue.

This course varies between tight spots and open areas that allow you to breath and gain both speed and position. Be careful as the wide turns and lead into a tight lane so take them with caution.

Remember you must place in the top three, but a first place finish is preferred. You must remain faster than the slowest car on the track to avoid elimination. Win this race and move on to the next one.

Barcelona Race
Columbus Bay
1 Round
3 Laps

Now you are back to your bread and butter. It is time for you to race! No gimmicks here, just make sure you are the first car across the finish line. Choose your car, and begin.

This course features some tight areas so stay sharp. The surface of this track can change as well so do your best to stay stable when this happens. When the tight areas appear, search for safe lines to pass your opponents.

With tight lines come a larger chance of cars spinning out. Focus on avoiding those cars and not becoming one your self. Continue to push ahead until you reach the finish line.

Paris Eliminator
Le Trocadero

This is your last eliminator challenge for this club. This race will take you by the Eiffel Tower! While that is cool, remember you are here to stay ahead of last place and avoid elimination. Select your car, and continue.

Remember that you have 18 seconds to gain a powerful position in the race. Once that clock ends, each elimination will have a 18 second countdown clock. You have to stay ahead of the last car at all times to make sure you are not eliminated. Strive to remain in the top three.

Once you are in the top three, push for the lead. While placing in the top three will suffice, a first place finish will warrant even more fan attention. Finish the race and move on to the next club.

Euro Rand

The Euro Rand club focuses on racing. Prepare to show them what the WRC has to offer. Select your car and begin.

Paris Race
Le Trocadero
1 Round
3 Laps

You should be familiar with this track by now. While there are a couple of wide-open areas made for passing, most of the race is tight and boxed in. Be sure to watch the handling of your vehicle to avoid spinning out of control.

The turns on the course are also very sharp. Approach them by slowing down and then speeding up when you are leaving them. This will allow you to gain more speed. Take the first two rounds easy, while continually advancing your position. Then, in the 3 Lap, give it all you got!

Winning this race allows entry into other races from the club.

Barcelona Race
Fountain Loop
1 Round
4 Laps

This race contains the most laps yet at four. Be sure to use your Rewind feature loosely here. Spread it out between rounds.

Remember this course is very tight and these drivers are very fast. While placing in the top three is great, you will need to win to gain even more fans. Be careful of the tight lanes and avoid collisions during the race. Finish strong and move on to the next invitation.

Paris Race
Champs Élysées
1 Round
 2 Laps

This race is short, with only 2 laps. This means that you have to pull out into the lead early and focus on staying there. The smallest mistake can force you into a secondary position and can cost you the race.

This race is short and sweet. The areas are tight which can lead to accidents. Towards the end of the race, it opens up to allow you to gain an advantage. Focus on not hitting the rails in the game. You will be knocked around like a pinball. Win this race and move on to the last invitation form the club.

Cote D’Azur Race
1 Round
1 Lap

This is the final race in this series. This race has the potential to gain you 20,000 fans! This is a one round, one lap race so stay focused.

This is the tightest course on the in the series. You will have to work hard to not get caught in the tight spaces of this track. The stonewalls can lead to some strong impact and accidents so look out for those. Work your way up the pack. Once you reach the first position, it will be easy to block out other drivers.

Win this race and move on to the championship. Once you do you can choose between two cars. The Alfa Romeo 4C is a grip car with low weight and high top speed. The BMW 1 Series M Coupe is balanced vehicle that has more weight and a lower speed. Make your choice and continue. Whatever you don’t choose you can win in a vehicle challenge. You can also edit your sponsors and objectives if you want.

WSR Championship Series

Rockstar Energy Race Series
Cote D’Azur, La Turbie & Cote D’Azur, Leopolda
2 Rounds

This is a two round race with very tough competition. Your position after the first race is crucial to your success. Place 1st in the first race and you can place second or maybe even third in the next. Place anywhere below second place in the first round, and the chances of you winning are slim to none.

This series is about points. Gaining the most points at the end of the race will win. Both of these courses are tight. They contain tunnels that can be used to gain momentum. The walls on this course are tough so avoid them at all coasts so you will not spin out.

Win this race and you can gain an invitation to another race in the series.

Auto Express Time Attack Series
Algarve, GP Circuit & Algarve, National Circuit
2 Rounds

This is a time attack race. You are racing against the fastest time set on the course, not the other drivers. Focus on smooth clean driving and nailing the apexes in order to increase speed and position.

Both courses contain large areas to gain time and position. The caveat to that is the sharp turns. The turns on this course are almost 90-degree angles. Be sure to use your break properly to navigate through the turns. Once you win the race or place in the top three, you can move on to the next race.

Virgin Media Race Series
Red Bull Ring, North Circuit & Brands Hatch, Indy Circuit
2 Rounds

We now return to the familiar. This a straight race. 1 lap to the finish. Since this is a series, you must focus on gaining a string finish in the first round. Select your car and continue.

The Red Bull North Circuit is a little friendlier than the Algrace circuit. The turns are not as sharp, but they are wide and cause you to spinout and loose position. When turning, stay close to the inside and slow down before the turn. The Brands Hatch Indy Circuit is a shorter track with less deep turns.

Both of these courses should provide little challenge to you at this point. Simply complete them and move on to the next invitation.

Vonzipper Eliminator Series
Barcelona, Liveroutes & Paris, Circuit De La Seine & Barcelona, High Street
3 Rounds

In this series, the elimination mode is back. In a series of races, you must survive the elimination style of racing. Be sure to be faster than the slowest car or you will be eliminated.

With three rounds of eliminations, positioning is key. These courses are tight but offer up enough space to maneuver around the other drivers. There are also areas that can allow you to box the drivers out of taking your position.

Taking an early lead is important. If you can manage to win the first two rounds and come in first, you can place as low as 6th in the next elimination and still win. Stay focused and race your heart out for the first two rounds. Then, move on to the championship.

Flat Fitty Race Championship
Paris, Liveroutes & Cote D’Azur, Leopolda & Barcelona, Cathedral Pass
1 Lap & 3 Laps
3 Rounds

We are back to racing only. No gimmicks, just pedal to the floor racing. These are 1-lap races and there are 3 rounds. The racer with the most points at the end of the game will win! Time to show them what you got! Pick your car and start the race.

The first track will change constantly while racing, so don’t commit to memory, just race. This will make the course longer and create some tight areas. Focus on the sight line and take this course to the finish line. The second course features railing and mountains that will deter momentum and cause spinouts so be careful.

The last race is for 3 laps and it will go by very quickly. This is the final and everyone is on their A game. The Cathedral Pass is the perfect course to take the lead and win the series. The course features wide enough areas where you can advance and turns that are easy on the brake pads. Keep pushing forward, win this race, and enjoy the conclusion!

About the Author

Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.