Gran Turismo 6 Autumn Ring Mini Track Tips

Take care of Autumn before winter hits with our help.

Another course that’s been in Gran Turismo games since the very beginning, the Autumn Ring Mini is one of the shortest tracks in the game, clocking in at less than a mile. However, over the course of three laps, you’ll be challenged by its continuous turns.

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The first is a hard right that you’ll need to take with the right amount of speed – roughly 55 MPH or so. After taking it, prepare for a quick left up ahead, followed by a small right. Speed is everything here, but so is staying on the road. Opponents will find every opportunity to pass you.

Finishing that, a sharp right will force you to decrease your speed to around 45 or 50 MPH. Don’t go much slower than that, unless your tires can’t take a turn without drifting. Keeping your current position with a proper speed is everything here, as you don’t have many straightaways to speak of to pass other cars. Keep up a good pace.

After the right, you have a small piece of straight track leading into several turns. You’ve got a small right leading into a tighter right just a few yards ahead, then another right that connects into a left. You’ll want to make sure you watch out for cars around you, particularly on the sides, as you don’t want to be going so fast that you ram into them. Maintain your position by following the arrows on the course, if you have them turned on. If not, just make sure you stay on your section of the road, and watch out for other drivers.

Once you come out of these tight turns, you’ll have one more right to take before you can shoot down the straightaway towards the finish line. This final right corner could make all the difference between first or worse, depending how you take it. Don’t be impatient, but don’t forget to keep your accelerator going at a good rate.

Finally, just take this advice in stride. Feel the corners and maintain a proper speed throughout the race. Do that, and this track will be easily dominated. 

Gran Turismo 6 is available now for PlayStation 3.


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Prima Games Staff

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