Firewatch Exploration Guide and Walkthrough

All you need to do is follow the wave receiver signal to reach your destination.

Firewatch has a number of conversation choices that impact the plot. This guide walks you through the objectives and where to go as you make your way through the game, but it does not cover the conversation choices. Those are for you to decide to advance the plot in whatever way you desire. First let’s start off with some tips to get your going as you begin the adventure that is Firewatch.

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Firewatch Beginner’s Tips

  • Check your map regularly to make sure you’re going in the right direction. It will save you time and effort.
  • Your current objective is listed at the top of the map screen. If you’re feeling a bit lost, check out your objective so you know what Henry should do next.
  • It’s advantageous to check in with Delilah about everything. You never know what she will say and sometimes it can be very helpful.
  • There’s a timer that ticks down as you’re engaged in conversation with Delilah. Pay close attention to the timer so you don’t miss a conversation opportunity.
  • Like many other games, how you talk to Delilah will have a direct impact on your relationship with her. Tread carefully as you converse.

Firewatch – Prologue

As Firewatch begins you must make a few tough relationship decisions. You take on the role of Henry and must choose how he interacts with Julia. Get the hang of moving around as you make your decisions. Take the elevator to the truck, then make your way to the tower. There isn’t much to do until you get to Day 1.

Firewatch – Day 1

Your first significant objective is to find the rope in Cache Box 306. Go out the door of the lookout and head down to the bottom of the stairs. Access your map and compass to find the cache box, then head northwest as you follow the trail. As you progress you will see a sign on that says you’re 0.7 miles from Jonesy Lake so that you know you’re going the right direction. Upon reaching Cache Box 306, use the code 1, 2, 3, 4 to open it. Pick up the rope inside and copy the map information.

Once you reach a slope that you can’t move beyond (Cripple Gulch), attach a rope hook and rappel to the area below. Follow the path to a campsite with a fire and pick up all the beer cans. Stomp the campfire out, and continue down the path to the teens. Now you need to head back to the Two Forks Lookout, but you can’t go back the way you came. Head east and follow Thunder Canyon, then loot Cache Box 303 and pass through Cave 452. Follow the path south to Two Forks Lookout.

Firewatch – Day 2

The first objective on day two is to survey communication lines to the north of Thunder Canyon. Head back along the path you used to get back on Day 1. Use the map and compass as you head north, then continue along the trail and through Cave 452. Go north until you see the utility line, then follow it to the scattered beer cans and your objective.

Speak with Delilah to discover that you need to find the teens. Head north as you circle around to Cache Box 241. As you follow the path examine find a hanging backpack along the way to find a rope that you’ll need to rappel for the remainder of the summer. Continue to Cache Box 241 and remember to copy the map information.

Once you get the new objective of finding the source of the smoke, go due south to Thunder Canyon. Jump the gap to cross into the canyon, then continue west to the Cripple Gulch area from Day 1. Put a rope hook at Cripple Gulch so you can pass through here in any direction and get back to Two Forks Lookout with relative ease.

Use a rope hook to head down the slope, then follow the path that to the south that leads to Cache Box 309. Loot the Cache Box and copy the map information, then follow the path toward the source of the smoke. When you reach the source, inspect everything and speak with Delilah again.

Firewatch – Day 3

You need to find the boards downstairs so you can patch up the window. To do this, head to the bottom of the Lookout and look toward the base. Walk around to find additional boards and pick up what you can before heading back up the stairs to fix the window.

Firewatch – Day 9 and Day 15

There isn’t much you should need assistance with on Day 9, but for the sake of completion, speak with Delilah and respond however you like. Day 15 is also mainly talking, so make the choices that you desire and continue with the game.

Firewatch – Day 33

Head north to find supplies and make sure to check the map to get your exact location. Go north as you follow the path to Cache Box 241. Loot the Cache Box and copy the map information, then continue on to the supply drop.

Firewatch – Day 64

Once again we have come to a day filled with Delilah conversations. Make your decisions and name the fire to continue onward to Day 76.

Firewatch – Day 76

Continue down the path from Cripple Gulch to Jonesy Lake. Pick up the clipboard on the rock, then speak with Delilah and head back the way you came and over the log on the ground. Once you pass the log, look down to see a flat rock on the path. At this point the radio is giving off strange noises and you need to investigate. As you investigate, loot Cache Box 305 and copy the map information.

Once you find the radio, go north along the lake as you pass Cache Box 305. Continue to follow the path to Wapiti Meadow. When you hit the locked gate, push it several times to confirm you can’t get in. This updates the map with a new location south of Ruby River. Look for the controlled burn to the south of that area and pull up your map to plan your route.

Head south to the Thunder Canyon, then east through Cave 452 as you circle back to the Two Forks Lookout. Continue south and loot Cache 307 after crossing Ruby River, then head over to Cache 308 (if you can open it) and copy the map information for both,. Head over to explore the Scout Camp in the south-east corner of the map, then continue down the trail and to the north to the dead end. Pick up the axe stuck in a nearby tree, then examine the map to find the narrow canyon running northeast.

Follow the canyon northeast until you encounter a damaged tree. Cut down the tree, then head back to the far side of the canyon. The next objective tells you to head back over to Wapiti Meadow, but for now all you need to do is speak with Delilah.

Firewatch – Day 77

You are now tasked with going to Cottonwood Creek. Head south from Two Forks Lookout as you cross the Ruby River, then take the path to the west and open Cache Box 308 if you haven’t already. The access code to the Cache is 5, 6, 7, 8. Pick up the radio to get your next objective, then head north from Cache Box 308, past Medicine Wheel and continue through Cripple Gulch (where you were at on Day 1).

Follow this path you end up at Jonesy Lake. Continue down the trail heading northeast to the gate, then open the gate with the axe and continue down the path to Wapiti Station. Once you reach the communications tower near the grid and tent, examine everything in the area, including the hard case to the right when you move into the tent. Don’t forget to collect the wave receiver inside the case.

Before leave the area, locate the beeping device near the back of the tent, then remove the clutter to discover a black box and a file on Henry and Delilah. Talk to Delilah, then head back to the Lookout for another cut scene.

Follow the wave receiver and take the path leading from the Lookout to Medicine Wheel. Look for the small clearing on the map above the “E” in the word Medicine Wheel to easily locate this. It leads you to the backpack and key for Cave 452. Now all that’s left to do in Day 77 is head back to the Lookout.

Firewatch – Day 78

Talk to Delilah, then leave to explore Cave 452 that’s marked on your map. You can find it north of Two Forks Lookout, near Thunder Canyon. Once you reach the cave, use the key to open the door, and go inside the cave. Continue forward until you hit a drop, then head left to find a few loose stones. Remove them from the path and continue through the cave to get back outside.

Go north from the exit to find the Kid’s Hideout (not marked on the map) and explore the area. Collect the items here, then speak with Delilah again and be sure to move the handmade sign, as well as collect the pitons under it.

Once you’re ready to continue, head north along the path to find a cracked rock. Use a piton on the crack and rappel downward, then continue to the west to reach the trail. Keep following the trail to the south as you loop back around to Cave 452. Use the key to move inside, then use another piton to move further down into the cave. Explore the area then head back outside when notified by the new objective.

Firewatch – Day 79

Speak to Delilah until you get a new objective, then follow the wave receiver one more time. Head back to Cripple Gulch where you were on Day 1, and use the rope hook to rappel to the bottom. Head west along the path, then take another path to the north as soon possible. Follow this trail north and the wave receiver leads you to a collar, cassette tape and arrow pointing up with your name on it. Climb to the top and continue to follow the path to the end to explore the area.

Continue to the north to reach Thorofare Lookout for evacuation. Move on to Jonesy Lake, then take Thunder Canyon east. Continue on this path (or the one near Cave 452) as you make your way to the north. Move along the path until you hit the cable car, then head to Delilah’s tower, and pick up the radio headset to continue the story. Exit the tower and head toward the helicopter and you’re done!

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Prima Games Staff

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