EA Sports UFC – How to Stop the Takedown

We show you four ways to keep the fight standing.

You hear about it all the time in MMA, the classic striker versus grappler match up. The person who wins is the one who can dictate where the fight takes place. The same goes for EA Sports UFC.

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Players who wish to keep the fight standing as they work for the knockout obviously want to avoid being taken to the ground. That’s easier said than done, especially when you’re up against the AI or someone with a strong Takedown Offense. All too often you’ll find yourself scrambling to get back to your feet after a failed attempt to stuff the takedown.

In our video today, we talk about four different ways you can keep the fight standing. Rather than focus on simply stuffing the takedown, we explain how distance and lateral movement are the most effective methods to control where the fight takes place.

Check out the video below, then be sure to drop us a comment and let us know your thoughts. Do you have any strategies that you think we overlooked? We’d love to hear from you.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.