Dragon Age: Inquisition – The Western Approach Side Quests

Complete all of Frederic's quests and secure the Griffon Wing Keep in the Western Approach.

There are two sets of quests in the Western Approach region that can be completed all at once. Take a look at all of Frederic’s quests, since many can be completed as you make your way toward Frederic’s location. In addition, the Still Ruins set of quests can be completed all at once to save time.

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Holding the Western Approach

Description: Establish camps to hold the Western Approach and support Inquisition activity in the region.
Starting NPC: Scout Harding
Requirements: None
Reward: +100 Influence and +1 Power Level per camp

Quest Objective:

  • Establish four camps

As soon as you enter the Western Approach, speak to Scout Harding to begin this quest. Like almost every other area, you need to establish multiple camps. In the Western Approach you need to establish four camps, including the camp where you begin your adventures in the area. Unlike the other areas in the game, you can’t reach all four camps sites immediately. You need to clear the sulfur cloud and perform a few other tasks. Once everything is clear, go to the camp sites marked on the map and erect three more camps to complete the quest.

The Venatori

Description: The Venatori seem to be busy in the Western Approach. A report from someone named Servis mentioned activity in a mine somewhere in the canyons.
Starting NPC: Scout Harding
Requirements: Speak to Scout Harding
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objectives:

  • Search for the mine
  • Read the Venatori report

Once you enter the Western Approach, speak with Scout Harding twice, then examine the Venatori papers on the table at the camp. Follow the path to the north, then to the west. You’ll pass by a rift and a bandit camp. Remember the location of the bandit camp, as you’ll need to head there for another quest.

When you reach the waypoint marker for the quest, you find a mine. Head into the mine, kill the spiders and loot the room ahead. Make sure to read the note on the table. With the note read, the quest is complete.


Description: A shipment of goods, destined for a University of Orlais researcher named Frederic, appears to have been waylaid by bandits. The shipping label suggests his camp is somewhere in Nazaire’s Pass.
Starting NPC: Package label near a looted caravan.
Requirements: None
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Find Frederic

From the starting camp, head south to find a rift a short distance from the camp site. From the location of the rift, follow the path to the south. When you reach a series of cages outside of Sand Rock mine, examine the item in front of the first cage on the right to find a package label. Examine the item to begin the quest. This marks Frederic’s location on your map, but before you head to his location, start the On the Chantry Trail quest, as it takes you right past Frederic. Speak to Frederic to complete the quest.

On the Chantry Trail

Description: There are Chantry symbols out in the desert. They appear to lead somewhere.
Starting NPC: Stone marker in the canyon west of Sand Rock mine
Requirements: None
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objectives:

  • Follow the trail
  • Find where the trail leads

When you reach the Sand Rock mine where the Draconology quest begins, head west to find the first stone marker and begin the quest. Follow the waypoints on your map to find more stone markers as you go. Make sure to stop and speak to Frederic to complete the Draconology quest and begin the Frederic’s Livelihood quest, since you’ll be able to find items needed for the Frederic’s Livelihood quest as you’re completing this one.

Upon reaching the third stone marker, claim the location so you can execute a war table mission that will clear the sulfur and allow you to complete the Holding the Western Approach quest. When you reach the end of the trail and complete the quest, use a mage to remove the cave barrier and then loot the cave.

Frederic’s Livelihood

Description: White Claw raiders made off with Frederic’s supplies. Search areas where White Claw raiders are active to recover the supplies.
Starting NPC: Frederic
Requirements: None
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Return Frederic’s supplies

If you completed or at least started the side quests listed before this one, there’s a good chance you’ve already encountered the White Claw raiders and obtained Frederic’s supplies. If you have, speak to Frederic to complete the quest. If you don’t have the supplies in your possession, search areas will be marked on your map. Head to those areas and take down the White Claw raiders, then loot their bodies and their camp sites to find the supplies. Speak to Frederic again to complete the quest.

How to Lure a Dragon

Description: Frederic wants to concoct dragon bait. He has almost everything he needs, save for two rather specific ingredients.
Starting NPC: Frederic
Requirements: Complete the Draconology side quest
Reward: +512 XP, +200 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objectives:

  • Gather quillback intestines
  • Gather phoenix tail feathers
  • Deliver the ingredients to Frederic

Search the areas marked on your map to find quillbacks and phoenixes. There isn’t much to worry about when it comes to these enemies, but try to make sure your party stays behind the enemies during the battle. Alternatively, have your warrior move so that the enemies are facing away from the rest of the party. These enemies use attacks that inflict a decent amount of damage to multiple party members if they’re standing in front of the enemies. However, your warrior should have more than enough defense to handle the attacks. Once you have the items, speak to Frederic again to complete the quest.

Hunting Patterns

Description: High dragon hunting patterns are largely undocumented. Frederic is interested in the location of any dead gurn showing signs it was killed by a dragon.
Starting NPC: Frederic
Requirements: Complete the Draconology side quest
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objectives:

  • Find four dragon signs
  • Return to Frederic with hunting locations

The gurn bodies you need to find are located north of Frederic’s position. When you get close to one, your mini-map will light up allowing you to use the search function to find the items you need to recover. Some of the gurn bodies are located within the sulfur, which you likely haven’t cleared yet. If this is the case, ignore those bodies, as there are four bodies outside of the sulfur area that will allow you to complete the quest. Once you have all four items, speak with Frederic again to complete the quest.

A Manuscript of Some Authority

Description: The ancient Tevinter manuscript has some marvelous diagrams, but Frederic is unable to read the script.
Starting NPC: Frederic
Requirements: Complete the Frederic’s Livelihood, How to Lure a Dragon, and Hunting Patterns side quests
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objectives:

  • Find Tevinter writing on dragon luring
  • Deliver the manuscript to Frederic
  • Arrange for a translation at the war table
  • Return to Frederic

Once you’ve completed Frederic’s Livelihood, How to Lure a Dragon and Hunting Patterns side quests, speak to Frederic again to start this quest. Depending on how you completed the previous quests, you may already be on this quest. The Still Ruins are now marked on your map, but many of the enemies within are level 15. Unless you’re using a party composed of three mages and a warrior (sword and shield), you should be at least level 11 or 12 before you begin the series of quests within the Still Ruins. In addition, you need a power level of at least five before you can complete this quest.

When you’re ready to begin the next few side quests, make sure you have at least one mage in your party, then head to the location marked on your map and engage the enemies surrounding the entrance to the ruins. Use a mage to remove the barrier at the entrance to the ruins, then take out the sole Spellbinder enemy ahead. Defeating this enemy begins the quest A Tevinter Relic Hunt. You must complete that quest before you can continue with the current quest.

Once you have completed A Tevinter Relic Hunt, continue deeper into the ruins to the Viridis Walk. Head into the room in the southwest corner to find the writing Frederic requires. Before you leave, energize the torch in the room, then follow the path of The Heart of the Still Ruins quest to obtain additional loot. Once completed, speak to Frederic again, then head back to Skyhold and enter the war room. Assign an advisor to the Translate the Dragon Text mission, then speak with Frederic once again.

A Tevinter Relic Hunt

Description: Venatori raided the Still Ruins under the Western Approach. Whatever lies inside was important enough to protect with a barrier.
Starting NPC: Spellbinder enemy
Requirements: Begin the quest A Manuscript of Some Authority
Reward: +1,934 XP, +400 Influence, +3 Power Level

Quest Objective:

  • Stop the Venatori

When you reach the Still Ruins, use a mage to remove the barrier blocking the entrance, then defeat the Spellbinder ahead to begin this quest. Enter the Still Ruins and take out the enemies in the main hall. Continue to the north until you find Lucanus, the leader of the Venatori forces that have been fighting you in the ruins. Like most battles of this nature, Lucanus attacks alongside a few lesser enemies. Take down the lesser enemies first, then focus your attention on Lucanus. Defeat Lucanus to complete the quest, then loot the body to obtain the item that starts the quest, The Heart of the Still Ruins.

The Heart of the Still Ruins

Description: Lucanus dropped a strange stone while searching the ruins. Its distinct pattern suggests it could be a keystone of some kind. Perhaps there are more.
Starting NPC: Still Ruins stone
Requirements: Complete the quest A Trevinter Relic Hunt
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objectives:

  • Collect all five keystones to open the sealed chamber
  • Enter the sealed chamber

When you kill Lucanus to complete the quest A Trevinter Relic Hunt, he drops the item you need to begin this quest. Pick up the item and then search the Viridis Walk to find the other four items. The items aren’t difficult to locate, and once you have all four, take them to the north side of the room to go through the door and enter the inner sanctum to complete the quest.

Don’t forget to loot the room before you move on. If you still have the torch from the quest, A Manuscript of Some Authority, look behind the floating staff to acquire more loot. When you pick up the staff in the room, the frozen rift from the beginning of the ruins comes to life and the enemies surrounding the rift will immediately attack.

A Stranger Rift in the Ruins

Description: There’s ancient magic at work in the Still Ruins that appears to be slowing time. A Fade rift appears frozen in place, and whatever’s keeping the magic at work is preventing the rift from closing.
Starting NPC: Still Ruins Fade rift
Requirements: Begin the quest A Trevinter Relic Hunt
Reward: +967 XP, +200 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objectives:

  • Disable the time magic
  • Close the Fade rift

When you enter the Still Ruins for the quest, A Trevinter Relic Hunt, examining the frozen rift begins this quest. Complete the previously mentioned quest, as well as The Heart of the Still Ruins quest. This causes the rift to come alive, and the enemies surrounding the once frozen rift immediately attack. You need to fight your way back to the rift and close it to complete the quest.

By now you should know that Dispel is a great asset when attempting to close a rift. It’s even more effective in this situation because of the close quarters location of the battle. Use Dispel to stop multiple demons from spawning and close this rift faster than you’d normally be able to.

Shaper White Fangs

Description: The White Claws won’t be happy that their traps were destroyed. Senior raiders will likely investigate, an ideal moment to take them out.
Starting NPC: Frederic
Requirements: Complete the How to Lure a Dragon quest
Reward: +967 XP, +200 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objectives:

  • Destroy all five traps
  • Kill the White Claws
  • Return to Frederic

Speak to Frederic again to begin this quest, then head south of his location and search the area for the traps you need to destroy. Depending on your search ability, you may need to scan the area carefully to make sure you don’t miss any of the traps. They aren’t as easy to spot as most other loot in the game, but if you have a wider search area on your scanning ability, it makes locating them a bit easier.

Once all five traps are destroyed, a group of White Claws attack almost immediately. Take them down, then speak to Frederic again to complete the quest.

Assault on Griffon Wing Keep

Description: Venatori occupied an isolated keep in the Western Approach, a key outpost on the treacherous trip to Adamant. It would be of great benefit to the Inquisition to capture it and drive the Venatori from the area.
Starting NPC: Frederic
Requirements: None
Reward: Gain Control of Griffon Wing Keep

Quest Objective:

  • Capture the keep

You can speak to Frederic to begin this quest, or search the Still Ruins for a note that will also begin the quest. Before you head out to the keep, put as many ranged attackers in your party as you can. This makes the many battles to come a bit easier because there are numerous enemies with ranged attacks that can be difficult for close-range warriors and rogues to engage. Mages and rogues with ranged attack options fare much better.

Head to the keep location marked on the map and take down the first set of enemies at the entrance. Loot the area, then head up the stairs to the west to engage more enemies. Continue toward the top of the keep to find Macrinus, the leader of this group. While there are several other enemies surrounding Macrinus, he is a mage and will cast potentially devastating spells. If you have a mage in your group, use Lightning Bolt to paralyze him or any other abilities your party may have to stop Macrinus from casting.

As long as you have a warrior keeping the attention of Macrinus and a mage paralyzing him and maintaining a Barrier spell on the warrior, focus on the other enemies first. Once they’re down, shift your attention back to Macrinus to finish him off. Claim the keep as your own to complete the quest.

This Water Tastes Funny

Description: Griffon Wing’s well has been tampered with and cannot support the keep. An alternative source of fresh water must be secured. A nearby oasis called Lost Wash Creek would do if it weren’t crawling with varghests.
Starting NPC: Knight-Captain Rylen
Requirements: Complete the Assault on Griffon Wing Keep quest
Reward: +128 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Clear out the varghests at Lost Wash Creek

Once you have captured Griffon Wing Keep, speak with Knight-Captain Rylen at the keep to begin this quest. This quest can be handled several different ways depending on the missions you partake at the Skyhold war room table and the choices you make. If you have to handle this quest yourself, head to the area marked on the map to engage the varghests. It’s best to take them down one at a time, especially if you’re not running with multiple mages in your party to keep Barrier up. Once all of the enemies are down, speak with Knight-Captain Rylen again to complete the quest.

Fortress Squatters

Description: Bandits have occupied an old Warden fortress in the Western Approach and are raiding caravans that Griffon Wing Keep depends on for supplies.
Starting NPC: Knight-Captain Rylen
Requirements: Complete the Here Lies the Abyss main scenario quest and the Assault on Griffon Wing Keep side quest
Reward: +967 XP, +200 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objective:

  • Clear out the bandits

Once you’ve completed the requirements for this quest, speak to Knight-Captain Rylen at the Griffon Wing Keep to begin the quest. Head to the fortress and finish off the small group of bandits within to complete the quest.

The Trouble with Darkspawn

Description: There is increased darkspawn activity in the Western Approach.
Starting NPC: Knight-Captain Rylen
Requirements: Complete the Assault on Griffon Wing Keep quest
Reward: +1,934 XP, +400 Influence, +3 Power Level

Quest Objectives:

  • Search for more signs of darkspawn
  • Find the source of the darkspawn
  • Access the Tevinter ruin
  • Investigate the area
  • Seal the hole. Locate those responsible for the excavation
  • Track down Servis in the Western Approach

You need a power level of at least five to complete this quest. Once your power level is high enough, speak to Knight-Captain Rylen at the Griffon Wing Keep to begin this quest. Make your way north until you see another area covered in a sulfur cloud. Claim the area surrounding the rundown bridge nearby, then fast travel back to Skyhold and head to the war room.

Send an advisor to complete the mission, Find the Source of the Darkspawn, which is located near the Western Approach. This creates a bridge in the area you were just in. Put at least one mage in your party, then head back to that area and cross the bridge. Make your way through the area, defeating enemies as you encounter them.

When you reach the old prison (the large castle-like structure), take out the guards at the entrance, then head into Coracavus prison. Once inside, head to the left to find a series of cells. There’s quite a bit of loot here, so dig through all of it before you continue on. Once you have all of the loot, pick up the torch in the cell in the far right corner, then head back toward the entrance and down the next hall. Use the torch in the room at the end of the hall to find a rune on the floor that reveals hidden loot.

Clear out enemies in the surrounding area, then use a mage to energize the fallen debris and seal off the tunnel. Continue through the prison until you reach the bridge. Take out the enemies just beyond and continue to the end of the next long hallway where you find a corpse on the ground. Loot the corpse and continue toward the end of the prison to find a giant waiting for you.

There isn’t much to the giant, so make quick work of it, then head through the door to the south. Erect a camp at the site just beyond the door, then make your way south to find a fort where Servis waits. He is surrounded by a group of enemies. Take down the ancillary force first, then focus your attention on Servis. Finish him off to complete the quest.

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About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.