Dragon Age: Inquisition – Emerald Graves Side Quests

Take down Sister Costeau, Duhaime, and explore Din’an Hanin, the Knight's Tomb!

You need to be at least level 15 or 16 to have success in this region. As you make your way to the northern part of the area, the enemies get more and more difficult to defeat. There are even a few enemies reaching level 20, so be ready for combat at almost any time as you traverse the Emerald Graves region.

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Holding Emerald Graves

Description: Establish camps to hold the Emerald Graves and support Inquisition activity in the region.
Starting NPC: Scout Harding
Requirements: None
Reward: +100 Influence and +1 Power Level per camp

Quest Objective:

  • Establish four camps

Just like the other regions in the game, you are tasked with setting up four camps. You gain influence and power levels for each camp except the first one, which is setup when you first head to the region. Travel to the three remaining waypoints on the map to erect camps at each location, allowing you to fast travel across the Emerald Graves.


Description: Dolores lights a candle for her son at the chantry each year on the anniversary of his death. She is unable to do so this year because of the war.
Starting NPC: A letter near the Andraste’s Light landmark
Requirements: None
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Light a candle at the shrine

Head to the Andraste’s Light landmark near the starting camp to find a letter that begins this quest. A new waypoint appears on your map, marking the location of the shrine. Travel to the shrine and light the candle to complete the quest.

Watcher’s Reach Refugees

Description: Inquisition scouts have been approached by an Orlesian rebel named Fairbanks who requests protection. Fairbanks and his followers are being attacked by a suspicious group calling themselves the Freemen of the Dales.
Starting NPC: Scout Harding
Requirements: None
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objectives:

  • Go to the Watcher’s Reach camp
  • Speak with Fairbanks
  • Examine Fairbanks’s documents

When you arrive in the Emerald Graves, speak to Scout Harding to begin this quest. Head north and take down the group of enemies blocking the path as you continue toward the next waypoint on the map. When you reach the center of the camp site marked on the map, speak to Fairbanks then examine the documents on table inside the nearby cave. This completes the quest. While you’re in the cave, search for the map of Watcher’s Pass to begin the next quest.

Fairbanks Patrol Under Attack

Description: One of Fairbanks’s guards is under attack nearby.
Starting NPC: N/A
Requirements: None
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Protect the patrol

As you venture through the Emerald Graves you will happen upon a group of soldiers fighting off your common enemies. Witnessing this battle begins the quest, and saving the soldiers by killing off their enemies completes the quest. Unlike most other quests, you can complete this multiple times. Any time you come across a battle between these two groups the quest begins again.

Map of Watcher’s Pass

Description: A massive figure with arm outstretched stands guard at the spot marked on this map.
Starting NPC: Map from Watcher’s Reach
Requirements: Complete the Watcher’s Reach Refugees quest
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Find the spot marked on the map

Once you have spoken to Fairbanks for the Watcher’s Reach Refugees quest, you must examine the documents on a table in a nearby cave. The map that begins this quest is located in that same cave. Once you have the map, head north to the Rush of Sighs region of the Emerald Graves. You need to climb up the rocks northeast of the bridge used to cross the river. Once you’ve climbed the rocks, search very carefully for the item in quest. If you move by the location quickly you may miss the corresponding glow on your mini-map.

A Fallen Sister

Description: Fairbanks’s documents mention a Freemen target named Sister Costeau, who was last stationed at the veridium mine in the Emerald Graves.
Starting NPC: Fairbanks’s documents from Watcher’s Reach
Requirements: Complete the Watcher’s Reach Refugees quest
Reward: +967 XP, +200 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objectives:

  • Go to the veridium mine
  • Deal with Sister Costeau

Collecting Fairbanks’s documents during the Watcher’s Reach Refugees quest starts this quest.  Your first task is to head to the veridium mine marked on the map. There are several groups of enemies along the way, so be sure to replenish your supplies at a camp site before you make the journey. When you reach the mine, head inside to take out another group of enemies.

Once the first group of enemies is down you must face Sister Costeau and a few more of her minions. Ranged attackers (especially mages) work very well against Sister Costeau due to her large shield. However, focus on the other two enemies first. Take them down, then shift your attention to Sister Costeau. Once she’s defeated, the quest is complete. Loot the rest of the mine and speak to the prisoners here before you leave.

Not Everyone’s Free

Description: The Freemen have taken residents of Watcher’s Reach captive.
Starting NPC: Prisoner in the veridium mine
Requirements: Complete the quest A Fallen Sister
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objectives:

  • Find the cage key
  • Free the captives

While you’re in the veridium mine for the quest, A Fallen Sister, speak with the prisoners inside to begins this quest. The prisoner gives you directions to find the key. Follow her directions to find the nearby key and free the prisoners to complete the quest.

A Vicious Thug

Description: Documents found in Costeau’s camp mention a commander for the Freemen named Duhaime. He is among peers holding a deserted villa in the Emerald Graves.
Starting NPC: A note from the veridium mine
Requirements: Complete the quest A Fallen Sister
Reward: +967 XP, +200 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objective:

  • Kill Duhaime

Looting the veridium mine from the quest, A Fallen Sister allows you to find a document that begins this quest. You need at least one mage and one warrior for the quests that take place at your next destination. Add them to your party if need be, then head out.

Follow the waypoint to the Villa Maurel region to face off against Duhaime and a moderately large force at his command. When the battle begins, focus your attention of the other enemies, ignoring Duhaime for the most part. As long as you have a warrior keeping Duhaime’s attention you shouldn’t have an issue dealing with the other enemies. Once they’re down, take out Duhaime to complete the quest. Loot the body to start the next quest.

A Corrupt General

Description: Documents on Duhaime’s corpse detailed the whereabouts of the Freemen leader. The man, known as Maliphant, is likely somewhere inside a villa held by the Freemen in the Emerald Graves.
Starting NPC: Duhaime’s key
Requirements: Complete the quest A Vicious Thug
Reward: +967 XP, +200 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objectives:

  • Enter Villa Maurel
  • Deal with Maliphant

You need to kill Duhaime in order to complete the quest, A Vicious Thug. Loot his body to find the key that begins this quest. Use the key to enter Vila Maurel just ahead. Once inside, head to the left and through the next door to find another group of enemies. Take them down and continue through the building making your way toward the next waypoint. Kill any enemies you see along the way and make sure to loot every room as you progress. Search the eastern hall to find a key fragment that begins the Safekeeping quest.

When you reach courtyard, another group of enemies awaits. Once the battle begins, Maliphant joins in with a few more reinforcements. Take out the surrounding enemies first (starting with the archers), then focus on Maliphant. Kill him to complete the quest, but don’t leave the area until you’ve completed the Safekeeping quest.


Description: There are fragments of a runed key scattered throughout Villa Maurel. If the fragments are reassembled, the key may unlock something of value.
Starting NPC: A runed key from Villa Maurel
Requirements: Complete the quest A Vicious Thug
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objectives:

  • Find three key fragments
  • Find a way to reassemble the runed key
  • Find a use for the runed key

The quest A Vicious Thug takes place in the Villa Maurel. While you’re there, search the eastern hall to find the key fragment that begins this quest. After you defeat Maliphant, head to the private chambers on the west side of the building to find another key fragment. The last key fragment is found in a room on the south side of the complex.

If you have a warrior in your party, break the wall down here to reveal another room. There’s a device inside that allows you to reassemble the key if you have a mage in your party. Head to the door across the hall from the room and use the key to open it and complete the quest. Before you leave make sure to loot the newly unlocked room.

A Deluded Chevalier

Description: Documents found in Costeau’s camp mention a chevalier named Auguste who is working for the Freemen. He was last seen at Argon’s Lodge in the Emerald Graves.
Starting NPC: A note from the veridium mine
Requirements: Complete the quest A Fallen Sister
Reward: +967 XP, +200 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objectives:

  • Go to Argon’s Lodge
  • Deal with Chevalier Auguste

Search the veridium mine after completing the quest A Fallen Soldier. It won’t take long to find the documents that begin this quest. Head to Argon’s Lodge, which is now marked on your map. As you approach the new location you have to deal with a large force of enemies and the reinforcements that show up once the fight is underway. Attacks that hit multiple targets work very well to clear out the enemies during this battle.

Once most of the enemies are down, Chevalier Auguste joins the battle with a few more reinforcements. Make sure your mage keeps a Barrier spell active as often as possible once Chevalier Auguste shows up. Focus on the reinforcements before turning your attention toward Chevalier Auguste. Kill him to complete the quest.

Victims of War

Description: With all the Freemen leaders dead, Fairbanks and his people should feel a lot safer in the Emerald Graves.
Starting NPC: Kill Chevalier Auguste
Requirements: Complete the quests, A Fallen Sister, Not Everyone’s Free, A Vicious Thug, A Corrupt General, and A Deluded Chevalier
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Speak with Fairbanks in Watcher’s Reach

Complete the required quests mentioned above, then head back Watcher’s Reach to speak with Fairbanks. Once the conversation is over, this quest is complete.

Noble Deeds, Noble Heart

Description: Clara heard a rumor that Fairbanks is of noble descent. She believes it and wants proof to show the Council of Heralds. If Fairbanks gains power, she hopes he can do more for the people of the Dales.
Starting NPC: Clara
Requirements: Complete the quests A Fallen Sister, Not Everyone’s Free, A Vicious Thug, A Corrupt General, and A Deluded Chevalier
Reward: +1,324 XP, +600 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objectives:

  • Find three pieces of proof of Fairbanks’s nobility
  • Present proof of Fairbanks’s nobility to an interested party

To complete this quest you need the Deft Hands, Fine Tools Inquisition perk. You can acquire this perk by spending Inquisition Points (obtained through building influence) at the war table. Once you have Deft Hands, Fine Tools, add a rogue to your party and head to Argon’s Lodge, the same place you went to for the quest A Deluded Chevalier. Go inside the lodge and speak to Clara to begin this quest.

Head north of the lodge to find a small building. This is where you need the Deft Hands, Fine Tools perk, which is used to pick the lock and make your way inside the building where you find one piece of proof required to complete the quest. Head to Villa Maurel to find two more pieces of proof in the houses just outside the complex. Once you have all three pieces of proof you must speak to Clara or Fairbanks. The person you choose to speak to will determine the war table missions that become available afterward. Speaking to either person completes this quest.

Motherly Encouragement

Description: A young woman fell from a cliff to her death under mysterious circumstances.
Starting NPC: Corpse at the Silver Falls
Requirements: None
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Investigate the fatal fall

Head to the Silver Falls and search the area to find the body of a dead woman. Examine the body to begin this quest. You need to make the tedious trek to Silverspray Perch, which is overlooking the Silver Falls area. When you arrive search the area to find a journal that completes the quest.

A Lover’s Promise

Description: A man has asked his lover to meet him in Gracevine, so they can run away together.
Starting NPC: Letter on a wall of Lion’s Pavilion
Requirements: None
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Go to the Gracevine grove

Head to the Lion’s Pavilion to find a letter on the wall. Examine the letter to begin this quest. Fast travel to the Gracevine camp if you have it unlocked, then head north to find a picnic basket on the ground. Examine the basket to spawn a spider that immediately attacks. Kill the enemy to complete the quest.

A Bear to Cross

Description: A large, territorial bear has been rampaging through the Inquisition camp, scaring people and destroying supplies.
Starting NPC: Johnson
Requirements: Complete the quest Noble Deeds, Noble Heart
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Hunt down the problem bear

After you complete the Noble Deeds, Noble Heart quest, head back to the starting camp and speak to Johnson to begin this quest. Make your way to a cave northeast of the camp and make sure you have a mage with Barrier (two mages would be even better). The bear attacks as soon as it sees you, which usually means you won’t even make it to the cave.

Depending on the level of your warrior, it’s possible the bear can kill you in a single attack. This is why you need a Barrier spell active as often as possible and make sure the warrior maintains control of the bear. Even if you have a high-level warrior capable of taking multiple attacks, the bear will likely kill your other party members with ease. Use fire-based spells and attacks to make this battle a little easier. Kill the bear to complete the quest.

Observing the Menace

Description: Troilus Herbtubise is researching Fade rifts for what he calls his “Great Mission.” He appears to have camped at a safe distance from each rift for a time, observing its behavior.
Starting NPC: A journal south of Gracevine camp
Requirements: None
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objectives:

  • Search for the river camp
  • Search for the second river camp

Look in the area south of the Gracevine camp to find the journal that begins this quest. Head north to the river camp, which is located near a rift. Continue to the east to find the second camp and inspect the body found at the camp to complete the quest.

Map of Elgar’nan’s Bastion

Description: This map, found near an ancient elven ruin in Gracevine, marks a spot near a distinctive arch in the Emerald Graves.
Starting NPC: A scroll near Gracevine camp
Requirements: None
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Find the spot marked on the map

Head to the Gracevine camp and search the immediately surrounding area to find the scroll that begins this quest. Make your way to the west of Elgar’nan’s Bastion to find the stone arches marking the location of the treasure you seek. Look for a large tree nearby where you’ll find the treasure to complete the quest.

Last Wishes

Description: Robert Caron’s last wish was to have his ashes scattered on the plateau overlooking the Greatwood. His wife was too frail to complete the task.
Starting NPC: A note near an urn of ashes
Requirements: None
Reward: +242 XP, +80 Influence

Quest Objective:

  • Scatter Robert’s ashes

Head to Argon’s Lodge and look north to find Andraste’s Strength landmark. There’s an urn nearby which begins this quest. You must go to the northern side of the Emerald Graves to the location marked on your map. Interact with the location to scatter the ashes and complete the quest.

Chateau d’Onterre

Description: An ancient horror has awakened in the chateau courtyard.
Starting NPC: N/A
Requirements: None
Reward: +967 XP, +200 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objectives:

  • Gain access to the grand balcony
  • Kill the arcane horror

The Chateau d’Onterre is located in the northeast portion of the Emerald Graves. This quest begins as soon as you enter the house. Bring a rogue with you to unlock doors as needed. You need to reach the gardens in the center of the house to find a note. Pick up the note then make your way up to the second floor and into the library. Under one of the decorations is another item that you need to pick up.

Continue to make your way through the second floor until your reach the bedroom where you find another item behind a painting. Now you can go down to the first floor and into the ballroom to find another item, then make your way into the servant’s quarters to find one more item. Take the nearby stairs back up to the second floor to reach the antechamber which leads to the upper floor of the ballroom.

Move to the head of the hanging dragon and move the object directly in front of it to shift the position of the dragon’s tail. Head to the tail and pick up another note and a key. You can now head over to the second floor and unlock the door to the balcony. Clear out the horde of enemies, then examine the object on the balcony to receive +10 cunning.

Finally, head back down to the first floor and into the gardens once again. This time there’s an enemy waiting for you. Take it down to complete the quest and clear the house of enemies.

A Puppet Master

Description: Inquisition agents have lured Carroll, the red templar responsible for manipulating the Freemen of the Dales, to the Lion’s Pavilion in the Emerald Graves. It’s time to finish this.
Starting NPC: Leliana
Requirements: Complete the quests A Vicious Thug, A Fallen Sister, A Corrupt General, and A Deluded Chevalier
Reward: +1,324 XP, +600 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objective:

  • Defeat Carroll

After completing the required quests, head back to Skyhold war room and activate the mission, Draw Out the Red Templar Lieutenant. Once that mission is complete, head back to Emerald Graves and venture to the Direstone Camp site and make your way to Lion’s Pavilion.

When you arrive you must face off against Carroll and a horde of other enemies. Some of the minions are powerful, so don’t worry about Carroll until they’re all taken care of. Having two warriors isn’t bad for this quest because you can have focused on Carroll while the other protects the rest of your party from the other enemies. Defeat this group of enemies to complete the quest.

The Knight’s Tomb

Description: Elves are investigating a tomb somewhere in the Emerald Graves that may hold secrets of great historical significance to the Dalish.
Starting NPC: Keeper Hawen (Exalted Plains)
Requirements: Complete the events at Halamshiral
Reward: +967 XP, +200 Influence, +2 Power Level

Quest Objectives:

  • Find the tomb
  • Find nine emerald seal pieces
  • Enter Elandrin’s chamber
  • Locate the artifact
  • Sell the histories to the Chantry or return the histories to the Dalish

Before you can tackle this quest you need to complete the events at Halamshiral. Once that’s done head to the Exalted Plains and speak to Keeper Hawen to make this appear at the Skyhold war table. With all of the prerequisites complete, place a mage and rogue (the rogue is optional if you want additional loot) into your party head to Elgar’nan’s Bastion and make your way into Din’an Hanin (the tomb).

There are plenty of enemies lurking inside Din’an Hanin. Your first task is to obtain nine emerald seal pieces. These are fairly easy to find as you make your way through the tomb, with some seal pieces being dropped by enemies. Make sure you loot every corpse after you clear out each room. There’s a locked door in the lower crypt that requires the Deft Hands, Fine Tools Inquisition perk. While you should have this perk by now, it’s not necessary for this quest as no seal pieces are in the room beyond.

By the time you reach the entrance to the tomb of the Emerald Knight you should have eight of the nine seal pieces. The final piece is found just before you reach the door. With all nine pieces, head into the tomb. Use your mage to energize the four torches around the room, which causes enemies to spawn with every torch. Clear out the enemies, then grab the scroll in the middle of the room.

Finally, you must decide who to deliver the histories to. You can head to Val Royeaux and sell to the Chantry, go to the Exalted Plains and hand it over to Keeper Hawen. If you give it to Keeper Hawen you unlock the war table mission, Bestowing Mourning Halla.

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About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.