Darksiders II Getting a Taste of Abyssal Forge Next Week On Xbox Live, PlayStation Network

Death’s got some challenges ahead of him.

Just because Darksiders II has come out doesn’t mean Death’s journey ends with what happens in the game.  Thanks to DLC, we’re able to visit new areas, like the previously released Argul’s Tomb.  And next week, Death will have even more challenges to face.

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THQ has announced that they will be releasing the new Abyssal Forge chapter of the game on October 30th for $9.99 (800 Microsoft points), or free to those who have subscribed to the season pass.  You’ll be able to fight your way through a new swampy area, the Shadow Lands, to hunt in two dungeons, as well as facing new enemies and situations that, according to the company, will be amongst “the hardest enemies and puzzles yet.”

We’ll be the judge of that once we get a look next week, but the picture above should give you an idea of what kind of obstacles you’ll be facing.  Hint: this dude is anything but friendly.

No word yet if this DLC will be included with the Wii U version of Darksiders II, but we’ve got an inquiry pending now.  We’ll let you know!


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