Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer Divisions That Fit Your Playstyle

Need help choosing your starting Division in Call of Duty: WWII? We can help you enlist in the Division that fits your playstyle.

One of the most important early-game questions you’ll have to answer when booting up Call of Duty WWII multiplayer is “Which Division do you want to select?” While you’re not locked into any one Division, you will have to burn a precious Unlock Token if you find that your chosen Division isn’t to your liking. Save that Token for a new weapon or attachment and instead read on to figure out which Division is for you.

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What is a Division?

Divisions are class types that offer benefits to players using specific weapon types. If you favor using rifles you should use the Infantry class; if SMGs are more your speed Airborne has something for you. Each Division unlocks buffs based on each playstyle and weapon specific attachments that can be activated once a match has started. Not only that, but if you use a Division enough to max out its level, Prestige it and you’ll unlock a new, powerful weapon for each Division.

Call of Duty: WWII multiplayer divisions

We encourage you to experiment with each Division when you can, but for the start of multiplayer look for the one that seems most appealing and roll with it until you’ve got a pocket full of Unlock Tokens at your disposal.


The defacto rifleman’s Division, Infantry will start its members off with a rifle bayonet for every rifle in the game. With it, you melee attack becomes a one-hit kill, while every other melee attack is two hits, unless you strike your enemies back. As you rank up this Division you’ll gain an additional Attachment slot for you Primary Weapon, extra ammo magazines and shorter ADS time. If you love using rifles, this Division is for you.


Call of Duty: WWII Airborne Division

Those who use SMGs regularly in Call of Duty know full-well the joys of moving fast and catching enemy players unaware; Sledgehammer Games understand this too. Selecting the Airborne Division will start all of your SMGs with a Suppressor that can be applied or removed at will. You’ll lose a bit of top damage, but you won’t show up on the minimap when you fire whenever it’s attached to your gun. As you level up this Division you’ll gain the ability to sprint longer and faster and climb obstacles quicker.


Have you ever dreamed of being a one-man army? Of taking on the whole of the Axis with nothing but an LMG in one hand and its bullet belt in the other? Of basically being every great 80s action hero? Good news! There’s a Division just for you and this is it. Staying true to its namesake, the Armored Division will progressively make you more resistant to fire and explosive damage, not to mention immunity to both the shell shock effects of explosives and Tactical Equipment. You’ll also get an LMG Bipod for any LMG you select, which will allow you to set up shop just about anywhere you can prone or on any waist-high cover. This Division is truly for the commando in all of us.


Silent, invisible and deadly at uncontestable ranges, the Mountain Division is where snipers go to be at their best. Working your way through this Division will grant you invisibility to UAVs, make you untraceable to Scorestreaks and unheard by the ears of your enemy. Beyond that, you’ll be able to hold your breath temporarily with any sniper rifle you use, which will steady it until you fire a shot. If your heart belongs to sniper rifles, then this Division belongs to you.


The best close-range players will tell you that having a good close-range weapon isn’t enough: you need gap closers to seal the deal. Thankfully, the Expeditionary Division leaders understand this and have created a group that specializes in grenade usage as a means to distract your enemy while you close the gap.

Every shotgun you use while in this Division will have Incendiary Shells, which start enemies on fire upon contact. It’s not a huge boost in damage, but it add just enough to turn the tides of battle in your favor. 

As you rise through the ranks, you’ll increase the amount of Tactical and Lethal Equipment, gain the ability to throw that Equipment faster, farther and while sprinting, and finally, gain the ability to resupply your Equipment from enemies that you killed.


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Prima Games Staff

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