Broadcast Your Call of Duty: Black Ops II Xbox 360 Game Sessions On, Starting Right Now

Don't worry, PC and PS3 owners, you'll get your turn soon enough.

One huge benefit to Call of Duty: Black Ops II, besides the crazy amount of multiplayer competition and being able to customize your experience in a number of ways, is having the chance to broadcast your sessions live for the world to see.  And starting today, Xbox 360 owners will be able to take full advantage of this.

Recommended Videos has announced that the integration of broadcasting video services for the game have officially gone live, letting you use the Kinect as a webcam and creating some killer picture-in-picture broadcasting in the process.  The set-up is said to be relatively easy – we have yet to try it out – and should definitely open up the community in a number of ways, especially hardcore FPS fans.

As for other system support for the game – in this case, PC and PlayStation 3 – support will be “coming soon”, though a specific date hasn’t been given.  It’s probably not too far off, though.

To get further tips on how to get your streaming just right, be sure to check out the videobelow.  We’ll see you online!

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.