Blizzard tempts WoW players back with Scroll of Resurrection

Auto level 80, free Cataclysm, faction/realm swap, game time.

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Blizzard has announced an new World of Warcraft Scroll of Resurrection initiative to entice back old players.

Resurrected accounts can choose to boost one character level 80; upgrade to Cataclysm for free; move realm or faction for free; and enjoy seven days of free game time.

On choosing a character to boost to 80, the Scroll of Resurrection FAQ clarified: “This means that the character will be granted all class skills and spells up to level 80, a flying mount and riding skill, and a green quality set of level- and spec-appropriate gear for levelling.”

WoW players who resurrect an old friend receive an exclusive faction mount – a Spectral Wind Rider or Spectral Gryphon.

“The [boosted] character will be granted all class skills and spells up to level 80, a flying mount and riding skill, and a green quality set of level- and spec-appropriate gear for levelling.”

Scroll of Resurrection FAQ

The context for this Scroll of Resurrection is World of Warcraft shedding around 2 million subscribers. More recently, Blizzard announced plans to lay-off 600 staff.

But before you cry desperation, understand that World of Warcraft still has around 10 million subscribers, and an operation of that size involves thousands of staff. What’s more, 90 per cent of those lay-offs weren’t related to game development.

Nevertheless, numbers are going down, however insignificant they are to The Big Picture.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.