Autographed Valve Portal 2 Replica Gun Raising Money For Child’s Play Charity

Not for science, you monster.

Those rare Portal 2 replica guns are pretty nifty, aren’t they?  They flew off the shelves rather quickly and gave some lucky owners the opportunity to feel as if they were actually able to shoot portals – even though they can’t.

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But if you missed out, Valve is providing a chance to get a hold of the ultimate Portal 2 gun.  An auction is currently going on eBay for a replica that’s autographed by the entire Valve team.  The current low bid is $990.00, but that’s a small price to pay to help out charity, as all the proceeds will be going to the Child’s Play organization.

It’ll probably be too late for you to bid on it by the time you read this, but still, you can gaze upon it and then try to hunt down a Portal gun for yourself.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.