Assassin’s Creed Syndicate London Stories – Karl Marx Memories

Keep Karl Marx safe while he ventures through London!

While the initial batch of London Stories with historical figures are available after completing Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Sequence 3: Somewhere That’s Green, the Karl Marx memories are not available until you complete Sequence 4: A Quick and Reliable Remedy. Once you unlock these memories, head to the “M” icon on the map to begin. 

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Cat and Mouse

  • Suggested Level: 5 

Follow Marx out of the train station and across the street. Grapple up to the rooftop of the building to the left. From this perspective, keep a close eye on Marx and hit the hanging barrels with a knife when the first spy approaches. If you’re too slow or you miss your chance, there’s another set of hanging barrels coming up that serve the same purpose. You need to kill two spies with hanging barrels in order to complete the optional objective for this memory.

Continue to follow Marx from the rooftops until the second spy makes an appearance. Wait for the spy to move under the next set of hanging barrels and then drop them on the spy. There’s one last set of hanging barrels coming up if you happen to miss this opportunity.

With the optional objective out of the way, keep following Marx, taking out spies as they appear until he stops to talk to someone at the brewery. Head to the next waypoint and recruit the Rooks in the nearby vicinity. Activate Eagle Vision and instruct a Rook to attack the enemies to the southwest. Watch the entrance to the bar and have another Rook attack a police officer when he emerges. This completes the second optional objective. 

Don’t forget to kill the spy when he appears (or allow one of your Rooks to do it), then continue to follow Marx as he leaves the pub. When the traitor starts walking with the police officers, take them out, then kidnap the traitor. You can also use a smoke bomb if you don’t wish to engage the police.

Escort the kidnapped traitor to the next waypoint where you’ll find Marx. Speak with Marx to complete the memory.

Where There is Smoke

  • Suggested Level: 5 

Your first task is to find and ignite three bales of cotton. Head to the roof of the factory and activate Eagle Vision to locate the bales of cotton.  Take down the nearby guard on the rooftop, then head inside via the skylight. Use the rafters to reach the area above the guard on the top floor and use an Air Assassination to complete the optional challenge.

Kill any guards near the bales of cotton, then ignite each one. You’ll find one bale of cotton on the top floor and two more on the lower level. Speak to the foreman when he comes out, then hijack one of the fire trucks and drive it to the next waypoint on the map. Speak with the foreman again, then follow him up the stairs and into his office. On the way back, steal from the foreman, then grapple to the roof of the factory and escape to a safe distance to complete the memory. 

Anarchist Intervention

  • Suggested Level: 5 

Find a carriage and take it through the train station so you can locate the explosive cart. Once you’re inside the station, activate Eagle Vision to locate the explosives, then jump onto the carriage as it rolls by. Don’t kill the driver, just let him be as you hijack the carriage. 

While driving the carriage, it’s important to avoid hitting things. If the nitroglycerin meter drains completely, you will fail the memory. Once you cross the bridge, an enemy carriage attacks, making things all the more difficult for you. 

Continue with the enemy carriage next to you and ram into it when you make the next left turn. If you can knock the enemy carriage into the first route checkpoint you can flip it and complete the optional challenge. Engage the next enemy carriage when it appears, but this time use your gun to avoid messing with the nitroglycerin meter more than you already have. 

Take down the remaining enemy carriages as they appear, then get out of the carriage when you reach the alley and can no longer pass. Defend the anarchist from the enemies that attack, focusing on enemies striking him. When all of the enemies on the ground have been taken care of, grapple to the roof to finish off the sniper. With all of the enemies down, speak with the anarchist to complete the memory. 

An Explosive End

  • Suggested Level: 6 

Quickly move to the Templar carriage on the far side of the alley. You have 30 seconds to reach it, but if you run it shouldn’t be an issue. Don’t engage enemies along the way. Instead, run directly to the carriage and sneak around to the side door. Hide inside the carriage until the two guards get out. 

When one of the Templars walks away, whistle to get the attention of the remaining Templar, then assassinate him when he approaches. Wait for the other Templar to return, then take him out as well. Head inside the building and take out at least five guards by throwing nitroglycerin at them if you wish to complete the optional challenge. Destroy all of the nitroglycerin crates, kill the guards, then return to Marx and speak with him to complete the memory. 

Vox Populi

  • Suggested Level: 6

You are now tasked with protecting Marx as he gives a speech. Follow him through the alley, then activate Eagle Vision to locate your targets. To complete the optional challenges for this memory, you cannot kill any policemen, and you need to put a body in a hiding spot. 

Once the closest policemen walks away, kidnap your first target and escort him out of the restricted area. Move over to the water and kill him there, then throw him into the water if he doesn’t fall in when you finish him off. This completes the challenge of hiding a body.

For the remaining targets, you can take them out a number of ways, but the easiest is simply throwing knives at them. The trick here is to make sure all three are dead before any of them spot the bodies of their friends. 

When Marx is done, take down any enemies that get near him, making sure he remains out of harm’s way. Kill all of the enemies while keeping Marx safe to complete the memory.

For more London Memories and locations for all collectibles, visit Prima’s free Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Walkthrough and Guide.

About the Author

Bryan Dawson

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.