2K Sports Reports Record Sales For NBA 2K13

Majesco's NBA Baller Beats, however, bombs like crazy in its first month.

2K Sports has announced that, with the lack of competition from EA Sports (after they cancelled NBA Live 13), NBA 2K13 has sold like hotcakes.  Though a specific sales number wasn’t given out, the company reported a 49 percent increase over the previous best seller, NBA 2K11.

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“Our early sales figures are a validation of our ongoing efforts to push this franchise to new heights,” said 2K Sports VP of marketing Jason Argent.  “We owe it to our great fans to continually improve our title – year in and year out – and that’s exactly what we’ve done with NBA 2K13.”  We’ll say – we even talked about the awesome stuff you can do in the game here.

Not everything is peachy keen in the world of basketball games, however.  It’s been reported that Majesco’s NBA Baller Beats, a Kinect-enabled music/rhythm game that comes packaged with an actual NBA basketball, hasn’t sold well at all.  In the first month of release, September, the game cleared a meager 3,000 copies sold – a very minor fraction of the business NBA 2K13 did.  Ouch.

Stick with the real thing or go home!


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