Top 10 Most Toxic Fortnite Emotes

You'll never recover after getting hit with these emotes.

Getting eliminated in Fortnite is already one of the worst feelings, but the immediate jump to spectating someone hitting you with an emote can be humiliating. With over 600 emotes, we’ve done the hard work and found the sweatiest and most toxic emotes available to inflict some extra pain.

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The Most Toxic Emotes in Fortnite – Ranked

Below, you’ll find our picks for the most toxic emotes in Fortnite, ranked by how horrible it feels to get hit with it after being eliminated.

10. Crowning Achievement – Chapter 3, Season 1

Video by Fortnite.GG

Unlocked after achieving a Victory Royale, this is the ultimate way to humiliate anyone after they’ve been taken down. Bonus points if you haven’t won a game yet and you just want to flex your 0 wins. I’ve never done something like that, not at all.

9. Floss – Season 2 Battle Pass

Video by Fortnite.GG

While Flossing may not be anywhere near as popular as it was years ago, you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing a child hitting this particular emote. Family functions were some of the most dreaded times during the year of 2018 because someone there was bound to be flossing. It’s even worse after getting eliminated in 2024 in Fortnite.

8. Sweaty – Chapter 2, Season 6

Video by Fortnite.GG

I mean, it’s literally in the name. It could be taken as a sign of respect, showing that they are just absolutely drenched in sweat after taking you out, but it’s more than likely meant to show that they think you’re sweaty. No matter what, this one burns like sweat getting in your eyes on a hot summer day.

7. Swag Shot – Chapter 4, Season 2

Video by Fortnite.GG

Much like the previous emote, Swag Shot shows that the owner is guilty of sweating. They take pride in the fact that they’re trying so hard that they’re sweating, and they’re not afraid to let you know it. This one isn’t as bad as some of the others, and it’s almost more of a self-burn than anything, but it still stings.

6. Say So – Chapter 2, Season 4

Video by Fortnite.GG

I’ve been seeing this one more often lately, and no matter if it’s a squadmate hitting this after wiping a team, or someone throwing this emote my way after hitting with a Sniper shot a mile away, Say So is starting to become more and more toxic. There’s still a way to go before it hits even the top 5, but it’s working its way up the list slowly and surely.

5. Blowin’ Up – Chapter 3, Season 3

Video by Fortnite.GG

There’s little that feels worse than crawling away from someone who just got you down than them whipping out a phone, snapping a quick selfie, and uploading it to whatever version of Instagram exists in the Fortnite universe, but Blowin’ Up is exactly that. An easy way to say “GG EZ” without speaking a single word.

4. Get Griddy – Chapter 2, Season 6

Video by Fortnite.GG

I can’t even lie, the second I get someone down in Fortnite, I’m immediately hitting the Griddy. My coworkers know it, my friends know it, and anyone who has faced off against me in Solos, Duos, or Squads knows it. It’s a real problem and one that I’m not looking to fix anytime soon.

3. Slow Clap – Season 1

Video by Fortnite.GG

This is pretty self-explanatory. A small congratulations in the most humiliating way possible. Want to make sure your opponent knows that you think that they’re an easy elimination? Hit them with the Slow Clap. This is going to be one for the OGs since it hasn’t been available in quite some time.

2: Take the L – Season 3 Battle Pass

Video by Fortnite.GG

There are few emotes that illicit rage more than “Take The L”, which has been in the game since 2018. It’s a good thing that this particular emote isn’t available to purchase from the shop, otherwise, we’d be seeing far more of it. The less I see of this one, the better.

1: Laugh It Up – Season 4

Video by Fortnite.GG

The ultimate toxic emote has to go to Laugh It Up. You’ll feel exactly like the donkey they sound like after seeing someone hit you with this after taking you out of the battle. It’s just the worst and deserves to be deleted from the game forever.

No matter if you’re hoping to hit someone with the Surfin’ Bird after eliminating them as Peter Griffin, or you just want to find out some more about the Flowberry Fizz, be sure to check out our Fortnite section below. The game is continuously evolving, so keep on top with our help.

About the Author

Shaun Cichacki

As a fan of RPGs, Action & Retro titles, Shaun has been gaming since he was a young boy. With an overwhelming obsession involving Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower, you know you're in for a wild ride when it comes to things he's writing about.