The Witcher Netflix Series’ Henry Cavill Talks About the “Very Iconic” Bathtub Scene

We're cool with admitting that we just wanted an excuse to talk more about Bathtub Geralt.

Let’s be real, the latest The Witcher title was more than filled with memorable moments and breathtakingly beautiful scenery, but nothing quite captured our hearts like that iconic bathtub scene did. Geralt of Rivia ain’t too shabby to look at and I may or may not have spent more time than I probably should have thinking about that scene, no shame. Still, it was a hilarious sexy moment in the game and viewers of The Witcher Netflix series got in on that “omff” action as well, something that Geralt himself, actor Henry Cavill, said was paramount to shooting. 

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As for what Cavill had to say about the “iconic” scene, Cavill mentioned in a recent BBC Radio 1 interview that it wasn’t as effortless as he made it look. Cavill is a Very Big Boi when it comes to size and that bathtub? Not exactly luxury size: “I was trying to put my feet up, and I couldn’t—the bath was the wrong shape,” he mentioned in the interview. “But I thought that might have been a bit much, as well.”

But he pulled it off and had the right motivation for doing so. When talking about the impact this seemingly small scene had on the show, Cavill added: 

“It’s a very iconic moment, and a lot of people attribute it to the games, and yes the games absolutely brought that forward into an iconic moment, but it is also from the books. I don’t know how many people realised how iconic it was that there was already a visual attached, so when I was getting into the bath, I was sitting there thinking ‘I wonder if anyone knows how much this is going to explode, this particular scene.'”

A true master of the craft, god bless. 

Haven’t seen The Witcher Netflix series yet for its first season? Want to watch so you can experience the glorious bathtub scene for yourself? Then make sure to check it out on Netflix now! 

So when do you think about how The Witcher Netflix series handled source material?? What do you hope the next wave of episodes has to offer when thinking about what both the novels and the games gave us Hit us up with your thoughts over on Twitter @PrimaGames

Source: BB1, via PC Gamer

About the Author

Liana Ruppert

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Dragon Age and Mass Effect, Liana is wildly passionate about all things in the gaming community. From shooters, to RPGs, if it's out - she's playing it. A medically retired US Sailor and now full-time hoarder of gaming collectibles, Liana's passion for everything in the gaming industry is palpable. Also, if you lose her in a crowd, just casually mention any BioWare game and the crazy pterodactyl screech will without a doubt follow. You can follow her on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy or email her for editorial inquiries at [email protected]!