Prima | End of the Week Recap #28

A look back at everything you might have missed during the week of May 3 through May 7.

Friday is finally here, bringing with it Prima’s regular End of the Week recap! If you’re new to Prima’s End of the Week recaps, they’re features that we put together every Friday to help people catch up with the events of the week.

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Through our recaps, you can quickly scan through all of the news headlines, features, reviews, and guides that we’ve published during the week. We also have a Staff Chat section where the team talks about a variety of topics. And, if you use Twitch, we also do a livestream every Friday from 5:30 p.m. (ET) to 6:30 p.m. (ET) on

With all of that out of the way, let’s dive right in to all of the content posted to Prima Games during the week of May 3 through May 7! 

Prima | End of the Week Recap #28


News Reel

Big Features

Guide Party

Staff Chat




Are you playing New Pokemon Snap, and if yes, are you enjoying it so far? 

I’m not, but my son is! He seemed to be loving it, and I watched him some. Not really my thing, but I’m glad we’re in a place where off-kilter games like Pokemon Snap can come back from the dead. 

Were you surprised to hear about Sony’s partnership with Discord?

Not really! Discord is steadily becoming as ubiquitous as platforms like Google so it makes sense that big companies like Sony would eventually cut a deal there instead of fumbling with proprietary game chat software. Microsoft will obviously do its own thing, and Nintendo already sort of made its own Discord ripoff, so the format is clearly a hit. 

Are there any big games that you’re looking forward to in the near future? 

I’m definitely looking forward to playing the new Final Fantasy VII stuff on PS5, and I’ll eventually get around to Resident Evil. After that I dunno; Lost Judgment should be good and perhaps Capcom will bust out a big surprise for E3.

What are some things you accomplished in video games you’re playing this week?

I rolled credits in R-Type Final 2 which definitely felt like an ordeal. I’m also on my way to the end of Nocturne (maybe) and continue to consistently land in the top ten every time I pick up Tetris 99. 

Favorite piece(s) on the site this week, and why? 

It’s been really fun to see Morgan cranking out these Pokemon Snap guides! There’s been kind of a guide drought so it’s nice to have something good for the format hit. 

Playing any fun games this weekend? 

More Nocturne! Possibly some Judgment! And… maybe some NieR Automata if I can find extra time. 

Any TV, movie, music, or anime recommendations you’d like to share?

Watched a great episode in Star Trek: The New Generation season three about perspectives during wartime, especially how concepts like “terrorism” are enacted and reacted to.

Bonus question, what game, property, or video game character do you think deserves more merchandise?

More Dragon Quest merch that isn’t ridiculously expensive in North America would be nice. I’d also buy a Mystery Dungeon shirt in a heartbeat. 




Are you playing New Pokemon Snap, and if yes, are you enjoying it so far? 

I am and I am loving it! I’m working to get through all of the requests right now and have been putting up guides for a lot of them, and even just the process of writing about New Pokemon Snap has been a blast.  

Were you surprised to hear about Sony’s partnership with Discord?

I was, especially after the rumors that Microsoft was looking at Discord. I think that idea threw people off the scent of Sony also being interested in Discord, at least a little. 

Are there any big games that you’re looking forward to in the near future? 

Now that New Pokemon Snap is winding down, I’m looking at Resident Evil Village. Beyond that, the new Ratchet & Clank game looks awesome, and Chivalry 2 is coming out this summer and I’m very stoked about that. 

What are some things you accomplished in video games you’re playing this week?

Beat New Pokemon Snap and got a ton of Sweet Medals on a photo of Pikachu stretching which brought me so much joy. 

Favorite piece(s) on the site this week, and why? 

Loved reading through Josh’s What Happened Before Resident Evil Village feature as it’s a great way to quickly catch up with Resident Evil’s story.

Playing any fun games this weekend? 

Hopefully Resident Evil Village, a bit more New Pokemon Snap, probably some Fortnite, and as always, Tetris.

Any TV, movie, music, or anime recommendations you’d like to share?

I watched all of Shadow & Bone on Netflix and it’s wonderful, highly recommend it to anyone looking for something to watch on Netflix. 

Bonus question, what game, property, or video game character do you think deserves more merchandise?

Without a doubt in my mind… Kirby. As a parent of a kid who adores Kirby, it’s been quite hard finding Kirby-related merch to buy outside of plushies. One day in the far off future when it’s safe to travel, I’m going to have to go to Japan to get Kirby Cafe merch, they have some adorable stuff there!


Jesse is off today, check back next Friday for his Staff Chat return! 🙂


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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.