Prima | End of the Week Recap #12

Check in with the Prima Games staff, and take a quick look at the games we’ve covered this past week.

It’s that time of the week again… time for an End of the Week recap! For those unfamiliar with our End of the Week recap features, every week we put these together to help you catch up on anything you might’ve missed in the world of gaming.

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We also have a section where the staff takes a moment to chat, and in general, it’s just a warm, happy place with happy little trees (people) as Bob Ross would say. This week, we’re looking at games that have been delayed, and games with updated release dates! 

Prima | End of the Week Recap #12 


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Are you excited for any games coming out this month? 

Hell yes I am! The one I’m excited for the most is also one I have for review (under embargo), so stay tuned for that one~

Have there been any release date announcements that have caught your attention recently? 

I was pretty surprised to see New Pokemon Snap get an April date; I figured that was gonna be further off. 

Do you think we can expect more game delays during the first half of 2021? 

Absolutely. Business leaders kept assuming this situation would be over by now, so I imagine several rocks will get kicked down the road. 

Favorite piece on the site this week and why?

I’m enjoying watching Jesse fall down the Pokemon GO rabbit hole. He’ll never find the end of it but I’m rooting for him! 

Planning to play any games this weekend?

Yep! I can’t name the review game yet, and I’m trying to get Persona 5 Royal off my plate as well. Almost done… I think? 

Are you watching anything interesting (movies, TV shows) that you’d recommend?

I’ve been reading the Final Fantasy: Lost Stranger manga and it’s wild. It’s basically an edgy Isekai somewhat based on Final Fantasy XIV, and it’s bizarre to say the least. I’m not even sure it’s good, but it’s strangely compelling in ways I haven’t digested yet. 

Bonus question, what’s your favorite song right now? Any song, any song at all. 

Anamanaguchi’s bizarre chiptune remix of Das Racist’s Rainbow in the Dark gives me life energy every time I hear it.




Are you excited for any games coming out this month? 

Hitman 3 Hitman 3 Hitman 3! 

Have there been any release date announcements that have caught your attention recently? 

That New Pokemon Snap release date sure was unexpected. 

Do you think we can expect more game delays during the first half of 2021? 

I think so. Whether it’s a delay to later this year or completely out of 2021. Seems like we’re still feeling all of the effects of COVID and will for a long time.

Favorite piece on the site this week and why?

Lucas hit us with all the Gokus and I loved it. 

Planning to play any games this weekend?

Honestly unsure at this point in time. Hopefully I’ll be playing a certain thing but that’s out of my hands right now.

Are you watching anything interesting (movies, TV shows) that you’d recommend?

Well, I couldn’t wait and already watched both episodes of Wandavision this morning.

Bonus question, what’s your favorite song right now? Any song, any song at all. 

This band Hospital Bracelet put out a whole damn record on Tuesday and I highly recommend it if you want to get in your feels. 




Are you excited for any games coming out this month? 

I’m really looking forward to playing The Medium on January 28.

Have there been any release date announcements that have caught your attention recently? 

New Pokemon Snap for sure, I wasn’t expecting it to be coming out as soon as April. Nintendo really surprised me on that one. The upcoming release date for the Zombies map Firebase Z in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War also piqued my interest.

Do you think we can expect more game delays during the first half of 2021? 

During the first half, yes absolutely. I think part of it has to do with COVID, and another part has to do with companies not wanting to find themselves in the situation that CD Projekt Red currently finds themselves in. They may find it’s better to delay and ensure the game is ready to go than rely on patches, at least during the first half of 2021 anyway.

I expect Fall 2021 to be a busy time for games with all the next-gen games coming out, and big announcements for 2022 coming out around that time. I’m excited.  

Favorite piece on the site this week and why?

I don’t normally list my own pieces, but I loved writing the recap for The Medium’s live action trailer. I’d also say the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World review from Lucas was amazing, and I’d echo Lucas on the Pokemon GO rabbit hole with Jesse doing some phenomenal coverage for the game. 

Planning to play any games this weekend?

Probably a bit of Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 now that they’ve added in Sonic, lol. Some COD: BOCW, a few new indies on Steam, etc. We’ll see how many I can actually get time into during the weekend lol. 

Are you watching anything interesting (movies, TV shows) that you’d recommend?

Rewatching some old episodes of Impractical Jokers, feeling sad about how different the world is now, and will likely be for a long, long time. I did finish one really good book that put some things into perspective for me called The Great Influenza by John M. Barry that talks about the 1918 flu pandemic. It’s scary how similar that pandemic was to ours.

I’m actively reading Ten Lessons For a Post-Pandemic World by Fareed Zakaria that makes some really interesting points as well. I highly recommend both, and reading them in the order of Barry’s book first, then Zakaria’s.  

Bonus question, what’s your favorite song right now? Any song, any song at all. 

That’s a hard one, I really want to say one of the songs from Monsta X like Love Killa, but I’ve listened to that one way too much. I guess I’d point to IDEA by Taemin for the video, choreo, and just the fact it’s been stuck in my head with the chorus repeating over and over in my mind while I’m trying to sleep. 


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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.