Interview of the Blood God | A Conversation with Axe of the Blood God’s Co-Hosts Kat Bailey and Nadia Oxford

A Conversation with Kat Bailey and Nadia Oxford, the hosts of the essential RPG podcast, Axe of the Blood God.

Axe of the Blood God is a video game podcast centered around RPGs and related games, like Monster Hunter and The Legend of Zelda. It’s hosted by Kat Bailey and Nadia Oxford and has been around for five years and counting.

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If you love RPGs then it’s already probably one of your favorite podcasts, or you haven’t listened yet. But it will be as soon as you check it out! Kat and Nadia were kind enough to talk with me about video games, podcasts, Xbox Game Pass, and Axe of the Blood God, which is one of my favorite podcasts.  

Note: Interview has been edited for clarity and length.

Interview of the Blood God | A Conversation with Axe of the Blood God’s Co-Hosts Kat Bailey and Nadia Oxford

Josh Nichols: Hey Kat and Nadia, thanks for joining me. I’ve heard you both discuss the definition of RPGs off and on over the years, going all the way back to the very first episode of Axe of the Blood God with Bob Mackey and Jeremy Parish of Retronauts (and a million other projects).

I can’t think of a more qualified and powerful authority on RPGs than the Blood God and the two of you. How would you both define what makes a game an RPG in an industry that loves and has been increasingly influenced by them over the years? 

Kat Bailey: Well, I’ve always been the one who kind of drives that conversation, I guess. But I think that RPGs generally are any game that lets you kind of have a hand in how your characters grow and develop, like any game that’s really focused on characterization.

I suppose that could be from a mechanical sense, where you’re getting loot and making character builds and building a party. Or it could be from a storytelling sense, where you have branching narratives and that kind of thing.

Obviously, it’s a complicated question, because, you know, all RPGs go back to D&D, Tolkien, Tabletop Wargames, and that kind of thing. Then it’s one big kind of tree that branches over the years into many different places and have lots of different foundations.

I don’t think that it’s an easy category to define but generally speaking, if I see a game that has me spending a lot of time thinking about how I’m going to build up my character in one way or another, or how they’re going to grow as a character in a story, then I’m like, eh, it’s probably an RPG.

Nadia Oxford: Yeah, we tend to kind of have the definition Kat went with and then if we want to bend the rules a bit to include a game like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild or Dark Souls or whatever then we just say, you know what, this is a game that has at least some RPG elements and is RPG adjacent. I think it’s a term that we’re using these days.

Josh Nichols: I like that. That’s good.

Nadia Oxford: Yeah. And so, I mean, when you have a game like Breath of the Wild, or Dark Souls, you have a lot of crossover. People who like RPGs are probably going to like those games so I think they’re valid for us to talk about even if we don’t define them strictly as RPGs.

It kind of occurs to me that one of the most “RPG” RPGs I’ve played recently, and this is funny, is Ring Fit Adventure for the Switch. It has so much stat building and a surprising amount of characterization for what it is. It doesn’t have much exploration because you’re on that track, but you do have a lot of “armor.” There are even skill trees with skill unlocks and upgrades so yeah, it’s just funny to say it but Ring Fit Adventure is an RPG’s RPG. It’s hilarious.

Josh Nichols: Yeah [laughs]. What games introduced you to RPGs? And was that the game that made you fall in love with the genre? Or did that just kind of introduce you to them? So like for me, my first RPG was Final Fantasy on the NES, but that definitely is not what made me go “Wow, I love these. These are great.”

Kat Bailey: The game that formally introduced me to RPGs would probably be Final Fantasy VI. I had played RPGs before Final Fantasy VI. I played Final Fantasy Legend and I think I might have even played Pokemon before it. But I knew that I was playing an RPG ass RPG – pardon my language – when I was playing Final Fantasy VI.

Like I explicitly sought it out for that reason. And I loved it. And I was like, I now enjoy this kind of game. That pushed me to go pick up Final Fantasy VII, which made me just wild for all things Square and all things JRPG. Before Final Fantasy VI and Pokemon I had actually been a little put off by turn based RPGs.

I guess you could say, because they seemed overly complicated. I wanted to play a good old fashioned action game or a platformer but by the time I played Final Fantasy VI, I really enjoyed turn based games from that point on. I would say that’s kind of my entry point into the genre.

Nadia Oxford: Yeah, my first RPG was Dragon Warrior / Dragon Quest for the NES. It actually made me fall in love quite hard with RPGs. I love the idea of playing a story. And it was such a thin story, but it was just the idea of not just reading about a princess being saved.

You’re actually going into the lair and beating the dragon and bringing her home. And it seemed so cool and romantic at the time. I was in love with Dragon Quest II and III as well. And then since the Dragon Quest games were hard to get and I could only rent them, I didn’t play any RPGs for a long time.

I kind of fell out of love with the genre. I actually played the original Final Fantasy and really didn’t like it. I found it very archaic next to Dragon Quest III. And so I swore off RPGs for a while. I got back into them with Secret of Mana, which again, talking about RPG adjacent games right here. And that led me eventually to Final Fantasy VI, which absolutely blew my mind. And from then on, I’ve just been hardcore into RPGs.

Josh Nichols: Kat! I really loved what you said about the Xbox/Bethesda deal, the increased corporate consolidation and what that means for the industry. I think you’ve communicated the positives and negatives really well.I want to ask if you think stability, structure and funding will be better for Bethesda and the stuff they make? Or if you think that maybe the more dire development circumstances maybe kind of helped?  

Kat Bailey: I have no idea. I do think that Bethesda was fine going up into this. I don’t think they had anything in particular to worry about. I think that inExile Entertainment and Obsidian, in particular, are the studios that could do with the stability afforded by Microsoft.

I think Obsidian in particular is a studio that’s really benefiting from the resources being offered by Microsoft because it and Double Fine, which is not an RPG studio, but it’s been kind of in the same boat in many ways as a large, independent publisher.

They always felt like they were just one bad break away from falling apart entirely. And now they’ve finally been taken into safe harbor by Microsoft. Now, Bethesda was kind of a whole different beast, because it has, you know, it has Skyrim forever, forever and a day.

So it’s never going, it’s never gonna lose that stuff. And it was generally always fine. Do I think that being under an umbrella like Microsoft could end up making these developers conservative? Possibly? I don’t, it kind of depends on who ends up taking over these publishers eventually.

One of the reasons that Rare kind of lost its magic was because its original creators and its original founders cashed out just a couple years after Microsoft bought Rare. Same with Bioware. Like Bioware, was purchased by EA a couple years later, like, no, five years later, the doctors cashed out.

So I do believe that these studios are a collaborative effort but you do need some vision at the top. And if people cash out and they’re replaced by people who maybe aren’t as good then maybe the studios will flounder. So we’ll see. But overall, I’m not the biggest fan of Microsoft’s acquisition spree for the reasons that you mentioned.

Because I think competition is good and I think that corporate consolidation has been a really bad force in the world for the past, you know, 20-30 years at this point. If anything, I think we should go full Teddy Roosevelt. Do some trust busting. Go Teddy Roosevelt on Microsoft. Go Teddy Roosevelt on some of these other studios. Google. Yeah.

Josh Nichols: Nadia, do you have anything that you want to add to that?

Nadia Oxford: Yeah, I think I’m in Kat’s camp. I believe that this is good for kind of a more off-the-wall studio like Double Fine. I interviewed Tim Schafer a couple years ago at PAX and I asked him “Is Microsoft letting you kind of do what you want to do?”

And the impression I get from him and other developers I’ve talked to is “Yes. Microsoft is quite hands off.” Their main concern seems to be right now. Get the game out. We put it on Game Pass, because everything to them right now is Game Pass, Game Pass, Game Pass.

And I think Microsoft is building up a lot of goodwill by being hands off and being very friendly towards older games, which as we know at the time of this recording, Sony is not. And I’m happy to see that, but the problem with a major company like that is all it takes is one jerk to come in at the top and change everything. And the bigger a company gets, the less they understand what they’re handling.  

Josh Nichols: Yeah, yeah, that’s very true. Nadia, you’re really passionate about JRPGs. I wanted to ask if there are any JRPGs that you would recommend to people that are new to them, or people that have had trouble getting into the genre.

Nadia Oxford: That can be a little hard to recommend because JRPGs, even though they’re kind of known for certain tropes (rightfully so), a lot of them still vary. Like Dragon Quest XI is a fantastic RPG that’s very easy to grok but it’s also slower and menu based and someone might not like that.

Growing up, or rather just observing the history of RPGs going past, I found it interesting that for a lot of people their first entry point was Super Mario RPG. And I think that’s because it was… even though it was menu based, it had that player interaction.

You hit enemies physically the way Mario would and I find those tend to be the friendliest RPGs for people to get into. I can’t really recommend any off the top of my head because they’re all like escaping me right now name-wise, but yeah, some people just like that compromise between action and menu based stuff.

But if you’re looking for something kind of deep and involved [that] has a story that goes on and on and on, a game like Dragon Quest XI is a great choice. If you’re looking for something a little more action based a little brisker [then] Final Fantasy VII Remake is a good choice.

You have an endless, endless slew of retro RPGs to choose from. Again, Super Mario RPG might be a good entry point. It’s still a pretty great game. The older Final Fantasy games, like even the original Final Fantasy VII is still a great game. Yeah, it’s all a matter of trying out different titles and seeing what sticks with you. But don’t give up. Keep on trying, you’ll find one that speaks to you.

Josh Nichols: That’s a good answer. I think it’s interesting that Final Fantasy VII Remake will probably have a similar effect as the original release where it might pull people into JRPGs since the conversation around it is just so big.

Kat Bailey: Nadia remembers how I reacted to Final Fantasy VII Remake?

Nadia Oxford: Yeah, didn’t we have to re-record that episode because you were just [laughs] you were so whacked out, like you were so tired.

Kat Bailey: I was… because I spent all night finishing it. And then the next day, I was like “What the hell? What are they doing?”

Nadia Oxford: Kat was so mad about that.

Kat Bailey: I was sputtering in the episode [laughs]

Nadia Oxford: But in the end, though, like, what did you call it? The best 3.5 game [out of 5] we’ve ever had?

Kat Bailey: Oh, yeah. It was in my top 10 of the year, you know. I didn’t think it was ‘Game of the Year’ material but it was very good. I’m going to replay it when it comes out on PS5.

Josh Nichols: Kat, do you have any JRPGs that you recommend to newcomers or someone that’s bouncing off the genre?

Kat Bailey: Sure, Persona 4 Golden on PCPersona 5. Both are excellent, stylish modern examples of JRPGs. Also Yakuza: Like a Dragon, which is basically Persona, but with middle aged men.

Josh Nichols: What are some of your favorite episodes or memorable moments from the last five years?

Kat Bailey: I mean, I really loved the episode where we recorded in the closet together. The one time we ever recorded together. That was a lot of fun. That was for our 200th episode.

Nadia Oxford: Yeah, that was one of my favorites.

Kat Bailey: Yeah, I think that actually, the past couple years have been some of our strongest material. We’ve had some really good guests, like, you know, Jeff Green and Austin Walker.

We’ve introduced stuff that I really enjoy doing like the Pantheon Game Club, where we all like play an RPG together, and then do an episode where we decide whether or not it deserves to be in the Pantheon. We’re doing Terranigma right now.

And I think shows like, you know, the Console RPG Quest. Once we hit on the idea of doing things like, you know, ongoing series like Top 25 RPG Countdown and Console RPG Quest, I think the show kind of came together, in like a real and pretty meaningful way.

So I feel very good about that… over the last couple of years. I’ve really enjoyed some of the episodes toward the end of our US Gamer run where we were just hanging out with Eric and Matt and gabbing basically. Yeah, that was fun. It didn’t get that many downloads but I enjoyed doing the RPG Quiz Show. That was a fun one.

Nadia Oxford: Didn’t I blitz everyone? [laughs]

Kat Bailey: Oh, you just destroyed everybody with the Kefka.

Nadia Oxford: The Kefka, because I know all his quotes.

Kat Bailey: You knew all his lines. I should have had everybody go first and then you go. That’s how I should have done it.

Nadia Oxford: I was too powerful.

Kat Bailey: Yeah. Like, there are kind of a couple… a few distinct errors. There was the early era, which was… it was like me and a rotating selection of guests and then Nadia started showing up a little bit. And then kind of the middle era where it was just me and Nadia gabbing I guess you could say.

And then the current era, which is a lot more structured, I think. And that’s where we stand right now. I think all of them have their individual highlights, for different reasons. But yeah, it’s been a surprisingly short five years. I can’t believe we’ve been doing this for that long, but at the same time, it doesn’t feel like any time at all.

Image Source: Axe of the Blood God Patreon

Josh Nichols:
Yeah, I started listening in 2017 and went back to the beginning after I listened to most of the recent episodes. It was really weird for me when Nadia wasn’t on there because like you and Nadia were the show. And so that was really weird at first. The show was still good, but I think it’s like when Nirvana got Dave Grohl as the band’s drummer.

Nadia Oxford: [laughs]

Josh Nichols: It’s just like everyone clicked, you know. Nadia felt like the missing half that just needed to be there.

Kat Bailey: There’s just some point where I like went, “Man, every time I have Nadia on the show, it just goes really well. And people seem to really enjoy it.” I thought ‘Hey, Nadia should just be my co-host.’ And I told her this thing unilaterally. Like I didn’t say, “Hey Nadia, do you want to be my co host?” I said, “Nadia, you’re now my co-host.”

Josh Nichols: Nadia, do you have any favorite episodes and memorable moments, other than Final Fantasy VIII of course. [laughs]

Nadia Oxford: I really did like that episode Kat and I did live. And I’m really hoping that once the plague passes, we can kind of meet up more and do that more often. That’ll be nice. I also really liked the episode I recently hosted with Andrew Vestal.

We were talking about like the ancient, ancient days of RPG online fandom. And the dragon fire pages that we ran back in the 90s and all that good stuff. Because he used to do that, like his page, the unofficial Squaresoft home page, that was the first page I ever visited on the Internet.

And we had that discussion about like, you know, how servers in those days are basically an exposed motherboard cooled with an oscillating fan, and that sort of thing. A lot of people told me they really liked the episode and I was happy about that because I think it was very enlightening.

I don’t think a lot of people remember those really ancient days. They kind of formed who I am and what I do. And even though they were terrible, I still cherish them.

Josh Nichols: What are some misconceptions about writing and podcasts that you’ve either encountered or kind of witness since you both have had a foot in each for a long time? Nadia, why don’t you go first?

Nadia Oxford: Biggest especially and it will make you rich. I don’t know what it is like, I know that there’s always been that. That friction between game journalists. And well, a lot of people on Twitter, let’s just say it that way.

And some of them seem to believe that game journalists are really rich and make a ton of money and they’re paid off. And it’s like, No, no, it’s a “If you’re making above poverty wages. It’s incredible. You’re doing a great job.” So we don’t make a lot of money.

It’s… I mean, I love the fact that I write about games, and I talk about games. And I’ve done some really brutal jobs in my past so I have comparisons to make. Of course, I don’t really have any, like delusions about what I do, even though I love what I do.

And I’m glad that people love it. There are more important jobs out there. But yeah, the point is, it’s still hard work.  

Josh Nichols: Yeah, I’ve always explained it to people who think it’s just playing games as “It’s playing games differently than you would normally play them.” It’s a different hat. Like I’ve got a notebook and a pen next to me and I’m asking myself questions when I’m reviewing a game. 

Nadia Oxford: Yeah, and it’s something that – I believe it was Polygon – I can’t remember who it was, maybe even IGN but they are starting to pay people for the time they take playing games for review. That is so important because if you’re reviewing, say an RPG, you’re looking at 40 hours easily for the average RPG.

And people say, oh, reviewers never finish our games. No, they generally finish their games. I can’t speak for every publication out there. But yeah, most of these games are played to completion. And that’s a lot of time that you’re not being paid for. And even though you say, “Oh, well, it’s just you’re just playing a game.” No, it’s still your time. It’s still work.

Josh Nichols: Yeah. And sometimes it’s under really short deadlines.  

Nadia Oxford: I think the tightest deadline I had was I had a weekend to play South Park: The Fractured but Whole. And I did it. It was actually like, I actually thought it was a hilarious game. So  I didn’t like you know, go crazy or anything. But yeah, I finished it.

Josh Nichols: Kat, what are some of your misconceptions about writing and podcasting you’ve encountered or witnessed?

Kat Bailey: One of the most annoying articles I’ve ever read was in the New York Times. It was about three people who grabbed a microphone and took it to the public library and just started talking and recorded a podcast. They got very confused when the sponsorships and the audience didn’t start rolling in.

Nadia Oxford: Yeah [laughs].

Kat Bailey: And, uh, yeah, I think podcasting is a lot of work, you know. And I think a misconception about podcasting is that it just got started in the last five years. Actually, it’s been around a long time.

Nadia Oxford: Yeah it has.

Kat Bailey: It’s grown and evolved a lot as a medium and it’s definitely one of the hottest and most popular mediums out there. So I enjoy doing it [laughs]. As for writing about games, I think a lot of people assume that you just, you know, you go in and you write about whatever you happen to be playing.

Like, “I think this game is good. I think this game is bad.” But actually, in games, there are many different roles, like news, or writing features or doing guides. And they require a lot of different skills, such as reporting, or understanding how analytics works and that kind of thing. And, as Nadia was alluding to, I basically don’t play games during the day. I’m too busy writing about them.

Nadia Oxford: Yeah, exactly. But yeah, you’re right about the strengths and the weaknesses, like people tend to lump game journalists all into one sort of pot. But no, like Kat said, there are feature writers, reporters, like I was a reporter for a while at USgamer before Matt came to fill in that role, thank God.

I wasn’t bad at it. But I didn’t have that drive that someone like Matt or Eric did, like they knew how to look for that news. They knew how to get that scoop.

I think one other thing that people get frustrated with when they try to get into games writing is they think that, “Oh, I’ll just write this think piece” or “I’ll just write this, you know, kind of navel gazing thing about how I feel about a game and sell it, and it’ll be great.”

But unfortunately, even though those are fun to write, most outlets don’t really want those. If someone is filling a freelance position, they’re usually filling a niche. They need a guide usually, or in our case at USgamer like we were very small staff, we couldn’t cover every hot game out there.

I think Destiny 2 was one that we usually kind of farmed out because that was a huge game. But we didn’t really have anyone on staff who was really into the game so we asked freelancers to fill in that niche and bring in that traffic. It’s fun to write emotional think pieces [but] if you’re a freelancer you’re really filling in what needs to be filled in.

And that’s where the money is, especially guides. Guides writers do not get the thanks that they deserve.

Josh Nichols: Is there a dormant RPG series you’d like to see revived?

Nadia Oxford: Breath of Fire.

Josh Nichols: What about you, Kat?

Kat Bailey: Sure, Ultima. [laughs]

Nadia Oxford: Really? I was expecting you to say Valkyrie Profile?

Kat Bailey: No, if they bring back Valkyrie Profile, they’ll just ruin it.

Nadia Oxford: Okay, that’s fair.

Kat Bailey: I don’t want them to run it. Bring back Ultima. I think that it should be an RPG series that’s at least as big as your typical open world RPG series. I mean, that series practically invented the genre. Hand it to somebody who’s really good at making an RPG. Let it blossom into the series that it deserves to be.

Josh Nichols: Okay, so what is either your favorite game or a few favorites if it’s too hard to pick one game. Kat, go ahead and go first.

Kat Bailey: It’s still Valkyrie Profile.

Josh Nichols: How about you, Nadia?

Nadia Oxford: Probably Final Fantasy VI, although I have to say Final Fantasy XIV is really taking up a lot of real estate there lately.

Josh Nichols: I keep wanting to play Final Fantasy XIV, especially when I hear you talk about it because it sounds and looks great but I get overwhelmed by the HUD and everything whenever I try to get into a mindset to try it. It just looks really overwhelming.

Nadia Oxford: Yeah, we were actually talking a bit about that in our last episode was about kind of being overwhelmed by RPG systems and what to do about that. We just discussed like, the way we manage that and gave out some tips.

Yeah because I was extremely intimidated too of course but I just kind of stuck with it and eventually figured everything out. I also have friends who play the game so I asked them. I also Googled questions as well. And of course, Blood God promotion right here: we have a great discord that has a really active Final Fantasy XIV community. 

Josh Nichols: I’ve discovered podcasts from other podcasts a lot. I actually discovered Retronauts from Watch Out for Fireballs. And then I discovered Axe of the Blood God from Retronauts when Kat was on Retronauts. I just wanted to ask if you have any podcasts that you’d recommend to people.

Nadia Oxford: You’d be surprised. I actually don’t listen to any podcasts. I’m sorry. It’s just I have a certain anxiety listening to voices and not seeing faces. The fact that I podcast at all and, according to some people anyway, do it well, is such a huge surprise to me.

[laughs] It’s just, I don’t even know, like I am one of those people who has terrible phone anxiety. I always have, even before the Internet came and destroyed everyone’s social skills. Although I have enjoyed being on certain podcasts, like I really love Retronauts.

I’m on it all the time. Recently, we recorded a Breath of Fire episode. Of course I was on that. It’s not coming out for a while but please look forward to it. Square Roots is another great podcast I’ve been on. We talk all about RPG stuff. We had a great episode where I talked about Secret of Mana.

I just kind of broke that game open and spilled out all the weird secrets because it has so many weird like little bits of lore and bugs that people don’t know about and to just really fun game to deconstruct. Good Vibes Gaming, which recently came out. It kind of launched from Gamexplain. That’s another podcast I’ve been on and I enjoyed that a lot as well. 

Josh Nichols: Cool. Well, I will link those for people and I’m gonna have to check those out too. I do my best to keep up with podcasts but I’m just constantly behind. I just listened to the Metroid Prime episode from Retronauts you were on, Nadia. That was a great episode. Kat. Do you have any podcasts that you would recommend to people? 

Kat Bailey: Well, I’m pals with Hank and Bob. I’ve been on Talking Simpsons a lot. I like What a Cartoon! But beyond that, I don’t really listen to any video game podcasts. I do listen to a lot of sports podcasts. So… Total Soccer Show is a big one.

Bill Simmons. I still listen to Bill Simmons after all these years, even though it kind of makes me cringe a little bit. I love ‘Hardcore History‘ and ‘Slow Burn.’ And recently, I just picked up a whole bunch of new podcasts because the sports season is gonna slow down quite a bit soon.

So like, Revolutions and Blank Check. And All Lawyers are Bastards. And oh yes, there’s a really cool narrative podcast called Arden. It’s a mystery storytelling show. It’s had two seasons at this point. A really good radio drama, so I strongly recommend it. 

Josh Nichols: Xbox Game Pass seems to be really good for game developers in the short term. Do you think it’s good for developers and consumers in the long term?  

Nadia Oxford: I don’t think it’s a bad thing, especially for RPGs. We were just talking about how well, if you want to get into RPGs, you have to maybe sample a bit and see what you like. And, of course, Game Pass is an extremely efficient way of doing that.

Now, I can’t speak about how Game Pass affects developers, publishers and their profits. That’s not really a topic I know anything about. I’ve heard differing accounts. But from my angle, the only big problems I have with it is, number one, I think that maybe it shortens people’s attention span towards games which was already abysmal.

It’s you know, I don’t want to sound old but when I was young, you stuck with an RPG, because that’s all you had for a long time.

You know, there were months and months, if not years in between big titles and to have the option to kind of go back and forth like that with Game Pass is very much like the difference between when we listened to songs on cassette tapes and had to sacrifice that battery life to fast forward versus nowadays on Spotify.

I was like, boop, boop, boop, boop, I don’t want to listen to this song for more than 30 seconds. It’ll make it harder for you to really settle into an RPG. That’s just an outside observation, though.  

Josh Nichols: Kat, what are your thoughts?

Kat Bailey: Game Pass is good. [laughs] I like it. It’s fine.

Josh Nichols: I would like to see a good article on like, how the pay works because that’s the one thing I worry about. I hope developers are being paid enough or making enough in sales.

Kat Bailey: That’s a question that a lot of developers have, I guess. But on the other hand, a lot of games though, would have disappeared and sunk out of sight. And in this very competitive market, they have a chance to be front and center thanks to Game Pass.

There’s a real curation aspect to it. And there’s so many games that I would not have played but I find out they’re on Game Pass and I’m like, “Oh, I’ll give it a shot.” You know and then maybe I’ll end up liking it. The discoverability is a huge problem in the games industry and Game Pass really helps with that. Yeah.

Image Source: Axe of the Blood God Patreon

Josh Nichols: Your Patreon and independent launch of Axe of the Blood God was very successful and continues to be, which is great to see. Is there a particular topic or episode you’d recommend to someone checking out the show for the first time.

Nadia Oxford: I would say personally, maybe start with the Best RPG Countdown episodes that we did. I think any of those episodes. Maybe jump into one of those and take a listen and see how you like the way we sound.

Kat Bailey: Our great Final Fantasy Ranking’ two-parter. That was really good. Yeah, I was actually not sure if I wanted to do that. I was like, “Oh, that’s so cliche.” And “People aren’t going to like it.” And then, like, ranking Final Fantasy, but then like, everybody loved it.

I was like, “Oh, well, okay, we got off to a really good start. It helped that we had some great guests between Ash and Kim. They were both great. But beyond that, you know, our console RPG quests. Those are a lot of fun. And check out our 300th episode that just went up where we talked about RPG pioneers. I thought that was a great episode as well.

Nadia Oxford: That was a good episode. Yeah, our later episodes I find are…

Kat Bailey: Very meaty and well researched.

Nadia Oxford: I think so yeah, like the early episodes are a little bit awkward but we finally kind of found our groove eventually.

Josh Nichols: Your early stuff is still good though. I’ve never heard a bad episode of Axe of the Blood God. I think it’s just, you know, you figure out exactly what you’re doing. It’s a learning experience because you’re defining the thing while learning what the thing is. Thank you so much for joining me. It was super nice.

Nadia Oxford: Well, thank you.  I really appreciate you taking the time and yeah, keep up all the great work. You’re both doing great stuff. Oh, thank you so much. Thank you for your time.

Kat Bailey: Thank you.

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Juno Stump