I Joined the Cult of the Lamb & All I Got Was This Sick Preview | Pax East 2022

Cult of the Lamb is the next game from developer Massive Monster. During Pax East 2022 I went hands-on with the game and since then all I’ve wanted is more cute animals joining cults.

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I Joined the Cult of the Lamb & All I Got Was This Sick Preview | Pax East 2022

The action gameplay mixed with town-building elements flows naturally and kept me going back for more during my time with the bite-sized demo. Sometimes all you need for a game is a good premise and to build on that idea in interesting ways.

This is how Cult of the Lamb sinks its teeth into the player quickly and without hesitation. You’re a cute lamb who ends up being sacrificed to the gods, after that it becomes your sole duty to recruit every animal you can into the cult to grows its numbers and provide more sick followers for the cause.

Its combat starts off simple with a dodge roll and sword swings but evolves as you begin to add more tools to your belt. In the demo, we were given a dagger with new stats and a firebolt spell that gave us a nice range option to work into fights.

But the real star of the demo was the small moments of building up your little cult town. As you recruit followers you’ll be able to have them collect resources passively. Maybe your town needs more wood or stones to build that bonfire. As you get more and more members you’ll be able to have them basically do whatever you want, ya know, cult stuff.

The moment the demo introduced these concepts into the game is when I myself boarded the cult and realized I could potentially lose a significant chunk of my life to the game.

As you progress through these mini-dungeon-like areas you’ll have to make branching decisions about which rooms to hit next. Do you need more materials for the camp, or perhaps there is a room with a powerful weapon in it that would make your life easier? Either way, you won’t be able to hit every room on your way to the boss so make your decisions carefully.

It’s the demo at Pax that I can’t stop thinking about and really just want the full experience to see how deep some of these systems go.

That being said, it was a roughly 20-minute experience and who knows what the full game looks like in terms of scope. However, if it continues to build upon the small chunk I played I can easily say it’s something that should be on your radar.

Cult of the Lamb is slated to release in 2022 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5.

If you’re at Pax East 2022 be sure to stop by the Devolver Digital booth this year to give it a try.

About the Author

Jesse Vitelli

Jesse loves most games, but he really loves games that he can play together with friends and family. This usually means late nights in Destiny 2 or FFXIV. You can also find him thinking about his ever-expanding backlog of games he won't play and being constantly dehydrated. Do not contact him.