Hades | Tips and Tricks From Prima Staff

Prima staff members share their personal tips and tricks for Hades including favorite weapons, Boons, Keepsakes, and more!

Let’s face it, there’s no two approaches to Hades that will ever be identical because there are so many ways to play the game. You could stick with the starter Stygian Blade, or switch over to a different weapon like the Heart-Seeking Bow.

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You can stick with your favorite Keepsake, like the Blood-Filled Vial from Ares, or bounce between a few different Keepsakes to spice things up.

As for combat, maybe you prefer to strike your foes from behind, or you rely heavily on your Cast instead of your main attack or Dash. 

What about Mirror of Night upgrades? Do you go with Chthonic Vitality so you can heal up a bit when entering a new chamber, or do you go with Infernal Soul to increase your Cast ammo?

Rather than give you one perspective on these questions, we thought we’d get the whole staff together and ask them how they’re choosing to play Hades.

Unsurprisingly, each member of the team has a completely different approach to the game. If you’re looking for a few tips and tricks, we’ve got you covered with not one but three different ways to make your escape in Hades! 

Hades | Tips and Tricks From Prima Staff


Favorite Weapon:

The Shield of Chaos! The Adamant Rail and Twin Fists of Malphon are definite contenders, though. But there’s something about ricochet attacks in Hades that feel so good.

Favorite Keepsake(s):

Skull Earring if i’m fighting up close, and Distant Memory if I’m packing heat instead.

Favorite God(s) to Receive Boons From: 

Dionysis’ poison stuff is really useful, as are his sustainability Boons. Zeus is fun too because of all the lightning, but Artemis is also a favorite thanks to the critical modifiers and Cast upgrades.

How Do You Approach Combat?

Hades is an action game, but it follows a lot of principles from shmup games. Always move, pay attention to projectiles and your surroundings (sometimes more than your character or enemies). I also lean way more on Special than Attack or Cast, because that’s usually where the chunkiest or utility-driven damage comes from. The Boons you come across make a big difference of course, but I try to play as straightforward as possible. Give me more damage, give me more shots, or give me passive bonuses. Stuff that asks for extra attention or only gives temporary help goes in the ignore pile.

What Doors Do You Prioritize (Boons, Currency, etc.):

Darkness is definitely what you want to go for until you don’t need it anymore. After that it’s a good idea to chase Boons, especially after you get your first few and can start to plan a build. Currency is a little too unreliable for me, although grabbing Nectar when it shows up is always a good idea. And if I’ve passively earned a lot of money and am happy with my build, Charon’s shop is a good way to look for unplanned bonuses and skip unwanted encounters.

What Mirror of Night Talents Did You Upgrade First? 

Death Defiance, Thick Skin, and greater Reflex for sure. Also a fan of Dark Regeneration over Chthonic Vitality.

Bonus Question, Which Hades Character(s) Would You Romance in Real Life?

I wouldn’t romance any of those jerks, but I would adopt Cerberus and give him pets at every opportunity.


Favorite Weapon:

The Twin Fists are my go-to in every situation. There’s nothing like that fast DPS.

Favorite Keepsake(s):

Lambent Plume for sure. Paired with the Twin Fists you can end a run with upwards of 30% extra speed and dodge chance

Favorite God(s) to Receive Boons From: 

Artemis. The increased critical chance becomes a huge bonus when paired with fast DPS.

How Do You Approach Combat?

My tactic is always to be dashing directly into enemies and bashing them, prioritizing any enemy with a ranged attack first. If I have a knock-back Boon from Poseidon, I try to group enemies up and slam them into pillars or walls for bonus damage. Trying to cluster up enemies is super useful crowd control. On the off chance I decide to go ranged with the bow or gun, I’ll take a plodding and meticulous approach to combat, which is not my favorite style, but it gets to job done.

What Doors Do You Prioritize (Boons, Currency, etc.):

There are two symbols I prioritize above all else: the Daedulus Hammer and the NPC Encounter doors. The modifications you get from the hammer are unique and extremely helpful, especially late-game. It can completely change your tactics. The NPC symbols are important because there is only one per area and the rewards are vital to a good run. Especially Patroclus, who can provide a refill to all of your Death Defiance charges.

If I know a run isn’t going to end well, I will generally begin to prioritize more permanent upgrades like Gemstones or Darkness. I will, however, never go for Chthonic Keys, because like why?

What Mirror of Night Talents Did You Upgrade First? 

Once I unlocked all of the talents, I focused on Death Defiance. Having three charges is vital and has saved many of my runs from ending early.

Bonus Question, Which Hades Character(s) Would You Romance in Real Life?

Oof, this is a tough one. How do you choose from a game where everyone is hot? Nyx and Aphrodite are certainly contenders, but I would be lucky if any character in this game even looked my way.


Favorite Weapon:

Eternal Spear. 

Favorite Keepsake(s):

Evergreen Acorn (unlocks after you give Nectar to Eurydice).

Favorite God(s) to Receive Boons From:

Hermes and Zeus.

How Do You Approach Combat?:

I’m a big fan of the Dash paired with the reach of the Eternal Spear. For Boons, I like the ones that let you to deal damage when you Dash. I’ve found the Boons from Hermes and Zeus work best for me.

I realize weaponizing the Dash may not be the “best” approach, but for me it’s the most satisfying. Not only are you dodging and avoiding damage, you’re also dealing damage to enemies. It’s a win/win.

Keep in mind that you should be careful when using your Dash in fights against enemies with high AOE damage, like the Bone Hydra. Also, you know, don’t Dash yourself into hazards like lava. 

What Doors Do You Prioritize (Boons, Currency, etc.):

Depends on the run, if I’m trying to upgrade Mirror of Night talents for example, then I’ll prioritize Darkness.

If I’m trying to make it through to the end, I’ll go for Boons and things that improve those Boons like Poms of Power.

Usually I go for Boons, though. They’re so tempting.

What Mirror of Night Talents Did You Upgrade First?:

Death Defiance, Greater Reflex, Chthonic Vitality, and then later on, Stubborn Defiance and Gods’ Legacy.

Bonus Question, Which Hades Character(s) Would You Romance in Real Life?:

All of them, they can all step on me. I’d try to woo Thanatos, Nyx, Theseus, and Athena first though.


Related: Hades Beginners’ Guide

The Prima Team also recommend checking out some of these other helpful guides to ensure max success while playing Hades:

About the Author

Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.