Games of 2014 – InFamous Second Son

Take charge with Sucker Punch's long anticipated sequel.

There’s no question that one of 2014’s most anticipated games for PlayStation 4 is InFamous: Second Son. The third chapter in Sucker Punch’s super-charged saga strays away from the usual hero, Cole McGrath, in favor of a new face tearing his way through Seattle using a number of extraordinary techniques to decimate enemies.

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Delsin Rowe has plenty of powers to his credit, mostly fire and ash based. He can transform into a powerful dive bomb and destroy bad guys within range, or teleport through pipes from one area to another, beating up enemies with smoke-based combo attacks. His ability to change from physical form to smoke and back is uncanny, yet highly effective. He’ll need these powers, as the DUP – Department of Unified Protection – will stop at nothing to finish him off.

Being on the PlayStation 4, Sucker Punch has come a long way with InFamous’ in-game engine. The destructive factor has been amped up quite a bit, as you can take apart scaffoldings and other structures with just a few well-timed blasts. In addition, you can also get around quickly with teleports and climbing up buildings, a technique carried over from previous InFamous games.

As Delsin progresses throughout the city, he can obtain new abilities, including feeding off energy through neon powers to amp up his attacks even further. The player can choose how his attacks are leveled up, eventually getting strong enough that he can face bigger and badder adversaries in the game.

With new gameplay techniques, beautiful new visuals that take advantage of the PS4 hardware, plenty of destruction and more, InFamous: Second Son should catapult Sony’s new console to great heights when it debuts March 21st. If you don’t have the PS4 at that point, don’t worry – Sony has a console bundle planned that includes the game in the box.

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Prima Games Staff

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