Did You Find the Rosalina amiibo at Target?

The Rosalina amiibo sold out quickly. When will Target get more?

Yesterday (Sunday, February 2) was arguably the most stressful in Nintendo history, at least in the U.S. That’s when Target sold its exclusive Rosalina amiibo, a character that rose to popularity in Super Mario Galaxy. With stores receiving different amounts of figures and fans lining up as early as 4AM, hopes to purchase what may turn out to be one of the rarest amiibo were high.

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That said, and as we expected, some fans managed to score Rosalina after waiting outside in freezing temperatures for hours, while plenty more left empty handed. In fact, one local Target did not have any Rosalinas and took down names and numbers of those in line.

On the positive side, it seems many stores had a one Rosalina per guest policy and/or handed out tickets, which allowed a higher number of people to walk away happy. Judging by the photo circulating online of several Rosalinas in the backseat of someone’s car, this practice wasn’t store wide. 

What makes things a bit stressful is the rumor that some stores may never receive another Rosalina shipment, and if they do, there’s no concrete date(s) on when that’ll happen; according to a leaked memo, Target may not replenish Rosalina anytime soon. 

With all of this in mind, how did things work out for you? Did you brave the elements in search of the elusive amiibo, and if so, did you buy Rosalina?

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