5 Reasons You Should Buy inFAMOUS: Second Son

From the Seattle skyline to Delsin’s immense power, Sucker Punch gave PS4 fans plenty to love.

While not technically an exclusive, the release of Titanfall on Xbox One has PlayStation 4 owners craving an exclusive of their own. When inFAMOUS: Second Son drops this Friday, March 21st, they’ll get their wish. This being the third installment of the franchise, the well-established fan base can’t wait to experience this brand-new chapter. For gamers on the fence about this title, here’s why they should make it a priority.

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All that Power

Although Sucker Punch Productions, developers of the inFAMOUS franchise, have been tight lipped regarding Delsin’s powers, we’ve seen a brief glimpse at two of them, Neon and Smoke. While Smoke allows Delsin great versatility in evading threats, his Neon power appears to be primarily offensive. While details have yet to come out on what additional powers players will have at their disposal, for the most part, they will be obtained when Delsin nears Conduits. For Neon and Smoke, though, he’ll replenish them using the environment. For example, Smoke can be obtained simply by destroying vehicles. Sounds like fun to us.

Pwned by Parkour

Who doesn’t love a little bit of parkour? Second Son will rely heavily on this feature to get Delsin around the city and to his objectives. Of course, whenever parkour is an option, it normally means the streets aren’t safe to travel on. That’s fine by us. With how gorgeous the game looks, we’d rather have a birds-eye view of the scenery. There’s nothing like the Seattle skyline in 1080p.

Of course, parkour won’t just be for travel. It factors heavily into the combat. Mark us down as excited. Any time you allow players to use their imaginations to combine movement with a complex combat system, good things are bound to happen.

Delsin -vs- Cole

It can be tough to let go of our favorite characters. Whether movies, television or video games, the time we spend with them results in an emotional investment. Although some people might hesitate to fully embrace Delsin and wish for Cole from the last two games, a fresh face can be a great thing. Sequels tend to have two major problems, stale storylines and character limitations. In bringing Delsin to the mix, Sucker Punch granted itself an opportunity to push the envelope with inFAMOUS and keep the series fresh. Of course, just because he doesn’t (as far as we know) factor into Second Son doesn’t mean Cole is gone for good.

You Sound Familiar

Forgive us if we’re starting to think that Troy Baker has some type of long-term contract with Sony. Even though it certainly wasn’t his first role, players will primarily recognize his voice from playing Joel in The Last of Us. Considering some people consider it to be the best PS3 game, we feel that Mr. Baker will turn in yet another excellent performance, this time as Delsin.

The Choices We Make

More and more games allow players to choose their own paths. Think about all the alternate endings to Grand Theft Auto 5 (as if you didn’t pick option 3), or the way that your play style affected the environment in Dishonored. Although we don’t know how the story will play out in Second Son, Sucker Punch already confirmed that players will be able to choose to be the hero, or just kill and destroy everything in their path. For us, this is the number one reason to pick up the game. While we love a good story as much as the next person, what we love even more is to determine our own destiny.

inFAMOUS: Second Son will be available worldwide, exclusively on the Sony PlayStation 4 this Friday, March 21st.

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Prima Games Staff

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