5 Awesome Things We Want to See in Titanfall 2

How about Titanfall 2 on PS4? That’s a great place to start.

There’s no question that Titanfall established itself as a big name in today’s first-person shooter market. The fact that people include this game in discussions with titles like Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts tells us the development team at Respawn Entertainment is on the right track. Of course, in order to stay relevant and competitive, growth is a must. With that in mind, here are some things we’d love to see in Titanfall 2.

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More Titan Chassis

This is one that many people wanted to see in the DLC for Titanfall. While that’s still possible, we already know that we won’t see more in the Expedition expansion, due out sometime this May. Still, more Titans would help keep things fresh. Perhaps we could see Titans specific to a certain game mode, or even restricted in the weapons they carry. Obviously this is pure speculation, but more types of Titans means more ways to find a strategic advantage, something we’re always in favor of. 

More Game Modes

While there may not be a lot of game modes in Titanfall, they are all enjoyable in their own way. That’s a credit to Respawn Entertainment. Most titles load up on game modes, many of which are rarely touched by the bulk of players. Still, with a sequel, we’d love to see a few more objective-based game modes added to the list. Nothing crazy, but perhaps something like Search and Destroy from Call of Duty, or the new Obliteration game mode from Battlefield 4. We’re not suggesting they reinvent, but a couple more solid additions would help Titanfall 2 take that important next step.

eSports Support

Recently, we began watching some of Call of Duty Championships, attended by one of the authors of the Titanfall guide, OpTic Beard, also known as FlameSworDsQ. Whether you like the game or not, the level of competition is addictive to watch. There’s no question that Titanfall could benefit from this exposure, something Respawn took its first step toward with the Private Lobby system, recently rolled out in beta form. If eSports is on the radar for Titanfall 2, features such as LAN play and a spectator mode are essential.

Improved Graphics

PC fans may not have much to complain about in this category. Console players, however, would greatly benefit from a bump in graphics. Currently, the Xbox One runs Titanfall at 792p. While it still looks good, and graphics are not the most important aspect of the game, there needs to be an improvement made for the next title. However, it seems that the good people at Respawn Entertainment might be way ahead of us, with several websites stating that a higher resolution may come sooner than later. If a boost in graphics isn’t in the cards for this version of Titanfall, players will expect it the next time around.

Release on the PlayStation 4

In fairness, this isn’t a change in the game itself, but something we’d love to see for Titanfall 2. While Xbox One and PC players are more than content with the platforms Titanfall released on, players on the Sony PlayStation 4 (whether they admit it or not) are chomping at the bit to get a piece of Titanfall. We can’t blame them. It is quite possibly the best first-person shooter to come out in the last year or two.

For now, we’ll consider this one a wish, but don’t be surprised if it quickly becomes a reality. Even Vince Zampella, co-founder of Respawn Entertainment, confirmed that the studio will make games for the PS4, “Just not the first Titanfall.”

What did you think of our Titanfall 2 wish list? We’d love to hear some of your ideas.

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Prima Games Staff

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