Battlefield Hardline Walkthrough – All Case Files and Suspects with Warrants

A walkthrough for all 10 episodes of the Battlefield Hardline single-player campaign.

This page will serve as the Battlefield Hardline single-player walkthrough, taking gamers through the prologue, as well as all 10 episodes of the campaign. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions to help even the most inexperienced players navigate through this cops versus criminals story. This includes helping gamers collect all the Evidence required to complete the game’s Case Files, as well as arresting each of the Suspects with Warrants.

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Tips for Battlefield Hardline

  • Enemies that have a shield icon with an exclamation point above their heads will give up when players flash their badge. Just make sure there are three or less.
  • Arrests and take downs are separate concepts – Arrests are when players flash a badge, and take downs use the T62 CEW or melee attacks.
  • Remember to check the bodies of downed foes. This is a great way to get new weapons and gadgets that can be equipped as part of the Tactical Gear.
  • Arresting Suspects with Warrants can lead to big points, helping players to unlock new weapons and gadgets to take on Miami’s worst criminals.
  • Use the Scanner to tag and identify enemies. The Scanner is also used to locate and analyze any evidence that players come across, completing the Case Files.
  • Shell casings can be used to distract foes, drawing them away from their pals and into a position where they can be arrested or taken down quietly.

Battlefield Hardline Campaign Walkthrough

Single-Player Campaign Walkthrough

Battlefield Hardline Prologue: Collect Evidence and Make Arrests

The prologue of Battlefield Hardline will introduce players to a little bit of the story, as well as some of the more prominent game concepts throughout its 10 episodes.

Battlefield Hardline Episode 1: Back to School – Scanner and T62 CEW

There’s still some hand holding done by the developers at Visceral Games, but players will see a lot more action in the second episode, including Suspects with Warrants.

Battlefield Hardline Episode 2: Checking Out – Escape the Lobby

This episode can be completed quite quickly if you have a good idea of where to go and what to do. We’ll cover all the bases, including both Suspects with Warrants.

Battlefield Hardline Episode 3: Gator Bait – Disable the Alarms

This episode is much more open than previous missions, but there is a clear path to completion. We’ll even help players locate and disable the alarms and earn a trophy.

Battlefield Hardline Episode 4: Case Closed – Safe Combination

This first part of the episode is packed full of collectibles, as well as a problematic safe that players need a combination to open. We’ve got that, plus loads of tips as well.

Battlefield Hardline Episode 5: Gauntlet – Avoid the Helicopter

Weave in and out of the houses to avoid the search lights of the police and helicopter, completing the optional objective to blow up and escape from the methlab.

Battlefield Hardline Episode 6: Out of Business – Rescue Boomer

Now that Mendoza is back in business with Tyson Lactchford and Khai, the time has come for revenge. Investigate the salvage yard and rescue Boomer.

Battlefield Hardline Episode 7: Glass Houses – Safe Combination

Work with Khai to cut the power and break into the mansion, finding Roark’s secret room and the combination to his safe that can be found in the pool house.

Battlefield Hardline Episode 8: Sovereign Land – Get Your Gear

Players might remember this part of the game from pre-release trailers, and rightfully so. It’s one of the better missions the game has, and we’ll help get your gear.

Battlefield Hardline Episode 9: Independence Day – Get to the Elevator

Things can go very badly in a big hurry if players go for the frontal assault. Luckily, we have a sneaky tip to help players sneak in the back door to reach the elevator.

Battlefield Hardline Episode 10: Legacy – Secret Mansion Entrance

The final episode of the campaign can be beaten the hard way, or the easy way. Both are good, but we can help gamers bypass the tough parts and get right to the end.

Single-Player Tips, Case Files and Suspects with Warrants

Battlefield Hardline Multiplayer Tips for Beginners

These tips will serve as an introduction to the multi-player modes of Battlefield Hardline. It’s intended to help new players learn some of the major game concepts and mechanics.

Battlefield Hardline Multiplayer Tips for Advanced Gamers

Whether you’re a veteran of several Battlefield games, or new to the series with Battlefield Hardline, our advanced tips will help bring your game to new levels.

Battlefield Hardline: Evidence Locations and Complete Case Files

This guide will cover all the Evidence and Case Files in Battlefield Hardline. Gamers will unlock Keep Digging, Detective, True Detective, and World’s Greatest Detective.

Battlefield Hardline: Suspects with Warrants, Bring ’em to Justice

Throughout the single-player campaign, gamers can expect to run into several Suspects with Warrants, and taking them all alive will result in the Bring ’em to Justice trophy.

About the Author

Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.