Modern Warfare 3 Elite DLC dated for PS3

Black Box, Black Ice, Negotiator next month.

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Modern Warfare 3 Content Drops 4, 5 and 6 – map Black Box and Special Ops missions Black Ice and Negotiator – will be available to PS3 premium Elite subscribers on 12th April. 

There or thereabouts, explained Activision’s Dan Amrich – PSN dates are out of Activision’s hand, and European localisation may alter the date very slightly. 12th April is a Thursday, which is an unusual time for PSN content to appear. The US usually updates on a Tuesday, and Europe on a Wednesday.

Before then, on 29th March, PS3 premium Elite subscribers will be able to download the Overwatch multiplayer map.

All of this Modern Warfare 3 content releases first on Xbox 360. On 20th March, Collection 1 – containing content drops 1-6 – will be released for Xbox 360. There’s no date on Collection 1 for PS3.

There’s a Call of Duty Elite content calendar for upcoming Modern Warfare 3 content. This changes dynamically according to the platform you select.

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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.