How to Unlock Avatar Infernas Secret Character in Vampire Survivors (Piano Puzzle Solution)

Well, this is a tough one to unlock.

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image via Poncle

After you unlock and prevail against the final boss in Vampire Survivors, you will notice that a 15th secret becomes available in the secrets menu. If you want to solve this secret and unlock the secret character Avatar Infernas, you’ve come to the right place.

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How to Unlock Avatar Infernas

To unlock Avatar Infernas in Vampire Survivors, players must first beat the final boss, the Director. Players will then need to:

  • Equip Ebony Wings and Peachone.
  • Head to Inlaid Library.
  • Defeat Purple Death.
  • Play the piano following where the birds land.
  • Open the nine coffins until you find the one Avatar Infernas is hiding in.
  • Defeat Avatar Infernas.

If you need more detailed instruction, we’ll lay things out in more depth below. So read on for a detailed walkthrough of how to unlock Avatar Infernas in Vampire Survivors.

Requirements for Unlocking Avatar Infernas in Vampire Survivors

A few prerequisite steps are necessary to unlock Avatar Infernas and have them fight on your side. First, you will need to, of course, beat the final boss.

When that is done, head to Inlaid Library and have the Inverse mode on. Also, the endless mode helped us greatly in this unlock procedure because we needed a lot of time to get this puzzle right.

Our dear Ebony Wings and Peachone must be equipped for this secret puzzle sequence to be visible and to be able to proceed to Avatar Infernas. 

Imporant Note:

DO NOT COMBINE/EVOLVE EBONY WINGS AND PEACHONE. Combining them clears them from your inventory, and If they get lost like this, the sequence WILL NOT WORK.

How to get Ebony Wings and Peachone in Vampire Survivors

If you struggle to get Ebony Wings and Peachone in your inventory, you might want to unlock Banish Power Up and banish some weapons you don’t want to see before the game starts, increasing the odds of getting the pigeon duo. Playing as Exdash or Toastie might now be optimal for this unlock. Also, make sure to be armed to the teeth before proceeding.

Where to Find Avatar Infernas in Inlaid Library in Vampire Survivors

After securing the two pigeons in your inventory, you must travel east (right) to find and unlock Avatar Infernas in Vampire Survivors. To not miss the next step, we advise you to run in the middle of the map and keep pushing to the right, way beyond the position of the Gold Ring and Metaglio Right. At some point, you will see Purple Death playing the Piano in the middle of the map—you will need to defeat it. It’s not moving or attacking you, which is excellent. The only problem is if you accidentally pick up the guardians of the Gold Ring and Metaglio Right. 


Hug the upper or lower side of the wall of the Library while you are near the Guardians of Metaglio Right and Gold Ring to try and evade them. Still, as mentioned above, you should be well-prepared for big fights.

Purple Death fight in the Inverted Inlaid Library in Vampire Survivors
Screenshot by Prima Games

Piano Buttons Order in Vampire Survivors (Piano Puzzle)

After defeating the Purple Reaper, sit behind the piano for the next step in your quest to unlock Avatar Infernas. You must play a tune based on where the birds land, so it’s a typical Simon Says game. You can click the GIF we’ve made below to see the sequence we had! Do not worry if you miss it; it keeps looping. This sequence is not unique to the player, so you can anticipate where the bird will land if you miss it the first time.

Piano Puzzle Solution Animation GIF Vampire Survivors Avatar Infernas
GIF made by Prima Games

Our combination was:

  • 2nd in the bottom row.
  • 6th in the bottom row.
  • 5th in the upper row.
  • 5th in the bottom row.
  • 1st in the upper row.

In Which of the Nine Coffins is Avatar Infernas Hiding?

Avater Infernas is in one of the nine coffins, but the coffin it’s in is randomized each playthrough. You will be moved into a new Arena after completing the Piano Puzzle and here is where you’ll finally find Avatar Infernas. In this Arena, you will see nine coffins on your map (arrows pointing to them). Open them all until you guess which one the Avatar Infernas is hiding in. A fight with Avatar Infernas will break out, and after defeating it, you will unlock it.

Congrats! Now, you also have the new weapon, Flames of Misspell, which will be usable by all characters. This starting Avatar Infernas weapon spawns a burst of flames in the direction the player is moving or was previously. At level 1, it emits cones of flames, and at max level, Flames of Misspell has +20 Base Damage.

How Good is Avatar Infernas in Vampire Survivors?

Avatar Infernas is the best S-tier character on our Vampire Survivors character tier list. The passive bonuses of Avatar Infernas grant bonuses for the following stats with each level up:

  • Curse.
  • Might.
  • Movement Speed.
  • Cooldown.

The cost of Avatar Infernas increases for every other character you have purchased so far. Still, we assure you that it’s a good buy.

So now that you’ve unlocked Avatar Infernas in Vampire Survivors, try to Evolve Flames of Misspell into Ashes of Musspell and see the full extent of Avatar Infernas’ weapon.

About the Author

Nikola L

Nikola has been a Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. He has been gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (when gaming was really good!). Nikola has helped organize dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009.