Skyward Sword HD Quality of Life Changes Detailed in New Trailer

The most complained-about Zelda is getting a little tune-up

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is almost here, arriving for the Nintendo Switch on July 16, 2021. When it was originally revealed, Nintendo brought attention to things like a new way to play the game, adapting its Wii Motion Plus controls to buttons. A new “Quality of Life” trailer was released today, showing off more changes to the original (and somewhat divisive) adventure.

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Skyward Sword has a lot of lasting criticisms, and it seems like Nintendo has endeavored to address many of them. That said, first and foremost the trailer flaunts the improved frame rate, which sees Skyward Sword running quite well on the Switch. But that’s not all – another major point is that the game’s help functions, fueled by Fi, are now optional.

Other oddities from Skyward Sword are also addressed. Players will be able to fast forward dialogue and skip cutscenes, making the game’s pace more brisk for replays. Item information has also been “streamlined.” That means unlike the original, the game will remember after you pick an item up for the first time. The original game would reintroduce items constantly, and more seasoned players weren’t fans of that.

These are minor changes in the grand scheme of things, and it’s also notable the additional, amiibo-fueled fast travel expansion wasn’t present. But still, these are significant changes when it comes to addressing problems with Skyward Sword when it launched for the Wii.

What do our readers think of these changes? Let us know at Prima Games’ Facebook and Twitter pages!


About the Author

Lucas White

Lucas plays a lot of videogames. Sometimes he enjoys one. His favs include Dragon Quest, SaGa and Mystery Dungeon. You can find him on Twitter @HokutoNoLucas. Wanna send an email? Shoot it to [email protected].