Prima | End of the Week Recap #20

Everything you might have missed on the site during the week of March 8.

Another Friday rolls around, bringing with it another one of Prima’s End of the Week recaps.

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If you’re new here and aren’t sure what these features are and what they’re for, the End of the Week recap is something we put together to help readers catch up on any news, reviews, features, or guides they might have missed on the site during the week.

We also have a Staff Chat section where you can get to know the team a bit better. This week, we’re talking about Mario, Bethesda, indie games, and more!

Prima | End of the Week Recap #20

News Kiosk

Farm of Features 

Gourmet Guides

Staff Chat 



How did you celebrate Mar10 day this week? 

I spent way too much time on putting together all the goofy images for our features! Yes, you can blame me for the Mario/Sonic gag. I’m using the Bowser’s Fury theme in Tetris 99 too if that counts.

What are your thoughts on the Bethesda/Microsoft situation, including all of the Bethesda games coming to Game Pass? 

It’s fine I guess? Fallout and Elder Scrolls don’t do much for me, and big corporate acquisitions will always skeeze me out. But I do benefit from games I’m interested in coming to Game Pass, like The Evil Within and Wolfenstein. So a mildly enthusiastic shrug from me.

Have you seen any interesting indie games pop up recently that you’re either playing, or planning to play? 

I’m super hype for Skatebird – nothing is gonna damper that! I loved Monster Sanctuary earlier this year, and I still want to find time for Ikenfell

Favorite piece on the site this week, and why? 

Jesse’s Blaseball coverage is something I appreciate a lot. 

Playing any interesting games over the weekend? 

Gonna hit Bravely Default II as hard as I can, despite it not giving me what I wanted so far. Been jonesing for some FPS action too, but I’m not in the mood for a military shooter so I might play like, Darkwatch or something. We’ll see how that goes.

What about TV, movies, anime, and music? Anything you’re enjoying that you’d recommend?

I can’t remember if I shouted out Jennifer’s Body or not when I watched it recently but it rules so let’s go with that. It’s like a Ginger Snaps for younger millennials.  

Bonus question, what’s one of your favorite video game cutscenes or cinematics? 

My number one favorite has to be the Jack the Ripper sequence in Metal Gear Rising. It’s a really sharp recognition and introspection of protagonistic violence in videogames and it always goes under-appreciated. Revengeance has more substantive social commentary than both Last of Us(es?) put together.



How did you celebrate Mar10 day this week? 

I played some good ole Luigi’s Mansion 3.

What are your thoughts on the Bethesda/Microsoft situation, including all of the Bethesda games coming to Game Pass? 

This is my PSA for everyone to play Dishonored and Dishonored 2. Those games are criminally underrated. As for the acquisition, I’m cool with it if it means the studios have more financial support.

Have you seen any interesting indie games pop up recently that you’re either playing, or planning to play? 

I’ve been playing a ton of Loop Hero this past week. It’s starting to get a lot of traction and it is totally deserved. 

Favorite piece on the site this week, and why? 

I very much enjoyed Morgan’s piece on Mario for Mario day.  

Playing any interesting games over the weekend? 

I’ve recently fallen into a Valorant hole with some other industry friends. Probably will play a ton of that and hop into the Century: Age of Ashes beta as well.

What about TV, movies, anime, and music? Anything you’re enjoying that you’d recommend?

I started Jujutsu Kaisen and if you’re into your typical Shonen anime it’s worth the watch. Its closing theme is also an absolute banger. 

Bonus question, what’s one of your favorite video game cutscenes or cinematics? 

Oh, this is easy. 



How did you celebrate Mar10 day this week? 

Shared my wild ideas in the site’s features about bringing back Mario Paint and having Mario and Sonic compete in a Jeopardy-style trivia competition. I have lots of ideas, none of them good lol. 

What are your thoughts on the Bethesda/Microsoft situation, including all of the Bethesda games coming to Game Pass? 

I won’t lie… I downloaded Prey on Xbox last night even though it’s a game I’ve played all the way through. I really loved that game and I’m eager to see how it performs on Series X. In general too, I’m stoked to see all of those Bethesda games on Game Pass, I think it’ll give people the opportunity to try out games they might have previously passed on like Rage 2.

Seriously, Prey and Rage 2 aren’t as bad as I’ve heard people say they are! Just my opinion, but with them being on Game Pass, you can check them out as part of your subscription and I think it’s worth it.

Have you seen any interesting indie games pop up recently that you’re either playing, or planning to play? 

Oh man, I’ve seen a lot this week as I put out a tweet looking for indies to cover. I’m still sifting through them, the response was larger than I’d anticipated which is awesome. I’ll say that the trailer for a game called Beacon Pines really captured my attention, I have a soft spot for storybook-style games. Another charming indie I spotted is called Luna’s Fishing Garden.

Favorite piece on the site this week, and why? 

Loved all of the Mar10 coverage on the site including Jesse’s piece on Luigi and the one from Lucas about Super Mario RPG

Playing any interesting games over the weekend? 

I plan to check out a lot of those aforementioned indies, several of them have a demo or playtest available so I want to check them out and get a feel for them for future features. It’ll be another one of those research weekends for future coverage on Prima.  

What about TV, movies, anime, and music? Anything you’re enjoying that you’d recommend?

I was talking with someone the other day about Outlaw Star, it’s one I’d recommend, even just checking out the anime intro for it I think it’s rad. I also started rewatching an anime I watched in high school called Gun x Sword and it’s… odd.

I don’t know if I’d recommend Gun x Sword or not but I’m willing to bet most people haven’t seen it and if you’re a fan of gundam/mech type anime it may be something that’s of interest to you. 

Bonus question, what’s one of your favorite video game cutscenes or cinematics? 

Oh my god, yes. The scene in Devil May Cry 5 where Dante starts dancing brings me immense joy. I loved Devil May Cry 5. Adding a bonus reference to the Honeybee Inn dance scenes in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake because they’re equally great.


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Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.