Blaseball Season 12 Weekly Recap | The Expansion Era

Here is your weekly Blaseball recap.

Baseball, the quarantine phenomenon, has had quite the journey over the past year. However, we’re not here to talk about the entire year, just this past week. This week Blaseball returned from its Grand Siesta, which in our time was a few months, but in Blaseball time fans speculate it has been around 18 years. 

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Blaseball Season 12 Weekly Recap | The Expansion Era 

Like any good time jump, plenty has changed in the world of Blaseball, and here is a recap of everything that happened in its triumphant return. 

First off, with the kickoff of Season 12, the wonderful snack vendor had plenty of new offerings for fans of the sport to enjoy. The concessions included new Snack Packs that allow players to hold up to eight snacks at a time. From peanuts to popcorn, too hot dogs, and more. Players also could partake in Tarot card readings to gain insight into Earlsiesta. 

Don’t worry, if you bought too many snacks you can always sell them back to the concession stand, they don’t mind. 

The additions of Earlsiesta and Latesiesta are all new to Blaseball this time around. The Earlsiesta happens after day 27, while the Latesiesta happens after Day 72. This week in Latesiesta, the Baltimore Crabs returned from Blaseball 2 and now suddenly three new teams have entered Blaseball.

Give a warm welcome to the Ohio Worms, Atlantis Georgias, and the Core Mechanics. These teams did not participate in the Postseason but did participate in the election.

There were some early Tarot Readings that suggest two new modifications will be coming, as well as the Over Under on Curry Aliciakeys (Yellowstone Magic) and the Under Over on Kennedy Rodgers (Chicago Firefighters).

All eyes have been on the Baltimore Crabs after Season 11 where fans chose to “Close the Forbidden Book” which led to the ground finally breaking on the Crabitat, home for the Baltimore Crabs. The Crabitat will not be finished until Latesiesta. 

This was, however, until the Black Hole weather event happened. Flooding is now a brand-new weather occurrence that can happen during the season. Players can now get swept up for the flood.


The Postseason begins on Friday and is a bracket of games consisting of the Wild Card Games, the Division Series, the Championship Series, and then, of course, the Internet Series.

Congratulations to the Seattle Garages for winning everything.

After the Postseason on Sunday, the elections are held. Fans can vote on decrees, blessings, wills, and other fancy stuff using their in-game currency owned from making wagers on the games throughout the week. 

The Based Evolution Decree won the vote with a 53% overall score.

“Every Third Championship a Team wins will cause the Team and its Players to Evolve. Players that round the phylogenic Bases will get to go Home.”

You can find a full list of the rest of the changes during the election here, as there are A LOT of them.

Now we have some sad news. Please pour out some peanuts for every player who passed away in season 12.

Joshua Butt and Case Spouts were incinerated and killed by a Rogue Umpire. Their replacements are Gita Sparrow and Roscoe Sundae

Late Sunday night we had the Squid boss show up. You can find a picture of the occurrence below. It brought brand new snacks to the concession stands.

It’s been a truly weird week for Blaseball and with the end of The Expansion Era, it’s only going to get weirder. The next season starts today so be sure to get in there and play some ball! 

Also if you want to keep up with Blaseball the best way is through the Discord channel, and the wiki page.


About the Author

Jesse Vitelli

Jesse loves most games, but he really loves games that he can play together with friends and family. This usually means late nights in Destiny 2 or FFXIV. You can also find him thinking about his ever-expanding backlog of games he won't play and being constantly dehydrated. Do not contact him.